
You Didn't Tell Him?

"Do you hold us responsible?"

In face of that question Nethan found it mockery.

His parent's murderer is saying if he holds him responsible for his parent's murder.

"You are saying as if I should be thankful to you for killing my parents. Huh, how hilarious!!! To think that a day will come when the murderer will say to the victim to thank him for his killing. Were you kicked by a donkey when you were in your mother's womb. If not I think you have a biological problem.

Come to my clinic later so that I can do a check-up. Oh if you need the help of a psychiatrist then I can give you the number of my colleague who is number 1 psychiatrist in the Western Alliance. I assure you she will take great care of you."

Hearing the full blown mockery Nethan gave, Regas almost exploded. He wanted to say many things but the amount of humiliation he just got,

he thought if he said tried to argue again he will definitely lose his face today. So he looked at the other board members for assistance but they were hiding their faces from him. Seeing that his colleagues won't help him, he got even more aggrieved. The other board members also took note that they shouldn't try to question Nethan such sensitive questions.

"Ahem ahem. Please don't get sidetracked from the main discussion. I am again saying if you have any questions about his qualifications then please do so."

Nill tried his best to salvage the situation and tried to save Regas's face but he also thought that the question was a bit insensitive of him.

Regas looked at Nill as if an angel had appeared before him so he gave a hearty smile at him.

Following Nill's word, an old lady asked a question.

"How do you wish to govern the future generation and how are you going to nurture them? What will be your first step after you take your power?"

Nethan felt this was an appropriate question unlike that dumbass who questions without observing the situation.

"I will take measures which will ensure to blossom the potential of the next generation at it's best.

For the sake of that I have to have the power to control the full mass. In other words as you may say it dictatorship. And the first thing I will do after taking control of the power would be to make different echelons."

Hearing Nethan's words they all took a great shock as they didn't thought Nethan would be so bold as to declare his true intentions in front of them not even hiding trying to hide it. Although everyone was pretty shocked at Nethan's statement they regain their composure.

"Why do you want to be a dictator? And I don't think that will benefit the next generation instead it will be beneficial to you."

The old lady said in great dismay. She was disappointed thinking back to how she hoped to be the next leader.

"What you said isn't wrong but all the examples of dictatorship you know about is the deplorable ones. I don't want that to be too. What I want is discipline among the next generation. Because if we leave power settlement to electoral college system then we will see conflicts over the power struggle which will gradually become more like our current world where conflicts are innumerable.

So in order to ensure that the future generation doesn't self destruct again we have to get rid of any potential dangers or for the world my parents were killed with also many other people that world will never come to life."

Although the people ashamed of how Nethan addressed the last sentence, they still got the crux of the matter. Because they knew that the current world was going to end in the same way.

"And what about the social echelons you were talking about at first. If there is really going to be social differences than how come we strive for peace in future generation?"

Regas asked hurriedly as he didn't want to agree with Nathan.

Nethan didn't knew why Regas's behaviour was like this but he didn't care.

"Obviously there will be no equality."

Everyone was again shocked at Nethan's word but they waited for him to explain further as they knew he wasn't saying all this on a whim.

"The reason for all this are in front of you.

You people yourselves have decided who to save and who to not. So obviously there will be no equality. The better a person will contribute to society the better the treatment he will get.

You can't expect to give the same treatment to a

Doctor who saves lives at a daily basis and a fat guy who just lazes around all day doing nothing just wasting his time, can you?"

Everyone had to agree with him not because they had also done the same by being bias. But because they understood the merits of the system he explained.

"Do you have anymore questions?"

"How do you want to nurture the future generation?"

"I will try to discover everyone's main Forté and try to nurture in that way where they could unveil their hidden potential. Which way we would be gaining new geniuses and we also be able to nurture them properly."

"What would you do if an upper echelon tries to abuse his given power and abuses his lower echelons?"

"Obviously there will be laws for that. Which is why a specific force will be built. Their sole responsibility will be to watch around such cases and punish them accordingly without any bias."

"How do you want to pass down your position?"

" I will pass down my position to the person who is the most eligible and worthy. I will also decide upon it by going through how he and his family has behaved through all those years and if everything checks out I will give away my power after teaching him about everything about the job and responsibilities."

Satisfied with all the answers everyone nodded.

Even Regas was somewhat satisfied with Nethan now!

Seeing that everyone didn't had any questions

Nill then gathered their attention.

"So, may I take it as everyone has agreed to give him the position of the next leader to him?"

" I agree."

" I agree."

" I agree."

" I agree."

Everyone gradually expressed their answer.

Hearing everyone's answer Nill asked the next question to Nethan.

"Do you have anybody to bring in with you?"

After pondering some moment Nethan replied.

"I would like to have my foster parents take with me."

Nill was a little surprised that Nethan didn't mention more names like his friends.

"Is that all? You don't want to bring in your friends?"

"No. I don't think that will be a wise idea. If I bring any one of them he will question me more and blame everything on me and I don't want them to die after feeling such betrayal from their friend.

Also they are happy as they are now. So I will let the be happy with their lives till the very end."

Everyone was Surprised to know why Nethan didn't took in his friends but ultimately they understood.

But the old lady who had asked a question before had another question now.

"Don't you have any lovers? You don't want to invite them?"

Although the board members knew most of Nethan's life what they didn't know was the existence to Moon. Al they knew was that Nethan had a girlfriend. But they didn't try to pry further as that was not necessary at the moment.

" I did had an lover but she lied to me about something big so I don't I would be able to continue anymore relationship with her so I have left her."

Hearing that question the old lady didn't had any questions as it was common for such things to happen in relationships.

But two people were shaken at the moment hearing Nethan's words.

"Okay if the questionings are over then I would like to get some rest as I had been abducted a few hours ago."

"I will arrange for some arrangements for your stay temporarily, later you will be later given your room with facilities for your studies and everything else."

"Okay please show me the way to my temporary room first."

"Yes, the manager outside this room will show you the way."

"So, I will take my leave now."

Saying that Nethan left the room.

After that Nill Wilson dismissed everyone else and stayed in the room with his daughter Moon.

"You didn't tell him?"

Nill Wilson asked solemnly.

"I didn't had the chance before."

Moon said meekly.

"So, how are you going to restore your relationship now?"

" I don't know."

Moon said as her face became gloomy

"Then if you tell him now that

You are pregnant there might be salvation for your relationship!!"

"But if I tell him now then he will think I am trying to bind him to me for the sake of the child after I had deceived him and kept the truth about his parents death to myself. How do you think the relationship will progress after that. He may stay for the sake of the child but there will be no harmony in the family.