

"You must not die" the King of Etilania orders and everyone across the room went silent as she rises up from the ground. Of course, who wouldn't be, she did not die and she's no immortal, she's only a slave but below her were dead bodies she just killed. Now, who would not be scared? The King's trump-card emerges, this time she will follow and kill with no mercy.

Kaisane · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 8 - Corhall

King Ryu Reiburn De Remiel, after the death of his grandfather the former King, for some circumstances the Duke who served his grandfather immediately announces his coronation to the public. This was the time when the former King could no longer uphold his duties that made the entire Kingdom vulnerable to the outside.

The Kingdom of Etilania has always been defined as the most beautiful country around the world, in addition to that, the royal family ruling over it was much more famous than any other. Brave, kind, graceful, strong and powerful, there's a lot of words to describe them and because of these characteristics, they were loved by their people. But it did not last long when some of the nobles who served the King betrayed them and secretly made contracts to outside countries to eliminate the royal family. This was the start of the great war.

One by one the royal family faced gruesome deaths leaving only the Grandfather and his two grandsons alive. King Marcus Ashger De Remiel was a famous knight across the Kingdom and even at his old age he managed to regroup his people, found trusted comrades and in just less than a year won the war. His heroic story spread far giving people hope and with the death of his son the current King, the crown should be given to his son's firstborn Prince Ryu but he was still young so he decided to wear the crown again although retired until the time Ryu is ready to rule.

Corhall was one of the provinces that became a battleground of war, the reason for this long battle was due to the opposing country. It has also become the training ground for aspiring young Knights and exams were held around the kingdom each year. This year though will be the first time it'll be held in Corhall.

"Everyone! Gather!" A knight announced as everyone in the area stopped what they were doing and gathered at the center. When everyone was complete, Leon walks in towards the crowd.


The crowd gasps when they saw him. It is very rare for a palace Knight let alone the King's Knight to visit the training ground without the King. Leon goes to the center while facing them with a serious atmosphere.

"As you can see we have a guest today," said the Knight

"I know that the majority of you here have been training for a year now and the selection exam is only six months away. It is against the rules for people to enter midway but today we have an exemption" the Knight who appears to be the head looks at Leon with an evil look.

Loud whispers began to surround the area when Catori walks in and stood beside Leon, everyone went silent again.

"Sir Leon here brought someone who will be joining us to take the exams, I know it is against the rules but we have to take her in" the Knight repeated

One trainee asked, "and why do we have to break the rules now?"

"Because she is a recommendation from the palace"

The whispers were becoming louder and louder "Then if it's from the palace... Then it's from the King!" Said another trainee. Catori felt uncomfortable with all the stares and whispers directed at her but since she entered the grounds she already prepared herself and showed no expression towards anyone or anything.

"I'm sorry about all of this" apologized Leon

"It will become more difficult from now on, I can only wish you all the best"

Catori faces him "Thank You, Sir"

"So I guess she'll start training now eh?" The head knight interrupted, both Leon and Catori looked at him uninterested. The head Knight doesn't seem to be bothered "I hope you've come prepared, I've heard about you" he clicks his tongue "I didn't know the Dragon can be so forgiving especially to people like you"

"I believe you should stop there" Leon grips his sword

"Whoah, slow down there Sir Knight, you might have forgotten but you're currently in my territory" taunted the head Knight

Catori can see by the looks of Leon he was not happy at the statement but keeps himself in control.

"I'll be okay Sir Leon," she said

Leon calmed down and nodded his head "Fine, King Ryu is expecting a lot from you, I hope you won't fail him"

They both heard the head knight was quietly laughing behind them but they did not bother to answer back. When Leon finally left Catori the head knight again goes near her.

"A murderer has no place here, I have served the Marquis for over 8 years and he has done nothing wrong to be killed and to think that the one who killed him was you. If there is no King behind your back I would've cut your head" he threatened and turned his back and goes to the center where the Knight trainees gather, they too have spiteful stares towards her

"I'll make sure your life here is hell" he added and they all left leaving her alone

Catori sighed "How nostalgic"


Almost a month passed since Catori was deployed to Corhall. When she arrived the people in the area were hostile towards her, they did not give her any food, a bed to sleep on and even received no proper training. It did not bother her though, she trained herself on her own and even found a small cave inside the forest far from the training grounds. She only visits the area during attendance time and leaves after.

"Where do you think she gets her food every day?" A trainee asked another trainee

"I don't know, probably the leftovers we threw at the trash" he snorted and they both laugh as they walked to the center of the area where everyone gathered for an announcement

"Listen up! We'll be having a survival test today for three days so I need all of you to pair up!" The head knight announced

Everyone scattered around in search of a partner and when almost everyone got a pair, Catori was left alone. The head Knight gave her a smirk "I see no one wanted to be paired with the King's pet" he laughs

"Then will it be fine if I go alone?" She requested

"Suit yourself, you won't last inside the forest anyway - now everyone the rules are simple, survive within three days, you will not be given food nor water. There will be monsters inside the forest, it's up to you and your partner to protect each other. This is not an ordinary test though..." The head knight smiled

Every trainee got curious and were all ears...

"The top 5 pairs to survive after three days will be the only ones taking the exam after five months"

"What!?" the trainees shouted

The head knight laughs while everyone was looking at him "Hahaha! Do you think the exam is that easy? Oh, c'mon, many of you here are sure to fail the exams that is why we're already screening all of you, take it as saving most of your assh*les from embarrassment."

The environment became quite and the head knight can see some trainees look at each other, eyes filled with hatred.

"So good luck because you all need it, the test starts - Now!" he shouted. And everyone started running inside the forest.


"This is so unfair!" A young trainee shouted

"Why would they held a screening test when it's still five months till the Knight selection exam!"

"I guess they thought it's a waste of time, energy and money to train trainees who were meant to fail anyway" another trainee, his partner, answered back

"Tsk! My father invested a lot in this training so I could become a knight! Let's go! I don't want to fail!"

The first thing they did was to find a place to sleep for the night. Since it was not said they couldn't use their powers for the test it was no problem for them to build tents and build fire, in fact, the moment they were deep inside the forest all of them had a place to sleep.

But to aspiring knights, when their head said survival test, it did not mean how long they can stay inside the forest without the proper resources, what he meant was different.


A scream echoed the entire forest and everyone heard it may it be far or near they all did but what they heard next made them more frightened than the scream of an ally getting killed.


"A-Albert, what was that?" Whispered a young man

"Monsters, the head knight wasn't kidding when he said there were monsters inside this forest, let's move farther so that we can avoid them"

The young man nodded

"Hey, You! Moron Gin! Can you dim that light of yours a little? Monsters might find us because of you!" Albert shouted

"Y-yes, young master" another young man wearing a hood answered

The three of them walked deeper into the forest and found a safe spot to sleep for the night.

"Now, prepare the tent and some food," Albert ordered

"Yes, young master" Gin clenches his fist and the moment his hand was formed, the ground in front of him started to sink and made a circle. When he waved his left hand, twigs and branches flew to the center of the circle in a pyramidical form. He goes near and chanted some words and fire came right out of his mouth.

"Please rest here young master while I prepare the tent," he said

Albert and his partner sat down the cozy fire as Gin went a little far from them to build a tent.

"I can't believe he can use all elements" surprised the young knight said

"No, he cannot use all elements, it's just a trick to fool people like you" answered Albert

The young man's expression turned bitter.

"But don't worry, he is a slave for our family, he is here to make me pass this training and the selections exam, he won't hurt you unless I said so"

"I see, a trickster huh, I guess I choose the right partner then, but the head knight said to pair up and there are three of us, how can I guarantee that you won't betray me?"

"Oh, Linden you're such a worrywart, didn't you heard me awhile ago, he is here to make me pass the exam and be a knight, that man's family owes a huge amount of money and could not pay up that's why he became a slave. He will never become a knight" Albert reassured the boy

"Well, if you say so, our family were trade partners anyway, so I guess us being together can be good in the near future once we become knights"

Albert nodded and both boys laugh. Gin finished building the tent and went out to find food. Once he was far enough from the tent, he finally breaks down and sat down under a big tree. He was so tired the entire day before the head knight announces the test he was beaten up by Albert and a few nobles because he spilled food on Albert's shoes. It goes on for a few hours that's why he felt grateful for this test because he knew Albert couldn't do anything without him.

Feeling rested just for a brief moment, Gin stood up and continued to look for food.

How odd, he thought

He was sure that when they entered the forest he can sense a lot of monsters but as he was walking he finally realized that there were no more in this area.


He touched his stomach, he had not eaten for the entire day because his food was always thrown away by Albert.

"I need to eat or else, I can't use my magic," he said

He walked farther and farther and finally, he can smell something was burning up ahead and it was such a delicious smell.

Food! He thought, he ran faster towards the smell and when he sensed his near, he saw a light and hid behind the bushes to see if it were goblins cooking.

To his surprise he saw her, her silver hair was braided sideways and she wore a white cloth that looks like a shirt for men only smaller, she wore a unique color mixed with green and dark green trousers and a pair of boots, she's wearing male clothing but it did not look bad on her, he thought.

"Are you hungry?" The girl asked

Gin gasped silently, how did she know he was hiding when he made sure to hide his presence.

"I knew you'll be coming so I made sure to cook something bigger than what I usually eat" she continued

Gin gulped and had taken the courage to finally come out and there they were facing each other. The girl was looking at him but he can see it in her eyes she was pleased that he did, he turned his gaze towards the food she's cooking and gasped obviously in front of her.

That's a wild boar! Twice her size!

"I'm Catori by the way and you are?"

--- End.