
I Have Vampires In My Basement

There were two things that the dark lord of abomination wanted: a worthy battle and a honourable death. But he never got any of these till the end of his life. Shutting his eyes to one world, he gets transmigrated all of a sudden , alongside his servant, from a world where magic flourishes to one where the supernatural is kept hidden from the natural eyes. Acquainting himself with a female exorcist, he plans to lead a normal life while trying to attain supremacy again. But for how long can he keep this facade up?. How long before the dark lord reverts to his previous nature? How can an evil lord and a vampire blend in with the normal world?. ************************** ( Hello, it's me, the author......... I've been kidnapped by some random dude and I'm being forced to write this story. He says he wants his ransom in power stones and golden ticket......... So please help set me free by voting with your treasures ).

Lovely_Time · Fantasía
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5 Chs

What is it?: A phone

He took a look at his once dark skin. The colour had changed into an almost white beautiful complexion. He felt his skin in a caressing manner. The hair on his head were no longer dreadlocks but a curly black soft and smooth one. His body was lean and tall in build more like that of an athlete. Even though he hadn't seen his reflection with his eyes, he was certain that by the colour of his skin, his body was pretty good looking.

Above all though, the most miserable thing about this body was it's unusual weakness. It was even weaker than that of the average humans he had come across in his previous world -( or maybe it was because his previous body was too powerful). The dark lord himself hadn't felt this weak and insecure before....not even in birth

How would a man as weak as this cope in the world he lived in?. In the world he had come from, it was more of survival of the fittest. The strong always preying on the weak.

This was why he had become the dark lord. Because he saw these humans as inferior and beneath him. So he wondered if any one could survive in such weak body.


A loud bell chimed inside his head and was immediately followed by another notification screen.

[ Congratulations, you have successfully activated the quest: The punishment of the spirits ].

[ The great spirits have found you unworthy and guilty of heinous and vile activities towards humanity and have thus decided that it is time you reaped the rewards of your actions, dark lord].

His eyes almost popped out of their sockets when they saw the screen.

Punishment of the Spirits?.

What had he done so wrong to receive that?. And when did he even accept the goddamn quest?.

The message continued.

[ In line with the above, you have been sent to this world in this body with most of your powers sealed.....].


[ The Spirits are giving you a chance at redeeming yourself....].

But the dark lord didn't seem too keen at redeeming himself, instead, he asked ," how do I get my powers back?".

[ Your powers will only be granted to you on account of your progress here, for the meantime, you have been left by the supreme benevolence of the Spirits with the following;

Essentia: eyes of essence

Lamia: eyes of intuition

Rize: eyes of destruction]

His mouth went wide open. No no no no , he screamed inwardly. The Spirits were definitely mocking him and at the same time saying: ' come and challenge us if you can' Haha.

The three evil eyes he had been left with were like the crumbs from a gargantous meal. Useless. Of all three of them, Rize was the only offensive one that could at least do a little damage with it's explosion magic.

Curse you spirits!. It wasn't his fault that the world he had lived in was a cruel one, it wasn't also his fault that men had decided to see him as a monster and a stepping stone that they could stand atop on their way to greatness.

The Spirits just weren't being fair. Besides he hadn't forced the numerous squads of delegations to match into his cave of abomination. They had stepped on slippery ground and got what they deserved.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist in anger.

" Just you wait for me damn spirits , I'll conquer this world and rule over it . You'll all see me in........", but he was interrupted by a sudden sound.

Drrriiiiiinnnnnnngggggggg. A loud ringing erupted across the dark alleyway.


He looked over at his servant, wondering what was going on but Zelophad returned the look even as vibrations went round his lower region.

Whatever was ringing was coming from the pocket of his trousers. He dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a strange object.

Drrriiiiiinnnnnnngggggggg. The sound grew louder immediately he pulled it out of his pocket. He was almost forced to drop the strange device but held on to it and stared at it in a wierd.

It was a small, rectangular shaped object with the front made of glass while the back was made out of light metal. The dark lord turned the object around for a while, staring at it like he was looking for something.

" Strange", he uttered at last, " what treacherous magic is this, Zelophad?, Where inside this small thing had this magical bell that keeps ringing been kept?".

Zelophad stared at him and the device in a strange way before saying, " I do not know, my Lord , it baffles me too".

" Lamia", the dark lord uttered. He peered at the device with his green evil eyes. A small notification appeared at the top of the object.

[ Phone ].

" My lamia tells me this is called ' phone' ", he told the servant, " it must be some type of bell used to alert the people of this world".

Zelophad nodded in agreement.

His fingers began to peruse the screen of the phone even as the ringing persisted. As the fingers travelled round the phone, they grazed the green telephone icon on the screen. The ringing stopped immediately.

Finally, it stopped", he said.

" Hello", a strange voice came from the phone. The dark lord was once again left stunned.

" This ' phone ' not only has an invisible bell but can also mimick human voices", he told Zelophad again like a teacher informing his student about something they were seeing for the first time.

" What are you?", He asked the phone, bringing it closer to his mouth.

" He... what are you? What the fuck do you mean ' what are you, Iam ?, Where the hell are you....", the phone replied, it's voice was that of a female.

' Fuck, hell , strange words', his thoughts.

".... I've been waiting here for over two hours now, fuck......", the phone barged.

" But you are here with me now", the dark lord replied the object a little perplexed.

" What the fuck do you mean I'm there with you now?, You were supposed to meet me at Willow Street for your training", the phone replied, " I'll wait here for you for the next thirty minutes and then I'm gone".

And then it hit the dark lord.

" This must be some kind of medium device ", he told Zelophad, " the person that is controlling it might be waiting for us at this ' Willow Street ', we'll go find him or her".

" But master, how sure are you that this person might be an ally or foe ", Zelophad protested.

Dark lord shook his head at his servant.

" Zelophad, I don't really care ", he said, " besides all I need is someone who can explain to me how things work around here, and if it turns out to be a foe, I'll handle the situation".

So saying, he put on his lamia eyes and walked away with Zelophad following behind.


Lamia: eyes of intuition.

One of the numerous evil eyes of the dark lord of abomination. The all-seeing eyes. It was rumoured amongst the people in the world of Auria that nothing escaped it's sight. Some said the eyes had the abilities to see both the past, present and future and was one of the reasons why the dark lord was so invisible.

This theory though, was never attested to. But the one thing that remained a true fact was that these eyes could see deeper than the physical eyes could and beyond human comprehension at that.

So with the help of his lamia, the dark lord and his servant soon found Willow Street.

" Errrhh...so this is where this person wants us to meet?, Soooo unfit but comfortable for me", these were the words that left the dark lord's mouth as soon as he observed his surroundings.

Willow Street was an abadoned part of the town they were in right now. Dark, unhabitable, scary, ruins , chaos. If there were any more adjectives to describe how bad it was in my mind, I , the author would've put it down.

Drrriiiiiinnnnnnngggggggg. Suddenly the phone rang again. The dark lord just like before, rubbed the screen in an attempt to hear from the medium. And after three failed attempts ( Because he had actually been ending the calls ), he finally picked it up.

" Where are you now?", the female voice questioned.

" At this 'Willow Street' you asked me to find you", the dark lord answered looking around.

" Then I'll meet you soon, just stay where you are".


Lovely_Timecreators' thoughts