
I love clichés so much once I transmigrated I was in one myself

A young woman named Claire Smith, crosses the street with her heart broken, unknowingly that a truck comes in her direction, where the driver is over the speed limit and fails to notice her. Claire finds herself transmigrated into the cliché world of Regency romance. Amidst lavish balls, aristocratic scandals, and intricate manners, she assumes the identity of Rahua Stronghold. " In this fictional world, where magic and mythical creatures existed, I found myself as an ordinary human surrounded by extraordinary beings. The story I had been reading was called "The Chronicles of Arrentela," a tale of adventure, romance, and the battle between good and evil. And me ?? I was nothing but a background Character! But little did I know, being one of those background characters was about to change my life in ways I never imagined." Claire now Rahua, finds herself caught in a web of political intrigue, passionate encounters, and dangerous secrets. Along the way, she encounters an array of captivating characters, including the dashing yet enigmatic Damion a young man concealing secrets of his own. As their hearts entwine, they must face countless trials, testing the limits of their love and the possibilities of clichés filled encounters. Knowing how the story ends, will it be enough for Rahua to change the tragic ending that awaits her and everyone around her??

Dtrish · Fantasía
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91 Chs

Chapter 36 - The Engagement

Damion's POV

Every knight was riding with anticipation and excitement as we came closer to the village, they were eager to meet their family, friends, and some their lovers.

I was happy knowing that the men, my men, who had fought so bravely were finally returning home, safely.

As we made our way into the village, I could see from afar the forming crowd cheering for us.

The sound of their cheers only heightened my pride and joy. It had been a long and treacherous months, filled with battles and endless investigation, at end with dismantle a great part of the rebel army.

The faces in the crowd grew clearer as we rode closer, and my heart swelled with emotion.

The villagers had decorated the streets with colorful flowers, a clear sign of their gratitude and admiration for our knights. It was a sight to behold.

As our horses trotted through the cheering crowd, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude towards my men. They had fought alongside me, risking their lives for the Kingdom. The bonds we had formed on the battlefield was strong, forged through trust and loyalty.

I scanned the crowd, searching for her, all the faces seemed to be the same, I was about to give up, when I left, I knew she didn't agree, she didn't came to see me depart, but I was hopeful that she would come to see me arrive.

As scanned the faces, there on top of a wagon I saw her, for a split second our eyes met, I turn my face afraid she would see me, but she was searching something, someone, she did not pay attention to me or to Ceaser next to me, I was happy.

She was there, I knew she was looking for the boy I used to be among the knights and that was enough to warm my heart.

"What is that smile on your face, are you happy that your people are praising you?" Ceaser asked bringing me back again to the moment.

"Your stone cold heart would never understand my feelings right now." I tease him.

Ceaser chuckled, a rare sound coming from him. "Well, Damion, I wonder what those feelings are."

I glanced back at the crowd, still scanning for her amidst the sea of faces. "It's not about the praise," I replied, a smile tugging at the corner of my lips. "It's about seeing there are people here, waiting for me."

With a final glance at the crowd, I saw her once again, still searching, her brows furrowed in concentration. A warmth spread through my chest, and I turned to Ceaser. "Thank you, my friend," I said sincerely. "For helping me get stronger, and worthy man."

Ceaser looked at me his expression turning serious." I only did my job, your Highness,"

I chuckled at Ceaser's use of formal address, knowing he was once again teasing me.

"None of that 'your Highness' nonsense, Ceaser," I said, playfully swatting at his arm. "We've been through too much together to stand on ceremony."

He grinned, the lines on his weathered face deepening as he did. "You're right, Damion," he admitted. "But always remember, I will always be stronger than you. He rode faster. I only laughed at the audacity, and I followed right behind him.

Shortly after a faster riding we arrived at the Palace. And the other knight followed shortly.

"Welcome your Highness." Dipper, my caretaker as come to receive us. His face was full of contempt, I guess he was not happy that I returned safely.

"You don't look happy to see me Dipper." I descended from my horse, his face turning pale.

"No, no, not at all your Highness I am very pleased with your safe return." Has he always been such a bad liar? Or is just me finding hard to tolerate him, now more than ever?

"Your Highness" Loyd bowed to me, I was happy to see him, I hugged him to his surprise. "Your Highness?" He coughed as he recomposed himself, Loyd had always been a loyal and trustworthy butler, and his dedication to his duty was unwavering. "Welcome back. You too Lord Marquess Ceaser."

"Thank you, Loyd," I said, my voice filled with genuine appreciation. "It's good to see a friendly face." Ceaser just nodded.

Loyd straightened up, his eyes swelling with a mix of respect and proud. "It is my honor, Your Highness," he replied. "I'm glad to see you have returned safely. The realm has missed its future true leader."

As my eyes scan around, I don't see my father the King.

"Thank you, Loyd," I said again, my voice more resolute this time. "We have much to discuss, about the future of our kingdom and the challenges that lie ahead. But first, I don't see my father, where is my father the King?"

He was not a very doted father, but today it was the arrival of the brave men who had fought for the Kingdom, and he didn't even came to greet us.

A tense silence filled the air as all eyes turned to me and Lord Marquess Ceaser, who was known to have a close relationship with my father, the King. Ceaser's expression remained stoic, betraying no hint of emotion or information. He exchanged a quick glance with Loyd, who seemed equally perplexed.

A flicker of anger surged within me, my disappointment and frustration mounting. How could my father, the ruler of our kingdom, not be present to welcome the heroes who risked their lives for his realm? It was a mark of disrespect and negligence that struck at the very core of my being.

I stormed inside of the castle, my anger fueling my every step, does he not care about his people at all, that thought made me think about all the discussions I have had with Rahua, where she would accuse him of exactly that. She was right, like always. I couldn't stand his behaviour towards me and the knights.

"Wait, Damion." Ceased grabbed my arm. " Don't be too hasty in your decisions." I turned to face Ceaser, my anger still smoldering within me. His grip on my arm was firm, his eyes filled with wisdom and caution. Part of me wanted to break free, to continue storming towards my father's presence and demand an explanation. But the rational side of me knew that I needed to consider the consequences of my actions.

Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself and looked at Ceaser. "You're right, Ceaser," I said, my voice laced with frustration but also a hint of resignation. "I shouldn't act hastily. But I cannot ignore this blatant disrespect any longer. It's time to confront my father and demand answers."

Ceaser's grip loosened slightly, and he nodded in understanding. "I understand your anger, Damion," he said, his voice gentle yet firm. "But sometimes, a measured approach can yield better results. Our kingdom is already facing numerous challenges, and a confrontation with your father may only exacerbate the situation."

I weighed his words carefully, knowing that he had always been a level-headed person. As much as I wanted immediate answers and justice, I knew that Ceaser's advice held wisdom. Diplomacy and strategy were often more effective in the long run.

"You're right, Ceaser," I said, my voice softer now. "I will exercise caution and consider the best approach. But I will not tolerate this behavior any longer. Our kingdom deserves a ruler who values the sacrifices of its people."

Ceaser's expression softened, and he squeezed my arm gently in reassurance. "I have no doubt, Damion, that you are that ruler," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "You have proven yourself time and time again, and every knight outside have seen your dedication and bravery. We will find a way to make things right."

I nodded, taking comfort in Ceaser's support and belief in me. I released myself from his grip and prepared to face my father, not with blind anger, but with a firm stance.

As I walked towards where I thought my father was, I took a deep breath before entering. As I open the door I could see him indulging himself. He had someone paint portrait of him with a sword in a hand as if he was a brave warrior. My anger raised again.

I stood at the threshold of the room, my eyes fixed on the extravagant painting that depicted my father as a courageous warrior. The sight filled me with anger. How could he be so consumed with his own vanity while the kingdom was facing multiple attacks?

A wave of indignation washed over me, but this time, I chose to temper my anger with clarity and determination. Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I stepped forward into the room, my presence interrupting my father's indulgence.

"Father," I said, my voice steady and composed, yet laced with a hint of reproach. "I see you have been keeping yourself occupied while we were away."

My father turned towards me, an arrogant smirk playing on his lips. "Ah, Damion," he said nonchalantly, barely sparing me a glance. "I didn't expect you so soon. I was just celebrating my victory, you know."

I gritted my teeth, struggling to keep my emotions in check. His arrogance and disregard for the well-being of our kingdom gnawed at me, but I refused to let it consume me entirely. Instead, I steadied myself and fixed him with a determined stare.

"This is not a time for celebration, Father," I replied, my voice firm and unwavering. "Our kingdom is facing numerous challenges, and the people who risked their lives for its safety deserve more than this display of self-indulgence."

My father's eyes narrowed, a spark of anger flickering in his gaze. "You dare question me?" he retorted, his tone filled with irritation. "I am the King, and I do as I please."

"No, Father," I said, finding some strength within me.

My father's expression contorted with rage, his face turning a shade of red. "You have grown insolent, Damion," he seethed. "You forget your place as my son and as a member of this royal family." Ceaser arrived placing his hand from behind on my shoulder.

"Your Majesty." Ceaser bowed, his cold gaze met my father's eyes. He quickly stopped posing for the paint to greet Ceaser.

"Oh my dear boy, Ceaser, welcome back." He embraced Ceaser. If I didn't know any better I would say that Ceaser is his son.

"Your Majesty, the troops are outside waiting for your... Motivational words."

I observed the exchange between Ceaser and my father, their interaction displaying a familiarity that bordered me. It only served to fuel my frustration, knowing that my father held such priority for Ceaser's counsel while disregarding my own concerns.

Beneath the surface of my composed facade, anger simmered, but I focused on maintaining my resolve. I could not let these personal emotions cloud my judgment or hinder the progress that needed to be made.

"Father," I interjected, my voice firm and direct."It is essential to address the knights, they are heroes who risked their lives for our kingdom. Their sacrifice cannot be overlooked."

My father's attention shifted towards me, his gaze taunting and dismissive. "Ah, Damion," he said, a hint of condescension lacing his words. "Always the passionate one. But rest assured, I will acknowledge their efforts in due time."

Ceaser's grip on my shoulder tightened, a silent reassurance that reminded me I was not alone in this battle. I drew strength from his support and pressed forward, refusing to be silenced.

"In due time is not good enough, Father," I asserted, my voice unwavering. "These heroes have faced unimaginable dangers to protect our kingdom. They deserve our respect and gratitude. We must address their sacrifices now, not later."

My father's expression hardened, and a flash of anger burned in his eyes."You are not in a position to question my decisions, Damion," he retorted, his voice seething with arrogance. "I am the ruler of this kingdom, and I have the final say."

Ceaser's voice cut through the tension, his tone calm yet commanding. "Your Majesty," he addressed my father respectfully, "it would be wise to heed Damion's words. The heroes outside are awaiting your guidance, your acknowledgment. It is a mark of a true leader to recognize and honor those who selflessly protect our realm."

My father's gaze flitted between me and Ceaser, a battle of wills silently playing out. The room fell into an uneasy silence, the weight of the moment hanging heavily upon us.

Finally, my father's stubborn resolve crumbled, and he relented with a begrudging nod. "Very well," he conceded with a hint of dissatisfaction. "I shall address the heroes and express my gratitude for their sacrifices. But make no mistake, Damion. You will not undermine my authority in this kingdom."

His words were a clear warning, an attempt to suppress my voice and maintain control. But as I stood there, flanked by Ceaser's unwavering support, and I was no longer the same person who left this castle.

"I seek not to undermine you, Father," I replied, meeting his gaze with unwavering conviction. "I seek to build a brighter future for our kingdom, one where the sacrifices of our people are honored and respected. I will do what is necessary, with or without your permission."

The moment hung in the air, tension crackling between us. Though my father's disapproval lingered, he relented for the time being, knowing that the voices of the heroes outside could not be ignored.

He taunted me with his laugh. "You made a man out of my son, I am impressed Ceaser. Maybe is the time to get him a wife to keep him busy."

We made our way towards the courtyard, where the heroes awaited us. As we stepped out, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. The heroes, weary yet resolute, stood tall and proud, their eyes filled with a blend of exhaustion and hope. They had fought valiantly for the kingdom, and now, they awaited recognition for their sacrifices.

I took my place on the platform, standing beside my father, who wore a facade of regality despite his inner disdain. Ceaser stood at my side. Together, we faced the heroes, ready to address them and express the gratitude they deserved.

I spoke with a voice filled with sincerity and conviction, to the expectant crowd. "Heroes of our kingdom, I stand before you today to express my utmost gratitude for your selfless sacrifices. In the face of adversity, you have stood strong during the long months, defending our realm and its people. Your unwavering dedication deserves our unwavering respect."

The cheers and applause erupted from the crowd, their acknowledgment of my words fueling my determination. I continued, ensuring my voice carried to the farthest corners of the courtyard.

"No longer shall your efforts go unnoticed or underappreciated. From this day forward, we will prioritize the well-being of our heroes, providing them with the utmost care and support they deserve. Their sacrifices will be honored, and their contributions recognized. We will form a council, consisting of both heroes and trusted advisors, to ensure their voices are heard, and their needs are met."

A murmur of approval rippled through the crowd, the heroes exchanging glances of hope and determination. This was the change they had longed for - a sign that their sacrifices had not been in vain.

My father, standing beside me, displayed a conflicted expression. Hidden behind his regal facade, I sensed a realization beginning to awaken within me - a realization that true leadership required humility and a genuine concern for the people.

Taking a step forward, he spoke, his voice carrying authority. "I, too, extend my gratitude to our heroes. Your bravery has not gone unnoticed, and we shall ensure your well-being moving forward. Your voices will be heard, and your needs will be prioritized."

The cheers rose to a crescendo, the heroes finding solace in the assurance of their worth.

The knights celebrated their moment, as my father made is retreat. Ceaser said his goodbyes and left.

I wanted to return to my chambers to rest, Dipper came to find me. "Your Majesty, the King seeks your presence in his chambers." Is voice was filled with a satisfaction as if I was about to be scolded.