
Chapter 1 I! Logic! Join the Three-Body!_1

Traductor: 549690339


"Do you know what ETO is?"

"Yes, it's an organization established by a part of Earthlings to welcome the Three-Body Civilization."

"So, do you know why ETO was established?"

"Hmm, maybe it's for the desire to have a better life."

Logic touched his chin with his hand and then stretched out his arms, resting them on the back of the chair, his right leg over his left, exactly as you are sitting right now.

With a lazy and careless tone, he said, "When faced with a powerful enemy, it is human nature to feel fear and choose to submit to the strong. It's a natural instinct evolved from being social animals for thousands of years."

Hang with the strong.

Full for three days, hungry for nine.

When hunger envelops the body, when death creeps up silently, no belief is stronger than the two words 'stay alive'!"

Evans, the tycoon who accidentally inherited his father's $4.5 billion fortune and owned several oil companies, the leader of the ETO organization, had a bitter look on his face as he gazed at the young man before him, a trace of desolation flickering in his eyes, "I thought…"

"That a smart man like you..."

"Would understand me…"

Evans crossed his arms in front of his chest, leaned back slightly, and looked up at the ceiling where there seemed to be a figure, a naive young boy, "Once, I didn't want to be a rich man, because I felt that being wealthy wasn't at all joyful. The gazes of everyone around me were impure, filled with greed, saturated with the thirst for money, obsession over lust, and the fixation on power!"

"Let me interrupt you!"

Logic suddenly sat up straight, a serious look on his face as he held up a finger, "There's a flaw in your words. Actually, I think you can despise drugs, look down on gambling, but I don't think you can dismiss lust. After all, it's natural for men to like women; it's ingrained in our bones, an evolutionary choice left by Humanity, just like growing tall, speaking, breathing—it's behavior etched into our genes that we can't avoid."

"Of course!"

Logic, as if reminded of something, leaned forward a bit, speaking earnestly, "And if you don't like women, that's fine too—I'm no homophobe, of course. And if you don't like women or men, well, I respect your choice. After all, in this regard, you guys are always very open and free, cough, cough…"

At this point, the corners of Logic's mouth started to curve upward because he thought of a certain male lizard forcibly loved and provided for by his older brother, and he almost couldn't contain his laughter.

Thank goodness!

Being professionally trained, he had prepared in advance and covered his smile with his hand, avoiding any impoliteness.

Oh boy, I am a serious intellectual, really polite, and wouldn't laugh.

Evans fell silent, looked at the young man before him, then, somewhat unsure of himself, closed his eyes again, sighed after repeating the messages sent by Sophon multiple times, and then opened his eyes again.

On the surface, he appeared calm as if nothing had happened, and continued his narrative, "Since I was a child, I never felt happiness. For some reason, I could always sense what others were thinking, no matter how well they hid it, I could tell. They came for my eighth birthday present."

"Huh? Your eighth birthday present?" Logic thought deeply, "That's too brutal, to rob even a child's gift. It's morally bankrupt... No, wait, from the standpoint of social psychology, human greed stems from the desire for what one does not have. So, what did your father give you?"

"Just something ordinary, a regular red Ferrari."

Logic: ...

Well, indeed quite ordinary, especially since to Evans, such a car is merely junk, worth less than a million—it would be beneath his dignity, wouldn't it?

If you don't mind, I could help by taking out the trash.

Just as Logic had thought, Evans didn't feel he was showing off his wealth by saying that. Inheriting several oil companies by accident, the money came rolling in like having babies, never-ending, impossible to spend completely.

He lost the concept of money a long time ago, lost interest in it. To him, those things were just a bunch of numbers, valueless numbers.



He really wasn't interested at all.

"I have always been following the meaning of life, how should one spend his life?"

Evans remembered his own lost youth, "Actually, sometimes I'm very envious of ordinary people, they are born with a goal, spend over a decade learning, another decade to get into college, then several decades working, getting married, having children, buying a house, and even when they grow old, they can still take care of their grandchildren. Life is so fulfilling!"

Logic: ←_←

Oh, an expert opinion.

"As I met more and more people, I realized that all of their pursuits were so shallow, all chasing money, and some would even resort to any means for the sake of money, evil, greed..."

Evans paused; he didn't want to bring this up, this thing that ordinary people find hard to accept but have to.

They work hard, even for decades, just to earn that tiny amount of money that he thought was insignificant.

For that tiny bit of money.

Forsaking family, forsaking friendships, even resorting to unscrupulous means!

So much, too much...

Disgusting, filthy, unbearable to look at, unwilling to mention...

Evans's expression remained calm, as if what he was talking about had nothing to do with him, a brief smile flickering across his face, "Compared to the complexities of human nature, I prefer animals. I would rather have a cat, a dog, a wolf..."

"Animals are not complex?"

Logic couldn't help but retort, "Compared to humans, I think nature is even more cruel, with survival of the fittest, it's downright bloody."

"How does that compare to humans?"


No comparison...

Logic fell silent for a moment, "There are always good people in the world, always good places."

"I used to think so too. I once planted trees with Ye Wenjie, just to provide a place for those poor swallows to nest, but what was the result?"

Evans's mouth curled with a touch of mockery, "The trees I planted for the swallows didn't belong to the swallows, but to the collective, to some people who obviously didn't need it but were greedy!"

He took a deep breath, gripping the armrests of his seat tightly, "Humanity is always like this, they only look after themselves, never considering the lives of others, destroying other beings out of greed and arrogance. I once asked them, 'Why?'"

Evans then burst into laughter, "Those people looked at me as if I were an idiot. Those are just bugs; so what if they're destroyed? What does destroying you have to do with you? Logic, you know it best, don't you?"

Logic fell silent for a moment, "That's also why I came here!"

Humanity did not appreciate Logic!


"I, Logic!"

"Join Three-Body!"