

"You must not die" the King of Etilania orders and everyone across the room went silent as she rises up from the ground. Of course, who wouldn't be, she did not die and she's no immortal, she's only a slave but below her were dead bodies she just killed. Now, who would not be scared? The King's trump-card emerges, this time she will follow and kill with no mercy.

Kaisane · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
25 Chs

Chapter 23

Dawn came as King Gayu's troops start preparing for battle. Even the King himself woke up early, feeling excited about tonight's battle. He sits down and writes in his journal when Lars interrupted him.

"Your Majesty" the man still in his white tux greeted

"Ah, Lars! Today is the day! Don't you feel excited!? Hahahaha!" The King stands and pats him on the shoulder. "This will be over till you know it, my intel tells me King Ryu only gathered a hundred knights for this battle because the nobles did not even help him supply more knights while I, I brought more than a thousand of them. Don't you think their nobles find me fit to be their King rather than that false one they compare to the black dragon?"

Lars looks at him strangely "He is not fitting to be even compared to one, a dragon"

"Hahahaha! You are right, well c'mon let's get ready!" The King get his journal on the table and put it inside his chest pocket.

"Your Majesty, before we go out, three of our troops have not yet arrived in our rendezvous point"

King Gayu, "What!? How can that be!? Don't tell me something happened to them!?" The King looked around him "Without those three troops we are down to four hundred people that makes us less than a thousand already!"

"Your Majesty,"

"I'll go see for the other troops while you go on ahead for battle, I'll be back then" suggests Lars

"Hmm. Very well, if you and those troops will be back it will be like a surprise attack, Hahaha!"

Lars, "Yes, Your Majesty"

"Very well! Very well! Please proceed"

Lars gave him a slight bow then heads out.


Back in Corhall most of the Knights who remained left the town as soon as they found out they will be in the frontlines, with the Holy Trinity still traveling as fast as they could Arkynn couldn't help himself but panic again.

"This is bad! This is bad!" He bites his nails as he moves from side to side "For all days they ran away, why now!? Why did they become knights even!?"

Leon who was with him gave him a worried expression "But there are knights who stayed"

"Only a hundred of them!" Both can see in Arkynn's eyes how worried he was about the situation until finally, Gin arrived.

"Y-your majesty" his head pops inside the tent, his eyes filled with dark circles and heavy eyebags.

"Gin! My Gosh! What happened to you!???" Arkynn runs to him.

Gin comes inside feeling tired but still managed to greet the King.

"Blessings to the sun of Etilania, I apologize if we just arrived"

"It's fine, where is she?" King Ryu asked

"She's outside your majesty, you might not want to see her right now"

"Why is that? That's being rude to the King" Leon counter

Gin looked uncomfortable "Well if you say so, Catori - they said it's fine for you to come in" he calls to her outside.

Arkynn looks in horror as the woman who comes inside the tent was soaked with blood.

"Blessings to the sun of Etilania" she greeted, expressionless.

"Are you hurt somewhere!? Why are you covered in blood?"

"Ah- no, my Lord, these bloodstains are not mine"


"It's enemies blood"

Gin volunteered to explain what they did last night and the longer he talked about in detail Arkynn's face began to get darker and darker as he looked at the frail woman in front of them.

[She killed them? On her own!?]

"How many men are left?" King Ryu asked

Arkynn looked at him surprised.

[Why is he not even bothered!?] He turned to face Leon and he has the same expression as him.

"As promised your majesty, they only have less than a thousand" Gin answered

"You mean to tell me you've defeated three troops overnight? That's impossible." Leon finally speaks up.

The two knights nodded.

"H-how did you do it?"

"We just trapped them, Sir, the others, we fought" replied Catori

"How come you can fight that much on your own!?"

Catori looked him straight in the eyes "I can sir"

The King smiled "You never fail to surprise me white hair, very well, prove to them you can by fighting again tonight. Before that happens, you can rest"

"Yes, your majesty" and the two left the tent.

"What were you thinking Ryu!? Do you honestly believe she can defeat a hundred knights on her own? She and that Ward boy might be telling you lies to gain your approval" Arkynn scolded him

"If they lied then they will die in the battlefield if not then we can use them as weapons, isn't that a win-win situation?"

Arkynn and Leon became silent, they have forgotten that there's a greater demon in front of them.

"So stop fussing about this and that because it's starting to get on my nerves"

Arkynn and Leon left the tent and now Ryu and Ciar were finally alone.

"Why are you here?"

The shadow did not answer but instead gave him a slight nod.

"You want me to ask you a question?" He asked

Ciar nodded.

"Hmmm. Did you help her kill those people?"

The shadow shakes his head.

"So you're affirming me she'll do well in the frontlines tonight?"

Ciar nodded again.

The King can't help but laughed a little in front of the shadow. [What an odd creature] he thought then his expression becomes serious "Are you part of them?"

Ciar looks at the King.

"The Creed?"

The shadow need not hesitate to answer, he nods.

The King did not expect the shadow would answer him, come to think of it. He never once asked him as well but he always appears in front of him.

"That White Hair, is she also part of the Creed?"

Ciar pauses for a moment, he nods and shakes his head altogether.

"How shall I interpret that?"

Ciar paused then shakes his head again, then paused until he gets tired and goes near Ryu.


The Shadow stares at him earnestly like he wants to talk but cannot.

"Have you waited for me to asked you that?"

Ciar nodded again.

They were interrupted by a ruckus outside that Ciar suddenly disappeared leaving the King alone.

His Majesty came out of the tent and sees Gin and Catori being surrounded by palace knights and also saw Ciar beside Catori.

[She that important huh? If she could kill an army on her own why worry about her now? That's just plain bullying] he left the scene without a care of what's happening behind him.


"How gutsy you two can be to show up when both of you were not in training? And you woman, what's with that outfit? Why is it you're soaked with blood!?" Pointed one knight. It seems their travel to the Country of Seith was a secret for the palace's knights was not aware.

"Hey, this is not the time to fight, we are in the middle of a war" a young knight grabs the shoulder of the other one.

"Hmp. Just because his majesty took favor to the both of you doesn't mean you could do as you please. I'm in charge here now."

"Now?" Gin asked, he started observing his surroundings and just realized that there were fewer knights remained "Where are the others?"

All of the knights became quiet.

"They left" explained the young Knight

"They were cowards! They are a disgrace to all knights!" Yelled the other one

"Then why didn't you?" Catori asked

"Wh-what does it matter to you!? I'm sure the King won't let you battle because his son likes you! Tsk! Now I'm pissed! C'mon everybody let's get our weapons and prepare for our death!" The first knight angrily stomps out bringing the others with him.

"We can't leave," the young knight said. He did not follow his comrades.

"Why?" Catori asked again

"Because our families are here, the Knights who left live very far from here and hoping the war would not reach them but if it did they still have time to leave the Kingdom" they look at the knights getting ready their weapons

"But the people who lived here did not have a choice. That Knight who yelled at you, that was Sir Cedric, he was a known merchant here in Corhall but he stopped and pursued his dream to become a knight and got chosen by Sir Leon in his selection exam. To be honest we all want to leave but he stopped us by scolding us non stop" the young knight giggle

"Anyway, he's not that bad. I mean the people who remained aren't. The real bullies are the Knights who left. So I apologized on behalf of everyone for being hard on both of you, we might not have a chance to say it later because we might die, but don't take it wrong, of course, it would make us insecure because the person we serve has taken favor to both of you, mostly you miss" he faces Catori

"Well, we already know how cruel his majesty can be...but at least he could just check on us you know... Were ready to die for him because he's what makes this Kingdom and our families are here" he paused

"Wh-what am I blabbing? Well, I'll get ready as well.... So yeah" as soon as he starts walking out Catoti called him.

"What's your name?"

The young knight turns around "Lian, my name is Lian"

Catori nodded.

When Lian joined his group Gin can't help but give out a sigh of relief "Well time to get a proper bath before we die" he walks out leaving Catori "Oy, you should really get a bath because you stink"

Ciar nods in agreement.

"Yeah, just a moment"


Everyone in Corhall was in a state of panic, people who live in the place stayed inside their homes praying while others slowly sneak out of town. It was chaotic and Arkynn couldn't help yelling to Ryu for not being able to talk to his people.

The Knights were all armed and afraid, how can they win this battle if there are a few of them, they thought. All of them gathered at the location where the battle will be held and hold on to their swords and praying for their families and love one's safety. When they saw Leon in full battle gear with his silver armor and cape, everyone was at ease for the least.

"Whoa, to think Sir Leon will be fighting alongside with us," Lian told Cedric

"As long as we don't get in his way or we might be killed as well," the other said, "Where are those two?"

They look around but couldn't seem to find them until Lian saw two figures on the front.

"Eh? Why are they at the front? Just the two of them?

"Ha, they want to meet their end that badly?"

The Knights were murmuring to each other about Gin and Catori that they have forgotten the chancellor, Leon and the King for a moment.

The enemy is here!!!!! A messenger shouts and far away in front of them, they saw the King of Seith himself riding his horse and behind him his army of knights. Their presence was overwhelming that the knights on the other side began to doubt their decision to stay and fight.

King Ryu who was behind them was making eye to eye with the King of Seith who was laughing hysterically.

"What the hell is he so happy about?" Ryu murmured.

"Ahem. Now, your majesty let me explain again to you in detail that whatever happens YOU. SHALL. NOT. GO. INTO. BATTLE. am I clear?" Arkynn bounced in front of him, arms on waist.

King Ryu only gave him a dead expression.

"I don't care if you will hate me because I'm simply keeping my promise as it is. Beside Leon is here..." He looks at Leon and the enemies hundreds of knights "I hope he's not getting rusty"

"I heard that," said, Leon

"Besides, why are we following that girl's plan anyway? I should be in the front lines"

Arkynn, "Oh, I thought you agreed because you don't want to give words of encouragement?"

"Shut up"

King Ryu sighed "Shut Up, the two of you"

Both were silenced again.

"This is good, isn't it? If they succeed then I don't have to explain to those knight brats why they are chosen"

Leon, "I doubt that's your reason Ryu"

The King looked at him with his piercing black eyes and smile "Oh? Whatever my reason is I know you wanted to see it as well, you might see that 'thing' if you want to"

The King was referring to Ciar. Leon turned red suddenly that he was surprised when he heard a gong sound in the enemies signaling their start of battle.

"For the Kingdom of Seith kill those bastards!!!" King Gayu raises his sword and everyone runs to Gin and Catori's direction.

Altogether hundreds of knights came to them and create a small earthquake on the ground.

"I- I'm scared Cedric" speak Lian

"Don't be. If we die let us die as knights" he grips his sword tight.

"Not yet" Catori faces them.

The other knights were confused.

"Don't go forward yet or you'll die"

"Huhhhh!?? Are you mocking us woman!?? What can you do anyway!? You don't have any magic!" Cedric rants

Catori smiled and faces Gin with both daggers in her hands.

"I'm ready"

Gin nodded, he raised his staff and chants.

*Cries of the earth, by my name, do as I command and break the ground in front of me*

"Huh? What an odd way to chant magic" Arkynn commented and suddenly the ground begins to crumble.


"What's going on!? Earthquake!?" Lian screams

A visible crack runs towards the enemies and to their opponents' surprise the ground suddenly opens and most of them fell, what's worse there were spikes beneath and those who fell were impaled.

"H-how morbid" Lian covers his face with his hand.

"Catori.." Gin looked at her

With a nod, Catori runs towards the enemies as soon as Gin closes the gap in the ground.

"Hey! Is she crazy!? C'mon!" Cedric raises his sword and the other knights followed him.

All of them charged forward following Catori whose on the lead when she's finally near a group of Seith's Knight she immediately jumped towards them and slashes their throats one by one. It was all to fast that Cedric, Lian and the other knights stopped in their tracks and can't help opening their mouths.

After Catori was done killing her enemies, the bodies flew in slow motion and fell to the ground leaving everyone speechless.

"I agree, it's gross, but it's the only strategy I know to win" then she continued her killing spree.

With that one moment, everyone stood still as they look at the woman killing every Seith Knight she could lay her eyes on, it gives them courage and at the same time pride.

"The hell I will lose to a woman like her!!!!!!" Cedric screams and charges to his enemies and starts attacking. "Don't you dare mock us, woman!! We are Knights also!!"

Cedric's words were like bombs that sparked a fire within his comrades and altogether strike their enemies.

"This is becoming a comedy" Leon comments, he slowly starts walking into battle "But it seems you enjoy this kind of comedy, your majesty"

Confused by Leon's statement Arkynn gazes at the King and to his surprise, he was smiling from ear to ear.

[Have we awaken something in him?] He asks himself

--- end.