

Dracula walked arm in arm with his wife, the women looked at him enthralled, how handsome, tall, attractive and his way of walking, when Alexander stopped dead and said

-Who are following me? I want to see them!

Martha was surprised by what he said and looked everywhere without seeing anything, from the shadows some thirty men and women appeared before the King and bent their knees in greeting.

-Who is the boss?

-I your majesty

-What is your name?

nicolay majesty

-Why are you following me?

-Sorry majesty, since we saw him, we wanted to protect him

Oh, they recognized me!

-Yes, Your Majesty, I was a guard of the kingdom, until I married a human from this country and her father allowed me to live here.

-Okay, thanks, but I don't want to feel harassed, please, if you want, just assign some.

-Okay, Your Majesty, and I'm sorry for bothering you.
