
what is true love???

It was first day as a freshmen,...new school, with a wide red gate, with a nice and beautiful garden and a chairs to hang on. I looked around if i knew someone,who also studied there...But of all them are new for me, so i walked, until a reached my room. we are all new strudents, we introduced ourselves,

knowing each other. And then, I had a seatmate named Faye, we've changing stories about where we came from. About our schools,and families.. Ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ring!!!!!!! oh, the times running fast Ritchel, we didnt noticed it, Faye said to me with a smile.

Brrrr.....its so cold but i need to take a bath, to refresh my body and thoughts cause i stil couldnt wake up from the dreams i had on a long night sleep .. I saw again...the mystery man without a face, holding my hands, without words, but i can feel butterflies inside my tummy..Running in the corridor of our school,. take a deep breath Ritchel Woooo..... inhale, exhale, sorry Ms. Solano for i am late, because of the heavy traffic, but the real reason is when ive finished my shower, i laid in our couch and i day dreamt again. Thanks to my mom!!!! she woke me up. Whoa...that's to closed to be true ..

Hey, what happened to you? why are you late?,said faye.and I just smiled to her. Ring!!!! ring!!! its recess time, But i need to go to the comfort room, while walking going to there, I need to pass to the sophomore room..my heart is beating to fast, tsug..tsug .tsug...faster and faster .I saw a man,where i can only seen his handsomeness in a movies. His smile, his skin like a porcelain, and his hieght and kissable lips, that i cant resist to look at him.