

"You must not die" the King of Etilania orders and everyone across the room went silent as she rises up from the ground. Of course, who wouldn't be, she did not die and she's no immortal, she's only a slave but below her were dead bodies she just killed. Now, who would not be scared? The King's trump-card emerges, this time she will follow and kill with no mercy.

Kaisane · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
25 Chs

Chapter 21

The Kingdom of Seith is west of Etilania that can be traveled both by Air and land. Gin and Catori finally arrived at the country wearing cloaks, brown for Gin and white for Catori. Per instruction of Leon to avoid getting noticed they both also wore masks to at least cover most of their faces.

"It's hard to breathe in this thing don't you think?" Gin asked, he looked at Catori getting comfortable "I see you have no problem about it"

Although he could not see it due to the mask he can see the glow in Catori's eyes that she was smiling. They have traveled by Air using the Palace's Airship but they only ride it half of the trip and travel by horse through the other half till they arrived.

Gin enjoyed watching Catori inside the ship, he can see it was the lady's first time riding it and so much excitement goes out of her. The Airship was amazing as well, common ships usually have dull colors such as brown, grey, white and they are run by a mechanism that only wind users can handle. The King's Airship though was a grand one with all its unique black color steampunk style that when at night it disguises itself in the starry skies. That was the reason they left during the dark to avoid suspicious eyes.

The capital of Seith - Corun has high walls surrounding the village. Castalia, the capital of Etilania was famous because of its vast mountains, forest and lakes whereas Corun is filled with merchants and civilians everywhere. Tall medieval types of buildings can be seen in the area and there were lesser trees.

"It's like a marketplace" mentioned Catori

"Yeah, it does give you that kind of vibe right? I heard the King likes new and exotic things that's why tons of merchants came here" Gin explained

"Let's look for a place to stay" he offered

The two went to the busy streets of town searching for a place to sleep. It was right that the two wore cloaks for it is common in the area. Catori could see endless merchants selling different kinds of things from food, fabrics, animals to jewels. She couldn't help herself watching every little detail the place could give.

"Let's stay here" Gin interrupted her thoughts. They found a small inn inside a dark alley far from the crowd. Catori suggested only get one room but Gin was adamant to have them separated thus he won. Both stayed in their respective rooms until the sun had set.

Already geared with his weapon and wearing a tight black top and camouflage cargo pants (as what Catori called it) Gin was about to go out of his room and get Catori until he heard a tap on his window.

Tap! Tap!

He looked behind and sees Catori outside waving her hands telling him to come there instead.

"W-what the hell are you doing outside!?" A baffled Gin asked

"Shhh. Someone might hear you Sir Gin" Catori answered giving a hushing gesture. The building of the inn only has four floors and they were designated at the topmost of the building. Since the inn is also located in a squatter area most houses and buildings were unfinished and closer to each other. Catori was standing on another rooftop beside the inn.

"It's better if we go out this way, people might find it weird if we go out the main door together in the middle of the night"

"And why would they even care to mind us, we're in the shadiest part of town"

Catori nodded her head " because we are in the shadiest part of town"

Gin was about to rebut her but decided to talk to her after the mission.

"So how do you plan on getting inside the palace exactly?"

Catori, "We'll run like this roof by roof"



It took them only a few minutes to finally reach the palace and Gun was amazed by it.

[If we had run across the street it's more likely it will take a while to reach the palace] he thought. And the clothes they were wearing were quite comfortable to move around. Back in the palace Catori suggested not bringing their knight clothes but instead wore something light. As a mage himself who was used to wearing robes, he cannot bring himself to wear such a seamless outfit but in the end, he cannot reject Catori's plea.

"I'm glad you're starting to get used to the outfit" she mentions

Gin gave her a small smile. It's still not the best outfit for him though.

They got inside the palace easily through the roof and fortunately one window was opened at the top. The knights guarding were staying at the entrance and the exit. There were only a few knights who patrol the area and due to their dark outfits, they can easily move without being seen.

[This is the first time I have entered a palace so easily] Gin thought and continues to follow Catori [How come she's so comfortable about this? It's like she's done this a lot of times]

They went inside an empty room filled with a lot of antique stuff.

"I can see the King likes antique and exotic stuff" Catori confirmed

The two slowly walks out of the room and in the hallways inside the palace they began searching the King's bedroom.

Catori had an awful feeling inside though for the place is similar to Marquis' estate; Dark and Gloomy. Only a few servants can be seen walking around the hallway, once they saw two servant maids walking they followed them behind and tried listening to their conversation.

"I can't believe his majesty is trying to go to war against Etilania again," said one servant

"To think Etilania's Chancellor made all the effort to come here and got rejected," the other servant said

"C'mon let's follow them" Gin whispered to Catori

They followed them until they entered a huge door and slowly goes in together with them.

"It's because he's so obsessed with what that 'Man' told him"

"Ah, I know what you mean, if only he did not entice the King of his silly fairytales"

Clak! Step step step.

"Hush, you know he has eyes everywhere. Let us go now or we might get in trouble"

The two servant maids rushed together in the darkest part of the room which leads to another small space and suddenly vanished.

"It must be their bed chambers" Gin explained to Catori for them not to follow the two servants.

"Well, that was interesting, who is this 'Man' that the King of Seith befriended that made him so difficult to accept the treaty?" He rubs his chin "and what silly fairytales?"

Clak! Clak! Clak! Step step step

The sound of a door opening and somebody's footsteps can be heard louder outside. Gin and Catori stealthily followed the sound and saw a man walking in the hallways alone. He was mature with Golden Brown hair, probably in his late 40's, wearing a silver and white tuxedo with a black bow tie. The man has deep gentle brown eyes and gives off an unnerving atmosphere around him.

"That must be him" whispered Gin

The two followed him until they have reached another huge door but this time there was someone inside.

"Lars? Is that you?" A voice from the inside speaks

"Yes, Your Majesty" the man replied.

The door opens and the man went inside.

"Well, we can't go in there" Gin looked at Catori and finally he sees Ciar appear since the time they arrived here.

"Catori" he whispered


"Can Ciar go in there with his mana presence suppress?"

They look at the shadow behind them, Ciar nodded.

"I guess it's a yes but how can we hear them from the inside if he goes in?"

"With this" Gin pulls out a few leaves from his pocket and starts to chant, the leaves then turned into a forest sprite.

"Oh, it's a?"

Gin, "You haven't seen a forest sprite?"

Catori shakes her head.

"They are spirits of the forest and because of my control over earth I can communicate with them" he put the sprite on top of Catori's shoulder and the sprite has taken a liking to her and rubs her cheeks in Catori's cheek.

[Cute] Gin thought but shakes his head to focus "Now, Ciar and this forest sprite will go inside undetected, that little fella can hide his presence as well"

Catori led the sprite towards Ciar's hand and the two look awkward with each other but the sprite was not frightened by Ciar's appearance. They start to move and through the wall, they went inside.


On the other side of the room.

"In three days, we'll ambush Corhall" The King of Seith announces. He was just an old man already in his fifties wearing a lavishly emerald color robe and a lot of pieces of jewelry.

"Your Majesty" Lars bows

"Hmm, no need for formality Lars! Hohohoho! Only a few days more and we will conquer Corhall and next it's capital!" King Gayu circle his room and presented his war table to Lars.

"So? What do you think? Will you be able to help me?"

The man in tux looked at him expressionless "If only I could, your majesty but you know about my current situation right now, I cannot fight along with you"

"No! No! Hahaha, that's not what I meant lad, I understand your situation very well and I assure you, you have my help. I just need you to be my right-hand man, that is all"

"Well, if his majesty insists, how can I not refuse?" Still, with a blank face, Lars replied

"Good! Good! That country will be mine and all its secrets! To think its people don't even like their King! Hahaha!" King Gayu rests his arms on both Lars's shoulders "Once I become Etilania's King, surely the Creed will follow me, right?"

Lars smiled "If they find you worthy your majesty"

"Ha! But I am! I have been a King of this country for so long, expanding it won't be a problem! Hohohoho! That damn Marcus, if only he had listened to me 30 years ago then he wouldn't have lost his mind when he met


Lars looked at the side of the room behind the pillar where Ciar and the Sprite were hiding, he sees nothing but gave a creepy smile "Fascinating" he uttered.

"If the Creed will be on my side then I will be invincible and I might be able to return to you the favor...as promised"

Lars gave a darkened expression towards the King and his brown eyes that were once gentle turned somewhat threatening, still, he manages to smile at him "Of course, your majesty"

"But I suggest we must not talk further about this for we have uninvited guests"

Ciar suddenly felt a sudden heavy air coming off from that person. The sprite he was holding suddenly vanished so he had no choice but to go out immediately.

"I know you're there," Lars said and he goes outside the room together with the King and went to the intersection in the hallways and sees no one.

"What's wrong Lars? Is someone spying on us!? I'll alert the guards!" Suggested the King

"No, it's fine... About the ambush though"


"Let's start moving in the morning"


Huff huff gasp huff

Gin and Catori barely escape the palace when Ciar came out. That Lars person suddenly released a surging aura around the palace that made Gin, a person with mana, hard to breathe, thankfully he was with Catori who doesn't seem to be affected supported him and finds an exit near the palace kitchen.

As soon as they were far enough from the palace Gin felt he could breath again.

"C-catori, I think I'm fine now"

She let him go "What was that about? Are you okay?"

"Yes, it seems King Gayu is with bad company. What's more terrifying is his strong - for suddenly creating a barrier in such a short amount of time is no novice. I don't know but he might have known were there and --"

"He might tell the King to hasten the battle instead" Catori continued

Gin nodded "Let's go back to Corhall and Let's report this to his majesty"

--- end.