

"You must not die" the King of Etilania orders and everyone across the room went silent as she rises up from the ground. Of course, who wouldn't be, she did not die and she's no immortal, she's only a slave but below her were dead bodies she just killed. Now, who would not be scared? The King's trump-card emerges, this time she will follow and kill with no mercy.

Kaisane · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
25 Chs

Chapter 20

The moon that night took pity for Catori as it brought light to the training grounds. Catori's fair skin, white hair and silver eyes were a beauty to look at but despite looking beautiful the people around her were in a mess for words. Gin who was in front of her couldn't bring anything to say while the two knights on patrol, still hidden looks down on the ground with empty expressions

"I'm sorry" Gin finally said it

"Why are you saying sorry? It's not your fault. That night when I gained consciousness and saw him, I don't know what's got into me that I grab a mirror near his bed and broke it, used its shards to cut through his neck and stabbed him multiple times" Catori continued explaining

"They say it was brutal, what I did to him but they did not know the damage he already did--" she sighed "I was imprisoned for a while until a merchant took me out of the Marquis palace, I thought I was saved but just like the Marquis - he played me for two years. Meeting different kinds of men, used me so he could earn money because people will always choose me because of my white hair and silver eyes"

"Is that the time you came here in the Capital?"

Catori nods "He thought if he could enter the capital there will be more customers, he was about to do something to me in the forest that's when the palace knights found us and I met Sir Leon and the King, I guess you already know what happened after"

"And the shadow?"

"Ciar?" She took the swords she finished polishing and put it inside an old wooden chest. "Ciar was already with me since I woke up in the Marquis' chamber but he couldn't do anything back then"


"I was afraid of him, I could not bring myself to accept him but now he's stuck with me" she smiled

Gin was awestruck "Hey, you have me. I'm your friend too, but thank you, Catori , for telling me everything. If only everyone knew what you've been through ..." Gin looks like he was about to cry but Catori stopped him.

"I'm happy as it is and it's all thanks to Prince Aiden and His Majesty."

"Yeah, even though he doesn't know, I guess he has his good side as well, hahaha" Gin helped her continue putting the swords.

"So don't worry Catori, I got your back"

Catori's eyes glimmer when she heard those words and gave Gin an unusual smile. "Well, that's a first. Thank you"

[So, she can smile like that huh?] Gin thought

The two finally finished cleaning up the training grounds leaving Leon and Zen still hiding in the corner.

"That was unexpected," said Leon

Zen did not answer him instead he signals to continue their patrol, Leon followed and didn't want to ask Zen's opinion about what they heard and silently agreed to keep it for themselves until the right time comes.


The next morning, all the knights in the training ground were disrupted by a certain visitor in the palace.

"The Chancellor is here! The Chancellor is here!"

"What? Why is he here?"

"Something might have happened in Corhall"

Gin and Catori who were sitting at the sides got curious about who is this chancellor the knights were making a fuss over.

"Do you know him? The chancellor?" Catori asked Gin

"Yo-you don't know him?"

Catori shakes her head.

"W-well he's kind of the King's spokesperson, before approaching his majesty everything must go through him" Gin explained

"If he is what you say, why didn't we see him often?"

"He's been traveling most of the time negotiating with other countries, something must have happened for him to be here..."

"I see..."

Then in the hallways of the palace, they saw a handsome figure fuming with anger walking towards the King's studies. Catori described him as a fair-skinned, tall man with blue long hair tied in a low ponytail and was set to the side and though he wears glasses she can clearly see he has beautiful dark grey eyes, he looked at their direction that she forgot she was still looking at him. The man had a serious look on his face but was not bothered when he saw her, he continued walking until they no longer see him.


"Ryu!!" A voice barged in the King's studies. The King, however, looked uninterested as if he already knew who it was.

"Arkynn!" Leon delightedly approached the person

"What did you do this time!?" He crosses his arms and is standing in front of the King.

"You're becoming noisier every time you come here" sighed Ryu

"That's because of you, giving me all kinds of problem!"

Ryu, "Then what did I do this time?"

"Corhall's Head Knight"

Both Ryu and Leon got quiet.

Judging by their expression Arkynn already knew what happened. He gave out a huge sigh and stroke his hand on his forehead.

"Ryu, I know you're the King and I know you don't like the person but you shouldn't go asking Leon to kill just anyone"

"Why? Did the people knew I order to kill him?"

Arkynn, "Of course no, who do you take me for?"

"I was just surprised, I just got back from the Kingdom of Seith two days ago after the Knights selection exam finished and everyone was in total chaos because Royce was dead" he looked at Leon "... it was such a sight to see"

Leon gulped and reverted his gaze in another direction.

"So? You came all the way here just to tell me that?" The King goes back to his uninterested expression

This time Arkynn's face turned black. "No, your majesty"

Ryu, "Then what do you come here for?"

"I came to report about my latest meeting with the King of Seith"

Ryu sits properly this time "Report"

"His Majesty, King Gayu, rejected my offer of a peace treaty between our Kingdoms again"

"What? Why?" Leon butted in "He's the only Kingdom who's still pursuing war against us. The other countries already accepted the treaty!"

Arkynn, " I don't know what drives him into this but he told me to tell you this personally Ryu"


"I hope you like surprises, - that is all. I'm guessing he's planning to attack soon that is why I was so surprised when I heard Royce's death because it did not boost the morale of our knights"

The King stands from his seat and went to Arkynn "He deserves to die"

"I know but you killed him at the wrong time, what are you planning to do? Ask help from the nobles if they come attacking right at us?"

Leon who stands at the center breaks them apart "Now, now, both of you must stop. We are not children anymore unlike before and Arkynn please don't forget you are talking in front of the King"

Arkynn was the first one to back out in their argument.

"I apologize for your majesty...but I hope you do understand that I am your chancellor and I will always do my best to bring justice and peace for this Kingdom"

The King finally backs out as well and went to the windows and from there he could see the knights training, he also saw Gin and Catori sits at the side polishing swords.

[What the hell are those two doing not training?] He thought

Arkynn followed him and looks down below "Ah, I heard about them especially that white hair"

King Ryu glared at him.

"What? It seems to me your new knights been bullied. Well, who wouldn't bully them, knights are known to be sons and daughters of famous nobles and rich merchants, compared to them - a slave and a killer"

No response.

"And the Goblin's siege, I heard about it as well and also about the Marchioness's daughter wanting to be your consort"

"Shut Up"

Arkynn smiled. "You knew who did it right? The Goblin's siege"

Ryu still kept his silence

"Well, whatever, you're the King. I'll be staying in Corhall for a while

until you decide what you want to do, we don't want another war coming"

Arkynn left the studies, leaving Leon and the King all by themselves again. Leon felt worried about Arkynn's report. The Kingdom can't afford another war right now when most of the people are against the current king. He wanted to voice it out but when he looked at Ryu deep in his thoughts, contemplating something, he did not want to disturb him until he's done.


"Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Bring in those two Knights"


The King did not repeat what he said and just stared back at him.

"Okay, I'll bring them in"


When Catori and Gin were in the presence of the King, they were greeted by the news about Royce. The two don't seem to be surprised, though instead they might be happy inside, thought the King.

"I'm guessing you already meet the chancellor a while ago?" He asked the them

Gin, "Yes, your majesty but we did not have the chance to talk to him"

"You don't have to do that, the reason I called both of you here is because Corhall is facing a problem right now that might result in another war"

"Your Majesty!" Leon interrupted but the King lifted his index finger in front of him so he could stop talking.

"Because of my grandfather, the war 30 years ago ended with an agreement from other countries to sign a treaty of peace. My grandfather became that symbol of peace and at the same time he was feared by many, it did not last long though" he paused and faced the two knights "Among those countries, there was one who did not sign the treaty"

"The country of Seith" answered Gin

Ryu nodded "To make this conversation short, their King is planning to launch a surprise attack against Corhall - which is currently the epicenter of the battle between us"

"So what do you want us to do?"

"I want the two of you to go to the country of Seith and Identify when the attack will happen, once you got the information, communicate with me through this orb" King Ryu goes to his drawer and pulled out a white small orb inside just enough to fit on his palm and hands it to Gin

Gin gave the King a determined look "We won't fail you, your majesty"

"Hmn" he turned his back, sits on his chair and crosses his legs "You leave tonight"


"What were you thinking? Telling them classified information?" Leon finally spoke after Gin and Catori left the room

"Nothing, since they are new knights with no noble rights they won't gain that much attention if they go there anyway"

Leon stroke his forehead "No noble rights? What about Gin?"

"He's no noble anymore"

"What if they failed?"

Ryu smiled "Then we go to war"


"Catoriiiii! Giiiinnn!" Aiden came running towards the two knights when they meet in the hallway after their talk with the King.

"Your highness, what brings you here?" Gin asked

"I just finished my lessons this afternoon. Can I watch you guys train?"

Gin gave him a worried look "Uh, I apologize your highness but since we're new, we don't train in the front yet"

"We just polish swords in the sides" Catori bluntly said and Gin showed her a no-no expression, she shrugged her shoulders "What? It's the truth anyway"

"Erm-well, what she said was true your highness"

The young prince looked at both of them "Are you guys being bullied too?"


The boy nods his head "those knights don't like me as well because I'm the Dragon's son and because I look so weak to be the future King"

Catori crouches with both her hands on top of her knees "Just you wait, we'll be amazing knights you can be proud of, so people won't bully you nor us anymore"

The prince smiled at them "I-I'll do my part as well!"

The three giggled for a while walking along the hallway. Prince Aiden was holding Catori's hand. Zen who was with the Prince since they've met walks behind them. He was silent throughout their walk, his expression soften around her as well unlike before.

[Something good must have happened] Catori thought

"Your highness"


"We might be away for a while"

The prince pause "W-what? Why??"

Gin looks at Catori and she assured him that she'll do the talking "Your father gave us his first task and we don't wanna fail him"

"Does that mean you're going to a dangerous place?"


"That's what he always does when he gave orders - my father always do bad deeds"

Catori pats his head "I don't believe your father is bad your highness, don't worry we'll be back as promise"

The boy was doubtful at first but in the end give Catori a slight nod.

"Then we better prepare for our travel, I believe it's almost time for dinner"

"But I want to stay longer with you!"

"Don't worry we'll have plenty of that next time okay?"

She looked at Zen "I'm guessing you want him to go now right?"

Zen gave her a nod "Yes, your highness, taking a walk is over, let's go"

Catori could see the sad expression of the young prince as he let go of her hand and goes to Zen where together they continued to walk until they're inside the main building of the palace.

"You're not good with kids are you?" Gin asked

Catori nods in agreement.

"Well, that's that! Let's go, we have a long travel ahead"

----- end.