
I love clichés so much once I transmigrated I was in one myself

A young woman named Claire Smith, crosses the street with her heart broken, unknowingly that a truck comes in her direction, where the driver is over the speed limit and fails to notice her. Claire finds herself transmigrated into the cliché world of Regency romance. Amidst lavish balls, aristocratic scandals, and intricate manners, she assumes the identity of Rahua Stronghold. " In this fictional world, where magic and mythical creatures existed, I found myself as an ordinary human surrounded by extraordinary beings. The story I had been reading was called "The Chronicles of Arrentela," a tale of adventure, romance, and the battle between good and evil. And me ?? I was nothing but a background Character! But little did I know, being one of those background characters was about to change my life in ways I never imagined." Claire now Rahua, finds herself caught in a web of political intrigue, passionate encounters, and dangerous secrets. Along the way, she encounters an array of captivating characters, including the dashing yet enigmatic Damion a young man concealing secrets of his own. As their hearts entwine, they must face countless trials, testing the limits of their love and the possibilities of clichés filled encounters. Knowing how the story ends, will it be enough for Rahua to change the tragic ending that awaits her and everyone around her??

Dtrish · Fantasía
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91 Chs

Chapter 17 - The Grand Opening!!

Today is the Grand Opening, I have everything prepared, I gathered my sisters and dressed us up for the big moment.

We had our aprons on, our hair was styled into twins tails, the four of us looked very cute.

Mother prepared a small bow for Zack in blue, his hair was styled to the side. Even though mother wasn't going to be a part of it we also styled her hair into a beautiful side ponytail.

We look like we were about to perform. Father, brought the cart while we went with a rented wagon pick up the cupcakes.

At Lady Morgana's house we made the cupcakes and decorated everything. While taking it from the oven, the cupcake pan was very hot, the twins were running around the in kitchen almost ran over Saya, while she was taken them out of the oven, to avoid them she fell backward.

The pan flew out Saya's hands, Zoe was a quick mouse, she grabbed the hot pan burning her little hands.

"Ahhhhh" she screamed. "I am sorry, I am sorry but I saved them, big sister, the cupcakes I saved them." She was red from pain, my eyes had almost popped out of my head.

"Let go the pan, let go...." I yell. She was still holding it. Her face twisted in pain.

"Noooo, the cupcakes will fall down, big sister hard work will be ruined." No this is not right, I don't want this. I didn't want to put such burden over the family. I slapped the pan out of her little hands letting the cupcakes fall to the ground.

"I would rather lose all the cupcakes than have you hurt yourself, you guys are the most important people in my life.

Your hand we have to put under water and .. and ... " With tears coming to my eyes...

" Ohhh well I guess there's no use in hiding." Lady Morgana approached Zoe. " Give me your hand little one."

She held Zoe's hand gently, while softly passing with the tips of her fingers, through Zoe's burns. Slowly her hand was healing.

We were all in a awe, it was beautiful how the light that was flowing between her fingers were healing the little girl hand.

"Thank you so much Lady Morgana, thank you, really."

"I think I would be in a lot of trouble if the little girls hand had remained runied."

"How so?" asked Kira, very perceptive and quick witted.

"Ahh ahha I only mean, I would feel guilty."

Ohh I see.

I never paid attention how important this people had become in my life, I always say that I want to save them, but I always thought I was saying out of duty since I know the future.

But I really do love them, and I want to protect them all, maybe not much the father, okay him as well, I still feel like he could do much more.

I can't digress from my goal, I need to focus and deliver an Gran Grand Opening like never before.

As we left Lady Morgana's house, the girls held really tight the cupcakes holder so they won't fall down or ruin it's decorations.

I had already told the father where he should park the cart and prepare for our arrival.

Father was alreay waiting for us. He had stationed the cart where I had told him.

The market from the village was done at the center, but I didn't want to be in the center where our charm would be lost with the other tents.

So we were at the street exit and entrance, where normally people didn't put their shops because the customers would gather more to the center, but then again it was effect cause kind of situation.

If the shops are all concentrated to the center that's where the people will gather to buy it.

"Kids you look wonderful." Said mother arriving, we all ran to her.

"Mother what are you doing here??"

" I couldn't miss the ... How was it the gram opening."

"The Grand Opening, Mother" I say smiling, I know she gave her best to make the aprons and to prepare everything for us, for me.

But she looks so weak.

"My dear come sit here behind the cart. We can watch them from there." The father grabbed mother's hand and lead the way.

We prepared everything, we arranged the cupcakes. We were ready to for the Gran event.

"Everyone let's give our best. Don't be afraid, to scream, don't be shy to yell. If everything goes well we may be making enough to take mother to a doctor!!"

Everyone as expected looked super motivated.

Saya although, despite of being motivated I knew she was shy.

"Sometimes you just have to count to five and just do it." I told her.

People started coming, to the market. Walking by us, into the center without stopping.

My heart was beating loud, I could clearly hear it. I was terrified, but... I really want to save everyone, really want to help mom get better....

"Hello welcome, is cupcake time. Come try the sweetness in heaven, the cloud cakes."

I yelled at the top of my lungs I was waving a pink flag with the word cupcake on it, I had made out of paper with help from Lady Morgana we made a few for the first 100 clients.

Before I could catch my breath again to yell Kira went at it.

"It's cupcake time, come try the cloud in your mouth."

People were looking, curious, but remained just looking from afar.

"It's cupcake time" little Zoe yelled.

"Cupcake time. " The shy Zack called people over. The people were nice enough to smile but still were skeptical.

Saya looked at me, like I thought she would have hard time to deal with social things, with my fingers, I showed her a five, I smiled at her and gave her a wink.

"Cupcake time is time try this sweet treat. " I yelled.

"Good day my dear, I would like to try some."

"Lady Morga..." She winked at me.

"Yes my lady my lovely sister Saya will take care of you."I Winked at her, and she nervously served the cupcake.

The Lady Morgana was an expert in acting, but she went over the top this time.

"Ohh this are so wonderful, is like I have a piece of heaven inside my mouth. I could gladly die today if heaven is sweet like this, this is so wonderful."

The curious bystanders came forward wanting to buy, as they ate, they came back to buy more.

We decided to charge 50 pins (currency used) for a cupcake.

This was a tricky one for me... so in this world they use a coin called pins that have little value however 300 pins was equivalent to one silver coin. 240 silver was equivalent to one gold coin.

If I wanted to make a gold coin, well 300x 240 that makes 72,000 pins.

So selling each cup cake 50 pins each was almost like nothing. We made 150 cupcakes, but 30 were damaged in the droping accident.

So I only have 120. To make a gold coin I would need to have .... 72000÷50 well ... 1440 cupcakes. With 120 cupcakes to make a gold coin I would need to 72000÷120 sell each cupcake for 600 pins, and that would be too expensive, which for now was almost impossible.

"How much for 1 ?"

"It's fift.." I interromped Kira and yelled.

"Seventy pins for this delicious treat." The family face completely went pale.

They might think that's too much but for this people, is like nothing. And every bit that I could make was a help to reach our goal

"Isn't this a find, and this is just the opening prices, tomorrow we will be charging 90 pins, we have quality products, you know how good it is, your family will be delighted to have this treat for the tea time.."

My family were glaring at my shamelessness. I could feel it.

"I'll take 5, noo I will take 7 pieces."

"Yes sir!" I said confidentiality.

" 490 pins please." I said loudly, my family couldn't believe on our first real sell we made more money than we do in a day earnings.

"Cupcake time, come and delight yourself in our delicious treat." Yelled Saya very loud calling the attention of people passing by, her beauty attracted everyone, man, woman alike.

I couldn't help but to smile how she was breaking out of her shell and talking to everyone calling them over.

Me and Kira , were packing, and counting the money while Zack, Zoe and Saya were calling the people over.

It was so wonderful to see how a family can work together.

"I want five."

"I want six"

"I'll take ten. They are Indeed wonderful."

"Which tea would fit better,?"

"I normally take with green tea leaves because the bitterness of the tea make the sweetness much more delightful." Kira explained even though she never had drank green tea leaves.

"Ohh it's shame you don't have teas with you."

"I will only tell you this because I liked you Miss Lady, tomorrow we may be having some tea with us so you can look and take it. Come again tomorrow we may have something delicious to match."

Wow I am shameless but Kira takes it to another level, she would be a great call center worker, is scary how good she is, at this.

She already made 3 customers say they will come back tomorrow. She is indeed the best.

*After a while*

"Big sister, big sister"

"Yes" I turn to face Kira. While I kept telling the clients to line up.

"What are we going to do ? We only have 4 cupcakes left. "

So quickly? We have been in business for 45 minutes, if that much . And we already sold everything.

"Let's close down. We apologize but we sold out everything today. We will come back tomorrow, with many more cupcakes. So please thank you for your understanding."

Some people left angry because they waited in line and didn't get to taste, while others were happy that tomorrow they could try, or buy again.

We all thank them as they left our cart.

"But Big sister..." Saya grabbed me by the apron. "Wouldn't it be better for us to sell also the 4 that are left? "

"Yes exactly we would make much more." Kira added.

"Indeed, but somehow we have people to thank, don't you think without the help of our neighbours we would never manage to rent the wagon, or get some extra cloth to do the aprons, we should also pay them our respects and show them we appreciate their help in our time of need. "

"Wow sister you thought of that. "Kira looked at me like I had grown a halo over my head.

The truth is those people will be more willing to help next time if we show some appreciation. And it would the bothersome if the the costumers started to fight over the 4 cupcakes, I am sure it would not be pretty.

At home we counted the money we made, we managed to make 8120 pins.

We made 27 silvers and 20 pins.

No one has ever seen so much money in this family, they were all looking at the coins.

"We are rich" whispered Zoe to Zack as he nodded.

"No we are not rich." Said Kira. "But we will be if we keep selling like today."

"We should go to the doctor now while is still day, we managed to sell everything quickly, so there's still time."

"I feel good today, full energy actually, I would feel guilty if you used the hard earned money on me, we can buy food and..."

"Mother we will, but first you will need the doctor"

"Yes mother, we want you to feel better already." Said Kira.

"I am sorry I have made our lifes much harder."

"No is not your fault, mother. Please don't say that. " Saya held mother's hand. "We should go now, to the doctor."