

"You must not die" the King of Etilania orders and everyone across the room went silent as she rises up from the ground. Of course, who wouldn't be, she did not die and she's no immortal, she's only a slave but below her were dead bodies she just killed. Now, who would not be scared? The King's trump-card emerges, this time she will follow and kill with no mercy.

Kaisane · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
25 Chs

Chapter 12 - The Knights Selection Exam!

Six months went by so quickly as the King of Etilania arrived in Corhall together with Leon.

"Your Majesty, welcome back, it was unfortunate that you got to leave immediately the last time you were here because of what happened to your palace" they were greeted by the Head Knight who they intentionally shrugged off.

The Head knight bitterly glared at them as they entered the arena. [Just you wait, your majesty, I assure you, your pet won't pass this year's selection] he thought and followed them inside.

It was finally time for the Knights Selection exam and Corhall was filled with nobles and aristocrats, some took advantage of this event to meet future partners and allies. While the middle class and other civilians became audiences and put up stalls selling their products. It was a festive event!

"Ah! Blessings to the Sun of Etilania!" A familiar old man with white hair greeted them.

"Viscount Claren" Leon bows

"Hahaha! What a joyous event to see you first thing in the morning! I hope you and the prince like my presents?" The viscount asked

King Ryu, cold as he can be only smiled at him back "Your presents were wonderful...all of them"

"Ohohohoho! I'm glad you like them! I heard about what happened to your palace - so unfortunate but it's good the prince was safe yeah?" The viscount gave off a creepy smile

"I sponsored two trainees who will be taking the exam today, I hope they will serve your majesty great purpose in the future! Unlike some murderer I heard." He continued

Leon became irritated when he heard the statement but sees the King was not bothered so he just slipped it off when an official knight interrupted them "Blessings to the Sun of Etilania! Your Majesty, the room you'll be staying is now ready"

Leon nodded "I'm afraid we have to go ahead first Viscount Claren"

"Ah, yes, yes you may! Well, Your Majesty" he bowed "Till we meet again and I hope we'll have a successful event today"

King Ryu did not answer back and walks out with Leon. The usual the Viscount gave them a dubious look and turned his back as well.

When they reached the room the King paused "Observe him" he ordered Leon.

"Yes, your majesty" A smile seen on Leon's face when he slightly bows

Each noble and aristocrats had a room where they leisurely wait for the exam to begin. The arena was a huge building that can cater hundreds of thousands of civilians, it was an enclosed circular shape where seats are in ascending order, civilians and other merchants were the ones to sit while above them seven verandas are surrounding the area. Each veranda was assigned to one of the houses and the biggest that was located at the center was for the King of Etilania.

The arena was slowly getting full as King Ryu watched them below hiding behind a curtain. For such a big room there were only two of them.

"It's been a while since we last saw her" Leon opened up the topic

"It's too bad Prince Aiden wasn't here, I'm sure he'll be dying to meet her"

King Ryu kept silent still looking outside. Leon squinted his eyes a bit when he looks at him.

"It must have been difficult for her these past few months as well," he said

He wasn't looking but Leon knew he caught his attention so he kept talking

"She must have been bullied a lot out there because of what you did

"What did I do?" King Ryu asked apathetically

Leon, "You send her here announcing she's your recommendation. You know how we stand with the nobles and aristocrats. Rumors spread fast as well, now even civilians and merchants knew about her. Things will be more difficult for her from now on"

"That's why she must pass this year's Selections" King Ryu looked at him

"What? Because she has that 'Shadow' with her?" Leon answered somewhat in a sarcastic way

For the past six months the King spent most of his time in his study, he never let the servants disturb him, Leon knew what he was up to and leave him be, guarding him afar. Because of the King's absence, Prince Aiden spent his days not seeing his father.

Leon gave out a sigh. What can he do to convince this indifferent King? He thought he can at least change the way he treats people because he had been serving him since he was a kid, they're like childhood friends but Ryu never treats him that way he was always called a loyal pet rather than a friend. This was the first time he does an activity because of that girl, he was excited at first but when the King talks about this fairytale nonsense he soon loses interest to her. She looks so frail and weak, Leon sighed again.

[I just hope this exam will go well so we can go home as soon as possible] Leon thought, being around with other nobles and aristocrats was suffocating and he doesn't even know if there will be an attempt assassination soon, they all hate the King.


A loud cheer and screams can be heard inside the arena. Leon stands up and went beside The King, "I guess it's starting now huh?" He said, King Ryu nodded.

"Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to this year's Knights Selection Exams!" An announcer who wears a full black tuxedo appears at the center of the stage.

"To those who don't know me I am Emilio Olivo and I will be your host for today's examination!"




The crowd cheers as Emilio waves his hand to them.

"Whoa, isn't he that famous merchant from the town of Yuth?" Exclaimed Leon, to think such a famous person is the host, Corhall must have earned a fortune to get him.

"Now! Now! Dear audience, I know we are excited for our young trainees to come out but before doing that may we first look at above us and meet our most honored people who will be watching with us!" He pointed to the verandas surrounding the area.


The crowd cheered louder and louder when one by one the head of each house comes out giving them a slight wave.

"Now that our nobles and aristocrats have shown themselves may I as well take this chance to welcome our very own King! King Ryu Reiburn De Remiel! Blessings to the Sun of Etilania!" He points at the biggest veranda near him

The cheers went silent, instead, all the crowd bows to their King even though he did not come out.

[Well, as expected of the dragon of terror] Emilio thought

"A-ahem! Now then! May I introduce also our guests who will be our adjudicators for today please come forth!"

The gates inside the arena were opened and came out three people.

"No way! Isn't that Sir Akio!?" An audience points at a man with messy green hair who keeps on yawning while leading the group

"And the two behind him, it's Sir Ren and Lady Freda!" In order, he points at a bald man with a huge physique and a hot pink-haired woman.

"They're the Holy Trinity!" The audience cheers got excited when they met them.

The Holy Trinity, they were famous paladins who served the church and were known as powerful knights as well, they were taught to never take on sides and be biased. Having them as adjudicators for today's event will mostly make the exam go smoothly without problem.

"Wow. To think they can afford to have those three as well, the head knight must have received a lot of money, I mean a LOT, hiring these people" Leon curiously said

King Ryu showed no interest and kept on watching while the other nobles who were out of their veranda were clapping their hands pleasingly.

The three paladins went forward to the veranda to where the King was and bow their heads in respect. After doing that they went to their seats below the King's veranda and hence, signals all the trainees to come in.


Cheers were louder than before as the ten trainees come inside wearing silver breastplates. In order they appear from the way they passed the survival test; Cain and Caleb followed by Dorothy and Lilith then Ann and Adam followed by Albert and Linden, lastly when Catori and Gin came out some of the audience started booing at them while some were throwing stones.

[So they were the rumored murderer and slave duo] Emilio thought, he looks at the nobles above and he can see the remorse through their faces that they want them to fail or better be killed. He gave a big sigh of relief when he looks at the holy trinity looking at them with no judgment.

[Good thing they're here today] he smiled

The ten trainees line up in front and as Catori reached her position she felt a familiar presence and look above her. No one was outside the veranda but she knew he was there looking at her.

She gave a slight bow and Gin noticed her "Were you bowing to the King?" He asked

Catori slightly nods, Gin looks at the same direction and gave a slight bow as well.

"Oh? I see she made a friend" Leon said to the King

"Isn't that great your majesty?"

No respond.

Leon pouted a bit.

"Now let the exams begin!" Emilio finally announced and the crowd goes wild


The Knight selection exams consist of three parts; first was the test of magic - how good will they be able to control their mana; the second test will identify their elements and the third and last test will show their strength.

"The first test, magic!" Emilio shouted

"Now all of you must release your level of magic in front of the crowd so they will know how strong you are" he explained

Linden notices that Albert was smiling, curious he asked him "Why are you smiling? We have weak mana so people will know you're a fraud once you'll start releasing"

Albert laughed a little and on his palm while chanting a bit a red aura appears

"What!? H- how" surprised Linden asked him

"It's our new drug" Albert explained "Our family made it, just one tablet and it can enhance your strength for two hours, I drank two this morning"

"T-that's cheating Albert!" Linden whispered to him

"Shh- shut up or I'll kill you. If you said a word I'll make sure your family will go down" Albert threatened

Linden went silent after that. Each of the trainees gathers at the front and when they were far from each other started concentrating.


The audience was in awe as one by one different color can be seen surrounding each trainee. So far the biggest was Alberts' frightening red aura.

"Ha! I bet you losers can't reach my level" he challenged the other trainees

"What the!? Why you---" feeling threatened Adam who showed a massive aura of his own close to Alberts' shouted but was stopped by Ann.

"Don't fell for his tricks - just release the aura you need to show for the audience, I'm sure the adjudicators and the nobles will know our strength in the final test" she said

Adam took a deep breath and from there, his aura began to sank smaller the same as Anns'

"Good" Ann smiled "Don't forget were all enemies here so this will be the last time I'm giving you advice"

Freda was pleased that some of the trainees were smart thinking that she can't help looking at them.

"Ohohohoho, I guess we have a smart bunch this year," she said, "Don't you think Ren?"

"Yes, you are right. Showing all our mana to the public is like a double edge sword. You'll get praised for showing how strong you are and at the same time, you can create enemies who'll get jealous of you. Just like that idiot over there whose releasing an enormous red aura" Ren looks at Albert's direction

"Ara, that aura seems different don't you think? What can you say about it Akio?" She tilted her head to look at Akio but to her dismay "He was locked on to another trainee"

"Now who caught your attention this time?" Freda pouted "Don't tell me that cute little heiress who's always carrying a yellow stuffed animal"

Akio did not reply and just kept on looking when Ren followed his sight he was suddenly surprised as well.

"Is she for real?" Said Ren

"Not you too Ren? Who is this woman that both of you---" she suddenly stopped talking when she saw her

Besides Gin who was releasing a good amount of green aura was being compared to a white-haired woman releasing none.

--- end.