
I love clichés so much once I transmigrated I was in one myself

A young woman named Claire Smith, crosses the street with her heart broken, unknowingly that a truck comes in her direction, where the driver is over the speed limit and fails to notice her. Claire finds herself transmigrated into the cliché world of Regency romance. Amidst lavish balls, aristocratic scandals, and intricate manners, she assumes the identity of Rahua Stronghold. " In this fictional world, where magic and mythical creatures existed, I found myself as an ordinary human surrounded by extraordinary beings. The story I had been reading was called "The Chronicles of Arrentela," a tale of adventure, romance, and the battle between good and evil. And me ?? I was nothing but a background Character! But little did I know, being one of those background characters was about to change my life in ways I never imagined." Claire now Rahua, finds herself caught in a web of political intrigue, passionate encounters, and dangerous secrets. Along the way, she encounters an array of captivating characters, including the dashing yet enigmatic Damion a young man concealing secrets of his own. As their hearts entwine, they must face countless trials, testing the limits of their love and the possibilities of clichés filled encounters. Knowing how the story ends, will it be enough for Rahua to change the tragic ending that awaits her and everyone around her??

Dtrish · Fantasía
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91 Chs

Chapter 3 - The two face cliché

After that, the aunt didn't come over to "visit" for a while.

* A few days later *

I went with Kira, to help her sell straw hats, that the Mother and the sisters made all night.

As we were trying to engage the people passing by a young man approached us, interested in buying some hats.

"Rahua, where have you been? You haven't come to visit me for a long time." Oscar Vaner arrived, all full of himself with his chest raised, being loud, scaring off our dear customer.

Oh yeah, I totally forgot about this. You see, this character has a fiancé. I can't roll my eyes enough at this guy.

You may wonder why a girl who always wanted a boyfriend, lover, and romance rolls her eyes at a potential lover prospect.

Well, let me tell you about this good-for-nothing Oscar Vaner. He is the son of the butcher, so he has money (a little more than the normal commoner).

That person thinks, he is better than anyone. Besides, he cheats on his girlfriend a lot, in this case Me.

He is not even that special, so any other girl can take this cheating bastard.

I have been avoiding him since the last memory that this character has, is of him pushing her down. That's how she fell and hit her head.

He was cheating on her, constantly and apparently she couldn't stand it anymore and confronted him.

He was always like that. Every time she confronted him, he made excuses, she was kind (or dumb) enough to forgive him, or maybe she loved him very much, I don't know.

However, this time, when she confronted him, he pushed her too hard and she hit her head against the wall and fainted.

That bastard left her bleeding. She could have died, and in this day and age, she probably would have died if I didn't have transmigrated.

Now he comes all high and mighty, saying that she should have visited him. The audacity of this guy.

From the last times that he cheated, this character always forgave him after some lame excuses from him.

'I only did because I have so much love to give, I love you' I get chills thinking about that, disgusting!!

However, I am not her, so I don't care about his dumb ass, Nor I have feelings for him.

I want to not only get rid of him but also I want to destroy his reputation. A little pay back is due.

"I have been recovering from my injury, so I haven't been able to work." I say in my most gentle voice. "Only today I managed to leave the house to help Kira."

Kira's face was very surprised by my performance. That was not at all how she was expecting me to react.

She was secretly rooting for the sister not to forgive his cheating ass. It was all over her face.

"Injury." He looked agitated, probably praying that I would not say he was the one who did that to me.

"I was expecting a visit from you, but you never came." I fake sobbed. "I never thought you'd care so little for me."

Everyone around stopped to look, making him feel uncomfortable, just like I want.

Kira jaw dropped, I guess she is surprised, by my performance, I hope.

"No... No, calm down, my darling, I... I've been so busy..."

"Busy with what??" Kira interjected with her hands crossed.

"Work!! Yes, work. My father has had a lot to do lately, I couldn't come to you, my dear."

"I don't think you even know what that word 'work' means." Kira didn't hide much of her displeasure with him.

"Now, now, sister-in-law, please don't be like that. Adults are talking here." If my eyes could, they would be rolling all the way to the back of my head.

This guy was disgusting. I want to put an end to this.

At that moment, I saw someone who could be the key to my freedom.

The baker's son was a strong boy who worked hard day and night. He had a fiancé who apparently was also one of this guy's mistresses.

What did they all see in him?

"I remember now..." he started to tremble. "I saw you with Miss Tarabeta, you were getting frisky with her the day of my ... accident." He turned pale, he could see the baker's son listening to the conversation, and I wasn't being too discreet about it.

"No, no, you must be wrong, my darling." His legs were trembling in fear.

"What... You were with my fiancé?"

"No, no, it's clearly a misunderstanding, right, my dear?" He tried to grab me. The mistress, who was watching, also turned pale.

"Oh, maybe I saw it wrong." He nodded frantically. "Was it Miss Paula?" That was the carpenter's daughter.

"What are you saying?" He trembled like a weak weed on a windy day.

Tarabeta face turned red in anger, I am pretty sure she wanted to cussing him out, but since her fiancé was there and many other people around she held back.

"Yeah, I saw it too. I can't believe how shameless he is." Someone shouted from behind, I'm pretty sure that was Kira. I wanted to laugh but I held it in.

"Poor girl being tricked by such a ruffian." People started commenting while I put on my best act, crying my eyes out.

"I am sorry I can't keep getting my heart broken. I can no longer be your fiancé." I sobbed and ran away.

Leaving him behind to deal with the consequences of his actions. I love it, very cliché.

After I left the crowded place, I could not contain my laughter. I could barely hold it in while I was there at the market place.

"You made quite a show, making everyone hate that poor man and pretending to cry, that's very cunning." The blood disappeared from my face when I heard the voice. I couldn't recognize it.

As I turned around, I saw a young boy sitting on a tree.

Ohh is just a a guy sitting on the tree!! I sighted in relief.

"He is not a poor man, and he deserved it.

Are you a monkey? C'mon down from there" I yelled at him.

As he climbed down, I could see from his clothes that he was not a commoner. He must be one of the aristocratic kids who come to the village to see how commoners live.

If I play my cards well, I can make him fall in love. He's cute, has a nice face....

As he came closer, I could see that he was a little boy. He was smaller than me.

Ahhhhh, I almost made a move on a child. For heaven's sake.

"You better go home, your parents must be looking for you. It's dangerous for someone like you in the village."

" Someone like me ? I'm not afraid of anything." Of course, he would be stubborn. Should I teach him a lesson?

"Go home, little kid, before some bad guys hurt you."

"Kid?? I'm older than I seem." He said, very frustrated.

Maybe I should ignore this brat. I have to go home anyway...ohh Kira, I left her behind.

"Don't ignore me!!" He yelled.

"Alright... Alright." I patted his head. "You're lost, right? Where is your nanny?"

"Are you mocking me, you insolent? I don't have a nanny, I'm 17."

I was speechless. He was the same age as me, but he was much smaller than me.

"Are you a dwarf?"

"Do you have a death wish?"

"There's nothing wrong with being small, you know. Napoleon accomplished great things even for a man of his size."


"Never mind." Ohh, I totally forgot that Napoleon doesn't exist in this world.

"Damion!!!! Where are you?" Someone yelled from afar. He looked distressed, as if he was hiding.

"I will remember this!" He said, running away.

"What the hell just happened?" Anyway, I need to get back to Kira.


"Damion, you can't run away like that during your lesson."

"Yes, I understand!" Damion entered his carriage.

"Loyd, please find out who Napoleon is." Damion said in a demanding tone before the carriage departed.

"Yes, your Highness."

The carriage slowly rolled away, and Damion sank into the seat, replaying the encounter with the girl at the village market in his mind.

He couldn't shake off the feeling of embarrassment and annoyance at being mistaken for a child.

As the carriage made its way back to the luxurious estate where Damion lived, he couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration.

Being the young prince with strict tutors and lessons was suffocating. He longed for the freedom that the commoners seemed to have, the ability to roam freely without a care in the world.

Soon his thoughts wandered back to the girl at the market, her mischievous smile and quick wit.

He admired her boldness and how she had effortlessly turned the crowd against the other young man. Damion couldn't help but wonder if he would ever have that kind of courage.