
I have to mate if i want to get stronger.

As he accumulated good karma In all of his previous life , he got chances to get a better reincarnated life, but because of he didn't marry at all, a conditional for the exchanges of reincarnation was to have a child with at least a Hundred Beautiful women in the world. Each years after he can have a child, he need to mate with one girl and have a child. This will start when he was around 11 years old. He was forced to accept and reincarnated as the son of the world most wealthiest underground merchant . He thought of being powerful enough to offsets this contract, and he have all the resources from his family but there's also a lock where he can't gather energy or use other outside (world) power to increase his strength. The only thing he can use were his own power and body power that can be raised with trainings. He can't cultivate or gather mana, only left with superpower as a gift from the heavens.

Faust_Valentino · Fantasía
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5 Chs

chapter 4: The Time has come.

It was the first time I saw a real monster in this world. The beast was huge and covered almost all its body with a thick layer of red scales. Its eyes were red and its teeth sharp and black like coal. Its claws were bigger than my fists and its tail was as long as my body.

Its body was covered in blood and its eyes had blood red flames inside them.

It was an alpha. A monster of an alpha.

He didn't even look human anymore. I could see his true nature through his eyes, his eyes which showed hatred, anger and cruelty.

I could feel his soul. He was a monster with the ability to destroy everything in its path, his power was greater than anything.

I tried to summon my swords but it was difficult. With my mana depleted and my control limited, my sword couldn't work.

It comes down to this because of few days ago. A neighboring empire have fallen because of the hordes ... no calamity of Monsters and Demons break out. They've fought with the angels and the empire .

The empire were mostly mages , wizards and sorcerers , there were few swordsmen or swords women with the ability to defeat higher rankings Demons and monsters. The vanguard were the angels but the number were few, even the apostles fitting up the numbers, it just still not enough.

The last news about the empire self-destructive action and their royalty have fled the palace for continuing the lineage.

The demons and monsters advanced have put on halt but their scouts have spread all over the land.

It was this guy the leader for this Scout mission.

Fortunately I have many magic and cultivation tools. I use the invisible potions and speed then use the smoke bombs before the potions effects kick in. When it opened its mouth to use breath attack to remove the smoke, I throw the magic bombs with cultivation Talisman bombs and electrical one laced with poisons.

As i defeat this and killed it , i didn't feel much cause i realized that this guy weren't alone and the other might be dangerous for my family.

I quickly left that place and ran straight to my home with my sword ready in my hand, ready to kill anyone in sight.

I reached in front of the door in a flash and opened it swiftly.

But my plan failed completely when a strong wind hit me straight on my face making me stumble backward and falling to the ground.

I groaned in pain and rubbed my nose as soon as i regained consciousness. I looked around trying to find what happened and when i spotted her, i immediately rushed towards her.

" Are you alright?! " i asked anxiously while helping her to sit up and checking her body to make sure she's not injured. She didn' answer and just stare at me confusedly.

My hands started shaking in fear. The last thing i remember was running and hitting the wall but when i opened my eyes i saw nobody.

There were two large holes on the wall where we crashed and the walls surrounding it were already broken. So i know what it means. The demon. A middle ranking at least. Maybe a high ranked too.

The fact that she was able to protect herself means she's either very strong or lucky. Probably both. It means that she'll be a powerful ally to us in future battles.

But how will we fight against him?

She's injured and I know it'll take awhile for her to heal properly.

How will we survive without any help?

Suddenly the demon appeared out of nowhere in the hallway, he's tall and bulky looking. He's got white hair and grey eyes that are staring at me. The demon slowly made steps towards me. His muscles bulged under his thin shirt.

This is bad...

I don't think i'M going to get another chance to escape.

The demon came closer to me and lifted up his leg and kick me on the stomach and i flew back. I slammed on the ground and felt something hard pressed against my rib bone and broke it. I cried out in pain as I rolled and tried to crawl away.

I heard footsteps, I tried to push myself up with my right arm to run away but the demon caught hold on my shoulders and threw me to the ground.

" What are you doing!?! Why are you here?!!! You're not welcome here!!!" Rizette screamed and held up the dagger that she got from somewhere. She held onto the blade tightly and pointed the dagger forward.

The demon laughed evilly and lifted up his hand, palm facing upwards. A dark aura emitted from the blade, the aura made a circle around Rizette and her blade, trapping her within.

" Don't do anything reckless, kid. I can't say that i'r going to kill you since you're not yet mine. You still have more chances to become mine..and when the time comes I'll gladly devour you and your entire family" The demon said menacingly as he slowly moved in towards Rizette.

"No! No! Stop please!! I'm sorry! Please!!!"

"i won't be merciful if you try to escape." Said the demon

" Let me go!!" Screamed Rizette while struggling against her magical restraints.

The demon chuckled and said with an evil smile.

" No way. "

He stretched his hand to her head and with a swift motion but I have partly healed my self and stab the knifes with poisons and put the talisman with it when he was distracted.

While the demon thought I was a dying man or even worthless boy. I use most of my prepared weapons on him.

Then I used my Superpower to enhance the effects of the poisons and talisman.

He was just paralyzed for a second but that's enough for me to take out my other weapons and continuously attacks and stun him.

With my Superpowers, it doesn't matter how high the rank is or how long it takes me to fight one on one with the opponent I don't need much time. I have the advantage and am stronger.

So i easily defeated the demon and took his weapon.

"Thank you" Said Rizette.

The demon was dead before i even finished healing my injuries.

And that's why I have to fight the next enemy without any hesitation. It's also the reason why I have to prepare better for tomorrow's battle.

At that day several places also being attacked but my sisters' knights also the other guards have defeated them cause it was mostly lower ranked one, but it took much time as the quantity much for them around hundred or so.

While our guards just around 80 , my father and mother elite guards just amount to 10 lastly my both sisters' amount to 2.

At nighttime when i reach home and check my sister's health status, there were 5 new wounds, three on her arms and legs and one more on her chest.

I helped her with bandage all these wounds.

I sighed in relief when i saw that no further damage have been done, they should be healed by tomorrow morning.

I went into my room and took out all the medicines from the pouch attached on my belt and laid them all on the bed. My sisters usually stay in my room after coming back from their missions. I slept and have a dream , that thin man who I talk with before I came here appeared.

" You must quickly mate or your fate and everyone around you will be really bad . Even if you want to save them, it will end badly."

His voice echoed in my head, reminding me what he said and what i had to do to save them. I looked at my sister who is sleeping peacefully beside me.

She looks so peaceful with her eyes closed.

Her chest rises and falls slowly as she breathed deeply. Even though we slept together but I didn't do anything at all.

Then a few marks appears in front of my faces , One from my oldest adopted sister (18 years old) Rika Shad , one from my second sister Riza ( 13 years old) and from Rizette's (12 years old. ) . While a few days more I will be 12 , my deadline. pretty much death line.

I thought it was just mine so it doesn't bother me too much , but since it affects all of my family I need to do this. I must mate and open that fortune.

I gather my family in the dining room and said

" I need to marry someone ....." I said calmly. I don't need them to panic especially when i mentioned marriage. If it's only my parents who would be shocked but everyone else would panic. They'll freak out.

"...not just for a mate. But in order to gain power and open the way for us to survive this. My only choice is to mate someone I can trust, like you guys, someone who won't betray me, someone who I can call my family.

and have lots of children to keep all of us alive and protected. I don't think any of you would oppose if I married Rizette right?" They all shook their head.

" You can't be serious?" my mom says in shock. "What about your sisters?!

We know what happened to them in the past! Do you think this is wise?!"

" Mom, please calm down. I can't control everything and i don't want to harm my sisters in any way. Besides i'll always worry about their safety and love so yes i'm thinking about marrying them."

" Finally you understand this father intention, I will think Rizette as your own choices but I really appreciate that you heed father words to marry your own sisters, even though the eldest one only half blood related as she was your cousin. The power of shad bloodline are the strongest when tha male mate with the women, the more the bette either in quality or quantity."

Said my dad in a stern tone.

" And as far as the rest of your sisters, I suggest you choose someone good and loyal to share a lot of life with you. I believe you won't regret it," He added with a faint smile on his face.

" Thank you dad. I hope you'r proud of me," I replied with a small smile.

When i came back inside Rizette sat on my bed.

" You're okay now, right?" she asked with worry filled eyes.

" Yeah, i'm fine. Your wound is fully fixed now. I'd hope we can have a proper wedding someday, but now I want to make love to you properly. "

Rizette blushed a bit but nodded. She stood up and walked towards me and wrapped her hands around my neck. We kissed each other slowly and tenderly. She pulled me closer and deepened the kiss which makes me groan in pleasure.

When we parted I said

" So, who are your first candidates? I need to know if it's a good person. If not then it won't work out between the two of us."

" Well.." she started with hesitation in her voice. "Well, actually.... I've interested in you for this few years but when I thought about when you're about to die and losing you. I thought it's better for me to follow you to death but another thought of mine were to save you. It just I am too powerless. That's when I realized that you're everything to me. You're my strength, my heart and my sanity after my parents died. When the demon came, I knew that I needed to come and help you, no matter what, but i didn't have enough power to stop the attack. Then you came to me, and saved me again even though I'm supposed to be the one to help you, the moment I saw you bleeding so badly and couldn't move anymore.. i was so scared, i felt my body trembling with fear and my heart ached so much seeing you injured, i couldn't hold it in anymore. I wanted hugged you tightly and I'm sure my tears fell on your clothes and soaked into your skin because i'm afraid you wouldn't wake up anymore. "

" Me too, I thought I could leave after my time arrived but somehow my feelings for you got stronger and stronger everyday. Everytime i saw you my heart beat faster and my mouth dryer. Whenever i see you, everytime you look at me, my heart is beating so loud, I feel like i'm going to die from the intensity of my emotions. "I never expected to fall in love with you. " I answered as I caressed her cheek softly.

" I love you, so much. You're my light, my life and my love. "

My tears started to fall once again and this time it was harder than before due to pain from my wounds.

then I caressed her body softly and began kissing her body and then her neck. When I started biting her skin, she moaned softly with the desire of her body and made her self aware.

she then started to touch my chest and my nipples with her hands and fingers which made me moan with excitement. I also did the same in a passionate way and soon we started to have sex.

Rizette was the first one to climax, while i was the one afterwards, I held her close and we were both crying.

"You're amazing! This has never happened with me before! Why do you have to be such an expert?! Oh god! What's happening to me! " She asked with disbelief and happiness in her voice while hugging my naked and sweaty body.

I laughed loudly and said

"It's not just you, me as well."

She blushed and looked away looking embarrassed.

After a while our relationship was still very innocent and pure.

Her sealed power was opened then and her power starting to surge , the improvement was clear and mana were the most standing out out of all of them.

When I thought of that my sisters Rika and Riza came in and pounced onto me then one of them kissed me while the other was holding my hand.

" You're amazing! I can't believe you are a virgin! " Rizette exclaimed while laughing happily.

" Hey!! "I yelled playfully and hit her with a pillow and started hitting Riza butt hole with my thing and kissed Rika while fingered her private places all over.

We spent hours together having fun making love until we both finally collapsed asleep in each other arms. then having fun making fun of each others.

I was the last one to go to sleep, because I still had alot of things to do in the morning. I decided to get up at 4am to get ready and meet her parents who lives in the other room of the mansion.