

"You must not die" the King of Etilania orders and everyone across the room went silent as she rises up from the ground. Of course, who wouldn't be, she did not die and she's no immortal, she's only a slave but below her were dead bodies she just killed. Now, who would not be scared? The King's trump-card emerges, this time she will follow and kill with no mercy.

Kaisane · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 2

"You can see him? "

Sweat trickles down Catori's face. Her entire body freezes when she heard the prince's question.

(Impossible) she thought

There's no way this young prince can see him, she knew it above anyone else.

"Hmmm,... I cannot say I can see him clearly but I can sense there's someone else aside from you down there" the prince cheerfully answers

Catori's eyes widened, how can he sense him? For two years she's been called crazy for telling people she's been followed by a strange creature and no matter how much she pointed towards that creatures' direction, no one can see him. She suffered so much for this creature, this shadow, he has witnessed a lot, how she was abused, beaten and even raped but all he could do was to watch her, doing nothing not even trying to help her. Catori then concluded this thing behind her was no other than death waiting for her time to end.

"Don't mind him, young prince... He's no one"

The prince looks at the creature again and seems to want to talk about something but hesitated... "Very well.."

"Prince Aiden! Are you here!?" Zen's voice can be heard from afar

"I guess someone's looking for you.."

"Yeah... I should go now, I'll visit you tomorrow Catori! I promise!" Prince Aiden hastily got up and runs toward where Zen was

Alone again Catori sat on her bed and looks at the shadow now facing her.

"How come he can sense you? You are faceless, a mere shadow"

The shadow raises his hand handing it to Catori.


The shadow turns his head down looking disappointed as if he was rejected and looks at Catori again.

"I don't get you at all.."


The prince kept his promise and visits Catori almost every day. He also brought her change of clothes so she could finally face him directly. Catori, on the other hand, has gotten used to the princes' visits and was quite pleased, for the very first time even if she's behind bars she felt happy.

"It seems the prince has been lively lately don't you think?"

Leon pours a cup of tea.

"Is that so?" the King of Etilania took the cup

"I heard he keeps Zen busy every single day as well"


"You don't show any interest, do you? He's your son." Leon looks at the King with a worried look

"Why would I? He is only called my son because he bears my name" the King puts down his cup and looks at Leon "Did you finish what I asked you to do?"

Leon straightens his back "Yes "

"And about the girl?"

Leon directly looks at the King "She is indeed the one who killed the Marquis of Luwan, the marchioness will arrive here within five days to get her and execute her"

"I see... It's too bad"

"What do you mean your majesty?"

"If only she had spoken to me a few weeks ago, I would gladly keep her as a slave rather than asking the marchioness..."

"You wanted her alive?"

"It's the only way I can show her my gratitude for killing the marquis, I was planning to end his life after all the scandals he made for the past few months. Now, his killer will face death again and this time no one can help her"

"Then what will young Aiden feel?"

The king looks at Leon with a stern expression "Aiden?"

"It seems he's been secretly visiting her"

The King went silent for a moment then takes another sip from his cup.

"He does?"

A messenger arrives carrying with him a letter "Blessing to the sun of Etilania!". Leon then covers his majesty and receives the letter on his behalf "Thank you, you may now leave" the messenger bows his head and without hesitation exits himself. Leon looks at the letter and immediately notice it was not sealed, he starts to read the content. His expression suddenly changes to bleak.

"Your majesty..."


"It seems that your presence is needed in Corhall"


Catori overheard the guards talking about her execution. She was not surprised though she already knew this will come sooner or later. The only thing that saddens her is that the time she will be spending with the young prince will be cut short soon.

She looks at the window where the young prince comes to visit her. For these past few weeks, she was happy spending her free time with the young prince. Suddenly she felt a cold breeze behind her and looks at the shadow, still staring at her.

She discovered the shadow aside from looking at her every single day would sometimes look at the moon at night.

"I'm going to die soon," she said

The shadow struggles his balance for a moment and straightens up facing her. Again, he raises his hand reaching her but she still refuses to touch him.

"Still talking to yourself eh?" a guard approaches bringing her a plate full of food. Catori was surprised to see roasted chicken and potatoes.

"Are those--"

"Your dinner, courtesy of the chef in the palace, I guess your execution is coming nearer now that they're serving you delicious meals" the guard interrupted and suddenly went back to his post.


At the palace's dining hall, young prince Aiden is having dinner with his father. As usual, the chef himself appears and serves their dinner, the moment the chef serves the young prince's food, Aiden grabs his sleeves and whispers..

"Did you serve it to her?"

The chef smiled "Yes, I did young prince"

"Thank you!" he giggled

At the end of the table, the king heard them and looks at their way, both the prince and the chef scramble in fear.

"I'll take my leave now your majesty, young prince.. Enjoy your dinner" the chef hurriedly walks out. Now the dining hall becames silent again, to young prince Aiden it has always been like this so he just silently eats his meal. Both Leon and Zen, on the other hand, was uncomfortable to this kind of atmosphere as they were both present as well.

"Ahem" Leon coughs

The King looks at him "What?"

"Shouldn't you be telling the prince something?"

The king just went back to eating.

"Tell me about what?" the prince heard what Leon said

"Ah! Your Highness, it's just that...."

"I will be leaving for Corhall tomorrow" the King interrupted


"Yes, is there a problem?"

"N-no there's none father, when will you be back?"

"I don't know, for the meantime, Zen will be with you as usual and..."

The King looks at Leon from behind.

"About that new friend of yours.."

Prince Aiden's eyes widen.

"You can do whatever you want, she'll be executed after five days anyway"

"E-executed!? What do you mean father!?" Aiden stands up letting his spoon and fork fell under the table

"Your Majesty, I think you shouldn't be telling the young prince about that" Leon interrupted

"I don't plan on comforting a child who cries over someone he just met... Even if you're young, remember you carry my name"

Everyone in the entire room went silent even the young prince. His majesty's aura change making the entire hall intoxicated harder to breathe. Leon notices it right away and asks Zen to let the young prince go out of the hall immediately.

"Zen, take the young prince out"

Zen who seems to be bothered by the aura agrees "Okay". Without second thoughts he took the prince and went out the dining hall while Leon and his majesty were left alone.

"You didn't have to do that your majesty" Leon approaches the King.

"If he faints because of that then he is not fit to be my heir, you're too good to him Leon. Should I be worried?" the King of Etilania stared deep into Leons' eyes threatening him.

"No your majesty, this knight apologize"

"Then leave me be"

"As you wish"


Zen and young prince Aiden walks towards the princes' room, both were silent and Zen himself didn't know how to comfort the prince. It was just last week that he found out about the young prince visits to the girl in the dungeon and investigates her background. Her name was Catori, age 25, a servant of the late Marquis of Luwan, she was known to be very sickly but one sudden night she was found naked beside the marquis dead body carrying a sharp object. She's currently the most wanted person in the whole kingdom right now of Etilania and now she is the young princes' friend.

He decided one night to end her life without anyone noticing but he was stopped by Leon. He was very confused, the girl was a criminal and she doesn't deserve the young prince's kindness but he only received a smile from his superior. Now that the King knows about it he felt happy knowing that her execution is near. A murderer will always be a murderer, she doesn't deserve to live.

"Please rest well your highness"

The young prince just went directly inside his room. Zen understood how the young prince felt, just a small bit of the King's aura is like a taste of hell. If Leon didn't order him to take the prince outside he would have suffocated inside. Now prince Aiden is inside his room Zen stayed at the door and whispers "Don't worry your highness, I'm always here".


Footsteps can be heard in the garden where prince Aiden usually plays. But it wasn't from the prince himself, there were two unidentified persons. Catori kept quiet while observing the people outside, it seems they didn't know about the dungeon existing below.

"Is everything prepared for tomorrow?" a low key voice said

"Yes," another voice answered.

"Everything must be in place tomorrow for the Lord"

"Indeed, make no mistake, this is our only chance"

Their conversation was only brief and the voices can no longer be heard. Catori decided to tell the guards but she heard footsteps again, this time it's a bit rush and familiar, she runs to the sealed window and is surprised to see him.


"Prince Aiden?"

"You must leave immediately!"

"What do you mean?"

The young prince kneels panting "My father, I mean the King announces your execution after five days! You must leave this place!"

The Prince tried reaching towards Catori but she did not seem to show concern. "It's okay your highness"


"It's okay, I already knew"

"Then you have to leave!"

"No, I can't...remember when I told you I did bad things, this is my punishment. You don't have to worry yourself with someone like me your highness.." Catori sits on the bed and looks at prince Aiden. "These past few weeks has been fun, thank you for visiting me, for playing with me, for being my friend. I have no regrets"

Shocked by Catori's words the young prince just lay there his hands still reaching out "But..."

"Please leave your highness, If Zen finds out you're outside the palace at this time of the night he might get really worried"

"But Catori..." Aiden starts to sob "How can you easily say those things to me? After all the efforts I've done to be your friend?"

"I know and I'm sorry. This is bound to happen someday. I just don't belong here your highness, I don't deserve to live just the same as before"


" Yes, and if you can still see this big faceless shadow behind me. He is currently happy to know about the news you just gave" she points behind her

"This big guy right here is just waiting for me to die and ----"

"NO!" Aiden shouted making Catori a bit surprised

"Can't you feel his sad!? He only wants to protect you! Do you think you're the only friend I have there? He is my friend as well!"

Catori doesn't know how to answer that (What does he mean by protect?) She gritted her teeth as rage started to show within her. "Protect me? Do you know how many I've -----"

"Hey! Who are you talking to crazy girl!?? Is someone with you!?" she was interrupted by a guard who is approaching her.

Prince Aiden rushingly stands up " My father won't be here tomorrow so the moment he'll leaves, I will come back here and find a way to free you, whether you like it or not. You must not die Catori!" and he exited himself from the garden as the guard arrives.

"I know you're crazy and you talk to yourself but please don't shout in the middle of the night. If the King finds out you'll be killed on the spot" the guard warns her

"I'm sorry"

"Very well, please go to sleep while I'm being nice"

Catori rested on her bed as the guard started to leave she speaks "I heard voices in the garden outside my cell, two men having a conversation about the King leaving tomorrow."

"What? You are crazy"

"I'm not crazy sir, I did hear them. Someone even told the other one to prepare for tomorrow. I believe the King might be in danger"

"The only thing that is in danger here is you miss and I don't believe you"

"Why is that? They were talking in the garden just a moment ago"

"That's why you are crazy! There was no garden outside to begin with!"
