

Alexander went up to the elevator to go to his room when he entered he heard the shower, he approached and his beloved was stuck there

-Love again there!

-I was hot

-Oh, hahaha, we forgot to turn on the air conditioning

-No wonder it was so hot!

When Martha felt arms around her waist

-How delicious you smell love

-Alexander, how hot you are!

-You have me burning

-I got up and I didn't see you

-I woke up and remembered the lady from the cafeteria from yesterday, I quoted her for today

Have you solved that yet?

-Yes love, that's it, mmmm, you're tasty!

-hahaha, what happened, kiss me love!

They kissed and made love again under the rain of shower water, they stayed playing video games until 5pm, they got dressed and went out to continue walking, in the car Alexander drove it, I didn't take the driver, he went into a highway saying

-Let's meet some friends, eh don't be scared when you see them

- Scare me? Why should I be scared?