
I haven't found yet

I went to the class, where we practicing to sing and play an instrument. I am Vocal students my name is Wayne, grade 1A I always Top in the class, but zero in sports and because that I can sing, everyone loves me. We can say I am a fame boy, good looking and smart. But one day when we doing our practices then certainly professor knock in and introduce a new artist, everyone was shocked and I was so angry. And it was mid of the semester and we have to perform the song for the ongoing senior. But as this new comers interrupted all our plans are spoil. Why I am boiling is because he's also Vocal I mean singer but as I am lead singer, how can I make him as a lead singer, professor once told us to make him just to sing as lead singer on that day. But how and why!? He was smiling at us, he looks familiar but I don't know and I don't remember, he looks smart and cute no!no!no! Not cute a devil Hahahahaha!!!! And I am handsome then him but one thing we have in unique is that he's also one of the top students of his previous school he was transfered as his father transfered to work in this city. They are all rich and well-known person. His company is all over the city.

Next day, I was walking and then I bumped into that stupid beast we were completely fall. I was so nervous in the meanwhile I pushed him away. Saying nothing I ran from there and go straight to the class. He's also on his way, when he reach to the Class I could notice that he has wound on his arms. But he didn't react anything instead of just give a little smile to me. And then I realized I was wrong and after the end of our 2class I went to him and said "Are you okay", "do you need to see or go to the clinic". He said "I'm okay" but I didn't listen anything I gasped his arm and pull him to come with me and disinfect his wound to the clinic. He's said it's just small wound it will be heal in no time. You're such a dumbass anyway I was just repaying my debt as I didn't help you to get you up when we fall and never said sorry!!. I can say I don't want to owe anything from you. But he then say but there's no need, I can figure out myself. You're just overreacting. Yeah I am!! because that was my fault i got you hurt and I didn't take you to the clinic so this could be happend by me and everyone would blame on me. Okay! Okay then thank you. Do you hate me that much? Why? And what reason? We never met nor I know you?! Actually I don't hate you I just don't like you because I was so fame when you weren't here but as you came by I thought you'll snatch all of things that I had. And I can't digest all of these things. Do you really think of me like that! I don't have any intention of like snatching and taking Your place. Professor just insisting me to be a lead singer. I don't know why. And literally I don't want you to give me your spot because I am not that greedy person. So am I greedy?! I am not saying you're greedy I am just explaining about my situation. Oh okay let stop, let's pretend that nothing happened well, would you like to come with me to practice for our concert? yeah sure, I would love to If you allow me to! Okay then wait for me down at our condo. Yeah sure!

He was waiting for me down at our condo, he wear a white jeans and yellow T-shirt with casual shoe. With Black lathered bag. He looks so cute and I was also wearing the same light yellow on Top and white half pant with my favourite slipper and blue bag. We're shocked to see us dress completely alike as someone commanding us to wear the same.

As we reach to our practice places, I feel uneasy like I am in something or like i done something wrong, people staring at us. Yeah definitely they will because we wear the same dress. Then suddenly he asked me what are you thinking? Is something wrong? No, no I said. I am just little tired I didn't get sleep last night. I was choosing the song that we're going to perform. But none of the song is good. Can I say something he said. Yeah sure. What do you want to say? I think Good bye and farewell song would be better after all they are going to depart from this university anyway. So I guess this will work. Yeah not bad, it's good but we have to write a lyrics and then find the music notes so that we can give a better tone of it. I was thinking "I am not sure if we can do this but we don't have much time all we can do was just keep practicing and we should not waste any single day". After the practice I went staright to my condo and trying to come up with the lyrics but I was out of my mind I don't have

Anything to write with, don't have words to match with nor I can think peacefully. So I stop and then fall asleep. Early morning when I heard someone ringing mY doorbell. I was thinking who could it be!? I didn't order anything nor I did online shop so who is this person at this hour so early?!!. When I went to open the door I could see this sh*t standing in front me with some porridge in his hand I said what are you doing here. I came here to pick you up so that we can go together. You don't need to pick me up. Don't be too harsh this is my way of thanking people who help me. I didn't help you. Yeah you did. You disinfected me last time by cleaning my wounds and then put some medicine on me. Ah! That was just. Okay you better go freshen up and then eat you porridge. We'll be late. I'll not come with you I'll take the bus aa usual. You can go first. No, we'll go together you're my friends now. Since when I never said I am your friend!!! Nor you're! Hey dude don't think that I am going to be closed to you, you got wound by me so that's why I help you don't be so sarcastic and all!! you dumbfounded. Then he asked about the lyrics if I think something yet. And then I said no I haven't it is little bit hard or not that easy. I need time to think and to write I know we have plenty of time. But I need a place to stay so that I can think of something. I can help he said. If you don't mind. No force I just want to help. Are you sure?. Yeah I just want to help and I know a place where we can think and write the lyrics peacefully. Be ready tomorrow morning after all tomorrow is holiday I'll pick you up wait for me down your condo. Early morning at 7 I was waiting him wearing red hoodie with white jeans and shoes with my black bag. Again we almost wear the same he was wearing a pink shirt and half white pant with slipper and his small bag tied in his waist and he also wear a small grey hat. I was shocked. And he looks so cute. He has the aura of something delightful. No doubt he is rich. Then he open the back door of the car and then he drive us. We reach to our destination. It was so beautiful and calm there's no one around. In the middle there's a big large tree. There we sit. He said this mY secret and special place my grandma use to visit here she own this place. So no one dare without my permission for visiting this place i let you because I am your friend. I was stunning and just think about everything words are flooded into my head. What's wrong with this guys. Why do I feel like I am here for a mission for filling the breakmeter and fademeter and all. This is insane. How could be! But this place is too good and he is not bad though I take back of my words once I said that he is a devil he's not actually he's hot and smart and cute. Oh my gosh what I am thinking, why I am getting hard. He ask what happened don't you like this place!? Should we head out to find some other place. I have a better then this but this place is special for me. Then I said no need actually this is not bad though. I think we can think of something here there's no one around. And it's peaceful. I wish I could live here. Then they sat beneath the tree. Then they try to write something for the lyrics..

Then they come up with the lyrics it's called "Adieu, but you're welcome as long we're one" the song was good then next day they started find out the tone of the song, to give a better rhyme and music for it so that they perform in front of the senior. The lyrics was about the new and the old comers how things, happened and end high and lows and all. The head of the music and culture department was happy and excited for the song they made because it was the first time they are going to perform the original lyrics.

The next day, I was sitting at the cafeteria and having my breakfast mY oldest and cutest friend came his name is Andy he's from another department but he like to hang out with me all the time as I was busy doing practice we don't get much time or I can say we barely met. We then talk to each other I tell him about the new comers oh i forgot to mention his name "His name is Matty Fues" then he said how does he looks is he cute or something he was the only who knows about my Secret that I am into men. He's staright so all the time he was just flirting with the girls or just trying to make up with them. We were about to leave the cafeteria then suddenly Matty comes up with his friend name Flip, Drey and Affey they were looking great especially Flip he looks younger then two of Matty's friend but unlike Matty he looks younger than all of them. I was about to say something then Andy said that one is cute and handsome, then he shake his head and trying to make himself clear that he's not into men then said to him what are you talking about don't tell that you like him you aren't even gay, yeah you're I am not gay but seeing that guy over there makes me feel like I am one of you. Then he again trying to overcome his feelings. No no I am not into men. They were sitting at the next table. So he's just said hi to me and I said hi too. Then we departed there and I went to my class and Andy too. But he texted me about why he's like that he like that guy so much he just can't believe that he is in Fallen like he's is in love "love at first sight". Way help me what is wrong with me.

The next day Matty invited us to the party at the bar which is expensive and only rich people.