
I have super plane

From his early age, Richard had heard a voice of woman in his head, which helped him in several occasions. At age of 16, on his birthday, he found himself in a strange plane, as well met the owner of voice Nivia. Inside the academy, he met a maid, who was demigod in her past life. As he grows stronger, and explore the world, he receives a mysterious summon, which unveiled several mysteries as well as answered a lot of questions. Chapters will be uploaded on each alternative days.

Nikihil_Pandey · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Night talk

Next day; Richard, Nivia and Rebecca are having tea party. Rebecca looked at the two individuals sipping their tea silently. Looking at them, she sighed, and said, "Master, the tea party is kind of gathering, it is generally organized for socializing and to discuss different topics. Hearing this, Richard nodded, feeling little embarrassed, and said, "So, what should we talk about?"

Hearing this, Rebecca thought for sometime, and said, "Why don't you tell me more about yourself?"

"About myself, don't you know already?" Richard asked back. Hearing this, Rebecca explained, "Master, I am talking about what do you want to do in future? Why do you want to be strong? Why are you learning magic, or anything?"

Hearing this, Richard fall into deep thought, before he never considered these things, and asked, "Why don't you tell us about yourself first? I need to understand what you want to say afterall?"

Hearing this, Rebecca felt little embarrassed, but still talked, "At first I just wanted my freedom. I want to explore the world, and found a suitable husband and create my home to live for eternity, but now.."

"Now I want to accompany you on your journey. I want to see you rising top among your peer to the top. I want to contribute in your journey", after which she become silent, as if thinking something, her face started to get red. After sometime, she calmed down, and said, "Why don't you talk about yourself?"

After thinking for sometime, Richard said, "When I was in orphanage, I always wanted a family. I also want to know about the wall, beyond the towns, as well as explore the world. I want to help others similar to me, as well as those who need a little push to stand on their own feet, without bowing in front of anyone. I want to dive deep in the sees, fly up in the sky to the stars, ride on a dragon, play with the bears, and much more. I just want to explore the world and eventually return to the home, where my family waits for me….", suddenly mood become little healthy.

Hearing him, Rebecca tried to distract them, and said, "if you want to achieve that, then you need to work really hard. As you are an orphan, that means academy is spending its own resources, and it will take it back with interest, until then you have to work as per the arrangement, but those fees will waive off, if you manage to fully complete the Glory tower."

"Not only that, you will need to be strong, if you want to protect your family, as there are several cases of family being targeted due to hostility between two parties, which could vary from a feud to the jealousy. So work hard MASTER", hearing this Richard nodded.

He looked at Nivia, and asked, "What do you want to do, Nivia?"

"My dreams is already fulfilled. I always wanted a child, and now I have you. I have watched from childhood, although like other mother, I didn't helped you, but I will definitely make up for that", she said while clenching her fist.


At night, after Richard slept, Nivia summoned Rebecca. While drinking a glass of wine, Rebecca asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

Hearing her, Nivia hesitated, and said, "I always wanted to form a secret organization for myself, since Richard want to help people, I think it would be useful, as they could help us in gathering resources and information, while we will support them for fulfilling their dreams, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Rebecca chuckled. She sighed and said, "At some point in my past life, I also wanted to create a organization, which could do odd jobs for me. Help me at the time of crisis, now you have asked me, I think I should join your hands too."

She continued, "So now the question is, how are we going to convince Richard?"

Nivia frowned, and said, "We don't need him to tell about it. Also, the intelligence part is just a branch of the organization want to create. It will be more like a investment firm, then that."

"Ok, so what should we call it", Rebecca asked. Hearing this, Nivia also frowned. She thought for sometime, and said, "Why don't we call it, Angel R?"

"What does R stands for, Richard or…"

"Its Richard. Also go for sleep, we need a lot of work tomorrow, not to mention, Richards martial training will also start tomorrow."


Meanwhile, at the boy dormitory of Warrior academy, a group of boys are beating someone. After beating him, satisfactorily, there leader with Red hair, kicked at his stomach, and said, "Remember you mutt, you nothing but a bug in our eyes. So, keep your place in your little pea brain, and always bow before us, whenever you see us. Do you understand?"

Hearing no response, he kicked the injured boy, and asked, "Do you understand?"

Seeing no response, he wanted to kick once again, when one of lackey said, "Boss it, seems he fainted." Hearing this, he nodded, and left after giving a final kick. Few minutes later, as the bullies get away, the boy stood up, and looked at the corridor in front of him.

He sighed, and said left. If Richard was here, he could have recognized the boy, as John who left along with him. He walked, looked at the boys around him, who are looking with pity, sympathy but don't lend any hand for help.