
I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top (One Piece)

One Piece I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top

God_Of_All_Chaos · Cómic
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259 Chs

Chapter 18

After all, one of his masters was his father, the number one sniper in the world.

"Luffy, Zoro, Nami, long time no see, I miss you all."

Usopp and Luffy hug each other.

It is two years for Usopp, two months for Luffy and others, but I really miss it.

Sauron said: "You must be much stronger."

Usopp grinned: "Everyone will know in the future."

Usopp saw a strange figure, and Luffy started to introduce it.

Usopp is happy that there is a cook on board.

After getting to know each other, Luffy looked at Nami and Sanji and asked.

"Teach the space one person at a time, Sanji, Nami, which one of you will enter?"

Sanji hurriedly said: "Of course Miss Nami, she knows you first, and ladies first."

Sanji is a gentleman as always. Although he wants to become stronger and narrow the gap with Luffy and Zoro, he is also confident that it can be narrowed, but he naturally hopes that Nami will enter first.

However, Nami shook her head.

"Sanji, you go in first, I will start after you come out."

"Ah? Miss Nami, why? You go in, I'm not in a hurry."

Sanji refused and waited for two months.

Nami said sternly: "I have my own ideas, it's better for you to go first, now our reputation is definitely not small, the navy will increase its efforts against us, we need stronger strength to deal with the subsequent crisis."

Speaking of this, Sanji understood, didn't say anything more, nodded his head heavily, and his expression became resolute.

They can all think that the adventure has just begun, and the enemy is weak now, but they are about to enter the great route, and they will encounter strong enemies at that time, and they are not comparable to Aaron.

The ones encountered must be extremely strong, and they may even encounter existences that are not too different from Hawkeye.

Needless to say, the Navy will definitely try to kill them.

So, afterward is dangerous and stressful.

There are still too few people on board, so the combat power must be strong.

Nami knows that if she goes in by herself, even if she can become stronger, she won't have as much potential and improvement as Luffy and Zoro.

The weakest person on board is yourself.

As for Sanji, he is young and powerful. After two years of training, his strength will definitely be the same as that of Luffy and Zoro after he comes out. He will become one of the three main combat forces on the ship.

This is the best, so Nami wants Sanji to practice first.

Nami's decision, Luffy can also understand, this is indeed the best.

However, when Nami enters into cultivation, her improvement will be great.

In the past eight years, Nami has been able to persevere, which shows her great patience and perseverance.

Cultivation is hard, so entering the cultivation space, and being taught by two powerful character templates, Nami will definitely improve a lot, even surpassing the peak of the original plot. She has learned physical skills, domineering, etc., and is powerful.

But, even so, Sanji is naturally stronger.

Luffy said: "Okay, then Sanji will go in first."

Sanji was a little bit reluctant, but he had to go in.

In the future, I have to share for everyone, protect my partners, and become stronger.

"Then I'm going in, and I'm going to miss everyone."

Thinking of staying for two years and not being able to see any beauties for two years, Sanji's heart ached.

Ok? wrong.

Sanji's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Luffy, can you choose a template for teaching?"

Luffy is helpless, and already understands Sanji's thoughts.

"You want to choose a template for a female teacher."

As soon as Luffy said this, Zoro and Nami stroked their foreheads and understood.

No way, Sanji is like this.

Sanji smiled, expecting: "Yes."

Luffy said: "You can choose whatever you want, but the main thing is to choose the one that suits you. It can teach you better and make you stronger. It is best to teach you with strong physical skills and domineering power. If you are the most Good at kicking, that's the best."

Speaking of which, among the pirates who are good at kicking, Luffy can't think of it.

Although there is a red-footed Zhepu, the strength of the teaching template must at least be a general, such as an emperor.

Luffy felt that the grandfather Garp template could teach Sanji.

Grandpa is very strong in physical skills. Although he is called Iron Fist Garp, as a top physical player, his feet are naturally strong.

Sanji also felt the same way, there is only one chance to enter cultivation, and two years should be cherished, not to be missed.

Choosing a teaching template should naturally be suitable for you. Entering it is mainly to improve your strength, and you can better help your partners and solve crises in the future.

But if you can have both, that's the best. strength, beauty.

Sauron was helpless: "It's just a teaching template, it's illusory, you can't touch it, and you don't have any feelings. You are only responsible for teaching, and then disappear, and you won't talk about anything."

Usopp also understood: "Yeah, it doesn't make sense."

However, Sanji insisted: "You can't do anything, but you can also look good."

However, he really couldn't think of anyone who was suitable.

Sanji hopes to find someone who is good at martial arts, suitable for teaching himself, and can improve himself, preferably a woman, which is the best.

Sanji looked at Luffy expectantly: "Is there any? Choose a strong male template, a strong female template suitable for teaching me."

Sanji felt that this would not be a waste, delaying himself, the best of both worlds.

Luffy thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll satisfy you. Then you go in and choose the Garp template, and the Ivankov template."


Sanji knew that it was the naval hero Garp, who was famous and male.

Then, Ivankov is a woman.

"Luffy, thank you, let me in quickly."

Sanji couldn't wait, he was very grateful to Luffy, he was so kind to himself.

Luffy started teleporting, and the next moment, Sanji disappeared and appeared in the teaching space.

Sanji felt heavy all over his body and had difficulty breathing, but he was excited and looking forward to it. Naturally, he had to hand over the teaching template, and he could only call one at a time. Naturally, it was the Ivankov template.

"Come out!"

Sanji yelled, thinking of the Ivankov template.

The next moment, a figure appeared in front of him, and Sanji froze.

Immediately, roars resounded throughout the teaching space.

"Luffy!! You bastard!!"



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Chapter 026

Sanji was devastated. The teaching template in front of him is not a beauty.

Even, the other party is a man, Sanji thinks it's nothing, but it happens...

Sanji was stunned and speechless.

The figure in front of me is tall, with a huge face, with unusually large dark purple hair, long and thick eyelashes, light blue eye shadow and purple lip gloss. The clothes are also quite weird, mesh stockings and capes, tight ultra-low hung jumpsuits, revealing a large skull tattoo on the abdominal muscles.

Neither male nor female, too hot-eyed.

Thinking of having to spend a second with him next time, Sanji felt desperate and painful.

There are two teaching templates, each of which must be taught for a year, so Sanji can't let the Garp template teach himself for two years.

"How should I live this year?" Sanji had a headache.

After ten days of sailing, Luffy and others came to Rogge Town.

Nami introduced: "This is Rogge Town, any town where pirates going to the great route gather, and the items they need can be bought here."

Usopp couldn't wait: "Okay, I'm going to collect some equipment for the upcoming adventure."

Sauron was also looking forward to it: "I also want to buy something."

Nami reminded: "What do you want to buy? I remember you are penniless."

Sauron was also a little embarrassed, indeed.

Luffy said: "Then let's split up, I'm going to see the execution platform."

Luffy couldn't wait to run to the square of Rogge Town, even if he was running on the street leading to the square of Rogge Town, Luffy was also happy, because Roger, the One Piece, might also walk through this street.

Naval Branch Base in Logue Town.

White smoke was lingering, and a sailor came in to report.

"News came from the headquarters. It is said that Monkey D. Luffy and his gang have come to Rogue Town. Straw Hat Luffy is a pirate with a bounty of 450 million Baileys in the East China Sea. Roronoa Zoro has a bounty of 350 million. Billionaire."

Hearing this, the figure in the smog was shaken.

This person, of course, is Smoker.

Smoker has heard of it, but he still can't believe it: "450 million Baileys is really ridiculously high, but since I took charge of this town, I have never let the pirates who came here escape. ."

Smoker walked out, expecting slightly: "Straw hat Luffy, hope is an interesting guy."

The sea soldiers quickly followed, struggling: "Colonel, please give orders to the troops, take down the straw hats."

Smoker continued to walk forward, and said lightly: "No need."

"However, considering the opponent's strength..."

Smoker paused and glanced back, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Stop rambling, don't tell me what to do."

Hai Bing was frightened immediately, not daring to say a word.

Smoker asked, "Where did Dashiqi go?"

"I saw you again in the morning. I don't know where it is, but it must be in Rogge Town."

Smoker was helpless: "Where did that woman go?"

At this moment, a little girl happily took the ice cream she just bought, and couldn't wait to go home quickly, bought two, and ate with her mother.

Dad followed behind, with a happy and doting smile on his face.

"Don't run so fast, worry about falling to the ground."

With a puff, the little girl didn't pay attention, and bumped into Smoker, and the ice cream stuck to Smoker's trouser leg.

The little girl was stunned, and when she looked up, she was a little scared. The uncle in front of her looked very fierce.

The girl's father's face changed greatly: "S...Colonel Smoker, my child took you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

The man apologized again and again, but the little girl looked at the ice cream in her hand, she couldn't eat it, she dropped it, tears welled up in her eyes.

Smoker squatted down, with a cigar in his mouth, and pressed his right hand on the little girl's head.

The girl's father thought it was over.

However, the next scene left him stunned.