
The Journey (2)

When I opened my eyes it was dark out. I could tell that several hours had passed, but I felt a bit better over all. My heart still hurt. I sat up from the medical cot and the single sheet covering me fell off. I was naked. It gave me a chance to observe the doctors work. He clearly did a good job, because the bandages I did have were conforming and easy to move with and the other other smaller scratches I had were already hard to see.

I feel well rested, but definitely starting to get hungry. I notice a robe set out for me in a near by chair and I start to gingerly get up to get it. Once I do, i cant seem to shake the feeling I'm being watched. The medical tent I'm in is silent and dark. It seems very settled. I take a quick look around the little space.

I see medical supplies, my small cot, the chair, and not much else. Although I do pick up my robe and dress quickly. As I'm securing my obi in place, I hear the rustle of movement. I turn around quickly and find myself very close the a broad chested man. His face is covered.

I gasp and immediately turn red in the face. Did he see me? How long was he here? Why is he here? As my mind rushes with questions the man simply brushes a strand of hair behind my ear. He then turns like he's going to leave.

"Wait! Who are you? Tell me your name and why you are in this tent with me. Did you see me, just now, when I was..." I stumbled over my words.

I looks at me with a blank expression and then steps toward me. Closer, closer, and closer still. Until he is so close to me I can smell his musk and feel the heat coming from his body. He removes his face mask to reveal the full effect of his looks to me. His brown eyes, high cheekbones, stout lips, and slight facial hair.

"I have been tasked with observing you by Lord Hideyoshi. You will be seeing a lot of me. Don't be so shy and childish. You're in an adult world now, so act like it. There are too many chance for running away, plotting rebellion, or just as much having someone else take advantage of you. That's why I'm here, so just count it as a blessing and a curse. Unless of course, you are happy I saw you."

My face turned a whole new shade of red and my heart started to beat rapidly. I needed to tread carefully here.

"Please, just tell me your name if we are going to be spending so much time together."


I can't really tell what he's thinking. Not sure where my life will lead me, or what will happen in the next few months. I suddenly feel very nervous. Should I be more prepared for things being some Lords concubine? Or maybe, like he said, I will end up taken advantage of. I need a friend, someone close to me.

"Can I ask you for a favor Haku?"

He says nothing, but nods his head in my direction. He sure had a lot to say before, and now he is suddenly silent.

"I don't know if you know this, but my name is Mizu and I'm from the recent village Lord Hideyoshi has taken. I am alone and very scared in this new world. I don't know what will happen to me or where I will go." I trailed off, my heart beating rapidly.

He is still so close, I can't think straight. I need to get this out before I change my mind.

"I need something from you, if you are willing. I need to learn some things, before I go into this new world, because I don't want to be inexperienced. I don't want to be so afraid or shy, like you said. Since you have just seen my body, I would feel less nervous if it were you. Especially since we are supposed to be spending so much time together in the future."

He stares at me with a blank expression for a moment. I'm worried I'm not being clear enough. I can feel the heat in my face and my heart about to leave my chest it is beating so hard.

"Mizu. I don't think I'm an experienced enough person to help you with this. I'm a certain type of person, and we are trained to not need such things, so I have never sought them out."

Did he just tell me he's a virgin too? I wonder if he is as nervous right now as I am.

"I understand if you are trying to save yourself for the woman you marry, but.." he cuts me off.

"Ninja are not allowed to marry."

I stare at him blankly for a moment. Then take a deep breath. I need to be confident and clear.

"Then in that case there should be nothing stopping you. I don't want to be a virgin going into this. I don't want to be inexperienced. I want to know what it is like to be with a man beforehand, so that I am not treated differently. Please do this for me, as my protector, Haku."

I look him directly in his eyes, and ignore the feeling in my stomach of fear. I want my first time to be on my terms. He is nice, strong, and attractive. Also it seems like a good way to make a quick friend since he is charged with observing me for a while.

"Okay, i'll do it. Let's do it, Mizu."

My breath caught in my throat.