
I joined the Thor familia !!!(Rewrite)

Our main character dies and is reincarnated in danmachi world.Join him in his ventures to finally become the strongest adventurer there is along with his trusted partner,the adorable Pichu. The plot will not be fast .There is a possibility that our Mc will have multiple romantic interests. Disclaimer all of the characters in this story belong to their respective owners.

Raging_Pulverizer · Cómic
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9 Chs

Chapter three:New World.

"Arrgh.My head feels kind of fuzzy"I said to myself while groaning.I looked around my surroundings to see if there were any hostiles.Nope no hostiles spotted.

I noticed that I was currently in a dimly lit cave.I saw a puddle of water near me .Feeling thirsty I scooped up some water and drank till I quenched my thirst.It was at that time I noticed my reflection.

I was about thirteen years old.Had a height about 5 feet 4 inches.Silver hair along with some streaks of blue hair.The hair was long enough to tie it into a ponytail.I had a pretty handsome face albeit a little girlish.My skin was pale white and very smooth.I had well defined eyebrows.Overall I was a handsome teen .I had two fluffy wolfish ears poking out from the top of my head.They were greyish silver in colour.I also had a greyish silver tail.It looked so fluffy.I could flap my ears if I wanted to.

"Damn I look so handsome.Ladies prepare to have your minds shattered by my looks.Hahahah.I probably won't be mistaken as a girl right.Probably not."I muttered to myself.

I then felt a small consciousness near my chest.I removed the white shirt I was wearing and saw a lightening symbol near my heart.It was faint yellow in colour .

Suddenly a yellow furball appeared appeared in front of me.On closer inspection it was a rodent like creature having yellow fur and had a black tail.It had two pinkish red spots on its face.

Then it hit me.It was a Pichu.I expected Pikachu but Pichu is cuter.

Pichu was staring at me .I gestured it to come closer.It then began climbing and reached my neck.I rubbed under its neck and it gave out a cute squeak.

It then rubbed its head against my face .I kept on rubbing its head and neck.

I stopped rubbing and Pichu pointed to itself using its paw and said"Pichu" introducing himself.

"Yeah I will call you Pichu little guy.You are so cute you know that."I said to Pichu.

Pichu agreed and said "Pichu Pichu"

I looked around and saw a backpack near me.I guess it is the starter bag.I ruffled through the contents of the bag and pulled out:


A old fashioned lighter.

A iron knife

A bag of marshmallows for the Pokémon.

A bag of berries.

10000 valis.

A goddamn eyepatch.

A water canteen of 2 litre capacity.


Pretty ok I guess.Well what name should I go with?I will name myself Alex Reinhardt.I think that it is a cool name.At that time my stomach started rumbling.Time to go hunting.

Alex gave two berries to Pichu and he started walking to the cave entrance.

Alex went outside and his mind was blown.There were very huge trees and the leaves were big as a plates.The leaves were of various colours.Alex looked at Pichu whose mouth was hung open.Well no time to waste .Time to look for food.

The sun was going down and Alex still didn't find any animal.I was about to eat some berries when Pichu shot sparks at me.

"Hey what the heck did I do Pichu"Alex questioned Pichu.

Pichu pointed towards the bushes in front of them.Alex understood and equipped his iron knife.Suddenly a wolf jumped at him.

"Well I can't say no to free food ."Alex held his breath and swung his knife deftly at the wolf.The knife lodged itself in the wolf's skull.

"Hoo Deathstroke's aim is no joke"Alex said before lifting the wolf and went to the cave.

Alex cut the flesh from the wolf into chunk sized pieces.He buried it's organs under the ground.He made a fire and barbecued it .Alex felt that the meat was pretty bland as there was no seasonings.Alex tried to give Pichu some meat but Pichu refused it.Alex gave Pichu some marshmallows which was quickly gobbled by Pichu.

Alex then pondered over the world of Danmachi .He had only watched the anime only.He didn't read any light novel.He decided that he should go to the nearby village to sleep in an inn.He didn't want to live in a damn cave.As for money he could probably kill the monsters in the deeper parts of the forest and sell the magic stones to the village shop or something.Well he will worry about it tomorrow.

He then gently went to the land of dreams while hugged Pichu like a pillow .Pichu snuggled closer to him and also went to sleep.

(To be continued in the next chapter, obviously.)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Raging_Pulverizercreators' thoughts