
I love clichés so much once I transmigrated I was in one myself

A young woman named Claire Smith, crosses the street with her heart broken, unknowingly that a truck comes in her direction, where the driver is over the speed limit and fails to notice her. Claire finds herself transmigrated into the cliché world of Regency romance. Amidst lavish balls, aristocratic scandals, and intricate manners, she assumes the identity of Rahua Stronghold. " In this fictional world, where magic and mythical creatures existed, I found myself as an ordinary human surrounded by extraordinary beings. The story I had been reading was called "The Chronicles of Arrentela," a tale of adventure, romance, and the battle between good and evil. And me ?? I was nothing but a background Character! But little did I know, being one of those background characters was about to change my life in ways I never imagined." Claire now Rahua, finds herself caught in a web of political intrigue, passionate encounters, and dangerous secrets. Along the way, she encounters an array of captivating characters, including the dashing yet enigmatic Damion a young man concealing secrets of his own. As their hearts entwine, they must face countless trials, testing the limits of their love and the possibilities of clichés filled encounters. Knowing how the story ends, will it be enough for Rahua to change the tragic ending that awaits her and everyone around her??

Dtrish · Fantasía
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91 Chs

Chapter 52 - The Princess from Mirantella

Damion's POV

*9 days before the 18th Birthday*

"Your soon bride to be, is going to arrive today, you are expected to receive her, as soon as she she arrives." My father kept pestering me while coughing, he suddenly became sick, and I had to assume a lot of his duties.

"I have became old Damion, but I lived my life like to the fullest." He says coughing while laughing. I keep quiet I have nothing to add to this conversation, sometimes I feel like he just talking to himself while I am next to him.

He doesn't really see me, he doesn't care what I do, to him my existence is only to gain more power, no matter what I do he does not see the efforts I have made.

"Are you listening to me boy? Ahhh forget it, you used to be so much more easy to deal, now you are full of ideas and dreams. I can't keep up with you."

I stared at my father, a mixture of frustration and disappointment filling my chest. It wasn't that I didn't care about him; on the contrary, I had done everything in my power to ensure that our people wouldn't hate us. But it seemed as though he simply couldn't see beyond his own desires and ambitions.

I had always been the dutiful son, following in his orders, striving to not disappoint him. I had dedicated my life trying to be the good son, someone he could actually care for, or even say a few loving words. And yet, despite all my efforts, it was as if my accomplishments were invisible to him.

The arrival of this bride to be was just another reminder of how little my father truly cared about me as an individual. To him, I was merely a pawn in his game of power and control. The thought made me resentful, I didn't hate him, I couldn't understand why, even though I had all the reason for it when he left me at mercy of my caretaker.

As he continued to ramble on, I couldn't help but feel a surge of rebellion within me. I had learned things and saw the world in a way that he never even dreamed about.

As the room fell into silence, my father dismissive ways weighted on me.

"I will get ready. " I say leaving without looking back, I could hear him coughing and complaining, but I ignore him.


Outside the knights are there prepared to receive the Princess. Her name is Amina.

"They she is so beautiful that, man fall literally on their knees, and fall for her at first sight." I can hear one of the maids whisper.

I smile to myself at the whispered comment, knowing that many rumours are just baseless exagerations.

As I approach the knights, they straighten their postures and bow in respect. "Good day, Your Highness," one of them greets me, his voice filled with admiration. "We are honored to be in your service today."

I nod graciously, acknowledging their dedication. "Thank you for your loyalty. Has Ceaser arrived?"

"Yes, your Highness, he is waiting at the gates."

The knights form a protective formation around me as we make our way towards the the gates, the carriage was already waiting at the entrance of the palace. The golden embellishments glimmer in the sunlight, a symbol of the kingdom's grandeur and prestige.

"You are already here" I say to Ceaser who was standing the rest of the knights at gates waiting for me.

"You are late. Should honour your commitments even when you don't want to." He frowns looking ahead is voice cold.

I smile inside, even his frowning face can make my day better, when I don't have to deal with that stubborn old man.

As the carriage door opens and Princess Amina steps out, I could here gasps all around me, from the side of my eyes I could see Ceaser looking over his shoulder, and everyone stiffned their bodies in place.

She is even more beautiful than I had heard or imagined.

Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of emerald, meet mine. There is a spark of curiosity and intrigue in her gaze, as if she is studying me.

As I move forward to give her my hand to hold on to, my feet stamble and I fall down on my knees. I could hear the whisper around me, I feel my face turn red of embarrassment.

I was about to get on my feet she takes my hand while I am on my knees. She is going to misunderstand, this can't get any worse.

I invite her to walk with me away from the prying eyes and suffocating expectations of everyone.

"I would like first to refresh myself the journey was long." She says in a low voice but firm. I nod as I give instructions for Loyd to guide the Princess to her chambers.

Me and Ceaser walk to my study, he was oddly silent didn't say a word, he was walking in a fast space his face was dark. He appeared to be angry. I did commit a gaffe but it was not that serious.

As we enter the study he goes furthest inside of the room, I couldn't see his face, he had is back turned to me.

I remain silent waiting for him to chew me out, but nothing comes. I wait a little longer and nothing happened.

"Aren't you going to say anything? " I inquire, his back is still turned but he seems to be trembling. "Are you okay? " Nothing comes back from his side. "Ceaser??" I asked louder and I finally could hear him bursting out laughing. For the first time I see Ceaser laugh loud and clear, his normal cold demeanor was nowhere to be found.

"Hahah ... I can't ... haha.. believe... You fell on your knees. Hahahahaha. Just like the rumours said." His laugh was more annoying than his normally cold expression.

"Stop laughing, I stambled on my own feet, it had nothing to do with her." I say frustrated.

"Hahaha that's even worse, hahaha, you even turned red, hahaha, how is that even possible." I was seconds away into grabbing my sword to stab him.

A knock on the door made him laugh softer. I open the door to see my cousin Vital outside.

"Hello Damion, I have heard you encountered your Princess.... " He paused "... Did you really fell down on your knees when you met her?" I could hear muffled laughter from behind me.

"Does everyone already know about it? " I asked surprised that the situation already was going around.

Vital grins mischievously. "Well, let's just say that news spreads quickly within the palace walls. It seems your little mishap will become quite the talk of the kingdom."

I groan, feeling a pang of embarrassment once again. "I can't believe this. I wanted to make a good impression, not become the laughing stock of the entire court."

Vital's laughter subsides, while I can still hear Ceaser's muffled laugh from behind me, and he steps closer, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, Cousin. A little stumble doesn't define who you are. Besides, Princess Amina seems like a compassionate and understanding person. She's not the type to judge you based on a single incident."

I don't really care what she thinks about me, to all the better, the less good impression impression she has of me the better, but I didn't want to create any misunderstanding.

We stroll through the gardens, the scent of blooming flowers filling the air. Princess Amina's seems to be turning the heads of every knight and male servant that we pass by.

As we walk I try to find the words to reject her, without causing a massive problem between the two kingdoms, last thing we need is a war.

I pause, taking a deep breath before speaking. "Princess Amina, I must be honest with you. I..."

"Before the Prince Damion declare his love for me, I must reject your Highness, advances I am not interested in this marriage." She says her face firm looking at me straight. I got caught off guard I didn't expect it to be this easy better yet she was the one who rejected me. I couldn't feel happier.

I nod, acknowledging her words. "I understand I guess that's that." I say sighting in relief.

Princess Amina looks at me, her gaze filled with a mix of confusion and surprise. " I don't understand , aren't you offended that I rejected you? " she says.

"No, If that's something the Princess Anima wishes, it makes things easier that I thought, so we both don't want this marriage" I say my heart beating faster.

"Yes.. I mean, I didn't expect your Highness to take it so well. But didn't your Highness fall head over heels for me, I saw your Highness blush as you fell down." I can believe the topic went there again.

"I just stambled," I say in a low voice embarrassed by the situation.

"I will announce to my father the situation. Don't worry I will say, it was something mutual, our families can't force on both of us. " I say to comfort in case she would be worried about future complications.

As we make our way back she stambles and falls on my arms. I hold her firm in her position. I couldn't help to smile as our eyes met. I help her steady herself and take her back to the Palace.


Amina's POV

I have arrived to the kingdom of Arrentela, everything looks so shabby, the village is so poor in comparison to Mirantella, but I would change everything in here.

I am tired of the long journey I feel so irritable, and I am here waiting inside of this carriage and this Prince still hasn't arrived.

How dare he. I heard he is such a clueless and weak-willed person, but I also heard that he lead troops to fight against the rebels and won, which one is he I am here to discover.

As soon as he falls for me, I will see what he and this place is made of. After what it seemed an eternity he arrives, under this warm weather it's borderline rude.

"Your Highness, are you okay, should I ask for some glass of water." The maid, Cleria asks me flapping the fan in front of me.

"There no need for it. We will make our exit now." I said composing myself. The doors open for me to step out. As I stand tall outside I can hear the gasp, is just so irritating that they took so long to bring the Prince.

I see two men before me, one has a cold gaze not even showing any kind of emotion looking at me, he is gorgeous, unfortunately I don't think he is the Prince, they say the prince is a fool, this man does not look like a fool at all.

The other next him, looks younger, but doesn't look like a fool as well. He is also gorgeous, his eyes are captivating, exhudes a more gentle expression.

Is the Prince still not here, have I been waiting for nothing?

Suddenly a man speaks. " Your Highness the Princess Amina of Mirantella, I present you Your Highness the Prince Damion of Arrentela."

I see the younger one is the Prince, but the rumours about him doesn't do him justice. He does look like a knight.

He finally takes a step over towards me, as our hands are about to touch... He seems to have fallen down on his knees.

What an idiot, did he just fell on his knees, just like a fool. Oh... I see his blushing face so he already fell for me. What a pity I thought he would be different, I am disappointed.

As I take his hand, I can't help but roll my eyes. This is going to be a long journey if he's already falling for me so easily. I need a challenge, not a weak-willed Prince who falls at my feet.

But as I look into his eyes, I see a spark of determination and strength that catches my attention. I must be imagining things.

As we walk through the garden he seems more collected but still doesn't say much, I guess is just nervous.

I could feel him, taking a deep breath before speaking. "Princess Amina," ohhh no don't tell me is going to confess is love already. "I must be honest with you. I..." I knew it I have to stop this.

"Before the Prince Damion declare his love for me, I must reject your Highness, advances I am not interested in this marriage." I say expecting him to breakdown and beg, but he seems more relieved than anything.

However to my surprise he just nods acknowledging my words. "I understand I guess that's that." He says looking somewhat relieved.

How can he be fine with it, didn't he fell for me , just now? " I don't understand , aren't you offended that I rejected you? " I ask, not trying to sound that I am interested.

"No, If that's something the Princess Anima wishes, it makes things easier that I thought it would be, so we both don't want this marriage" he doesn't want this marriage? I can't believe it. This is not possible there's something wrong here.

"Yes.. I mean, I didn't expect your Highness to take it so well. But didn't your Highness fall head over heels for me, I saw your Highness blush as you fell down." Blurt put those words before I knew, what is wrong with me, since when did I become such a simple minded. My mind is racing trying to figure out my next approach.

"I will announce to my father the situation. Don't worry I will say it was something mutual, our families can force on both of us. " He says, as I feel something strange for the first time, I can't figure out what it is. I never been in this situation before.

I have to act fast, I feel like if I don't do anything, I will lost the control of everything.

I make myself fall on purpose, this method never failed me, men wouldn't hold back with their feelings after I make myself the damsel in distress.

He holds me tightly, I make my eyes glimmer, as he looks into my eyes, I can hear my heart pound loud, his hazelnut colour eyes makes me blush. He is very handsome.

I hope he didn't notice that I blushed, and my loud pounding heart, after standing up again, I turn around so he does not see me blush.

Oh no what's wrong with me?


I can't believe he just accepted, just like that, I thought he was already head over heels for me. What do I do now? Will father be angry at me.

But why did he accept it, did he not fall for me? Ohhhhhh I see this is his way of keeping me interested in him, by rejecting me. What a cunning man, tomorrow he will be coming with excuses to see me, I know it too well.

I feel tired. " Cleria please help me prepare to sleep." I didn't bring many maids with me, because I was sure I wouldn't need since the the castle has many, but now I regret not bringing at least five or six with me.

Has been two days since my arrival and I haven't seen the Prince nor he has sent anyone to check on me. I begin to think that he is better at feigning desinterest, more than I gave him credit for.

I walk aimlessly through the corridors hoping to find him, my I don't see him, anywhere is like he suddenly vanished.

I hear voices I run towards it, as I came closer I compose myself, only to find two knights speaking about how beautiful I am.

They blush as they see me but I just smile, and keep going, I don't care about them I just want to find the Prince accidentally on purpose.

I continue my search for the Prince, but it seems like he's avoiding me at all costs. I begin to wonder if he's truly as clueless as they say, or if he's playing some sort of game with me.

As I wander through the castle, I come across a group of maids gathered in a room. They're all whispering and giggling, and I can't help but eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Did you hear that His Highness the Prince is in love with Her Highness the Princess Amina?" one of the maid says.

I freeze, my heart racing as I try to hide behind a nearby pillar. Did they really say that? It can't be true, can it?

But as I listen in on their conversation, it becomes clear that they're not just speculating. They're talking about how the Prince has been acting differently ever since he met me, how he seems to be smitten with me.

I can't believe it. After all my efforts to make him fall for me, it seems like he's already head over heels for me. But why did he pretend to reject me? Is he trying to play some sort of game with me?

I decide to go back to my chambers, I felt relieved that was nothing wrong with me.

Later that day, I hear a sudden knock on my door and I drink my tea. I nod for Cleria to open the door.

"My Lady, Lord Duke Vital Burious, has come to see your Highness." She informs me, I don't see why the Duke would come to see me, maybe the prince sent him to check on me. What a sly man.

"Tell him to enter." I say, my voice firm.

As the Duke enters, I can see the look of admiration in his eyes as he takes in my beauty. But I don't let it get to me, I know what he wants. He is also an handsome man, he has gentle features, that make my heart slightly weaver.

"Your Highness, I have come on behalf of the Prince." The Duke says, his voice smooth and persuasive. He gentle smile makes me blush.

I raise an eyebrow, "What does the Prince wants with me, after ignoring me for so long?"

The Duke hesitates for a moment before speaking, "Your Highness, the Prince has been troubled since your arrival. He is deeply conflicted about your presence here."

I narrow my eyes, "What do you mean by that?" He hands me a letter.

As I open and I read it, my eyes widen, what is the meaning of this? This is a love letter and invitation to his birthday to another woman? Did the Prince really rejected me?