
Chapter 101 A Rank Nine[9] Bear Prince Demon

"Surround it!" A rank eight[8] bear prince demon shouted.

"I can't. He's too fast," another rank eight[8] bear prince demon said as he chased after a cheetah demon.

"How can their be two[2] cheetah demons?"

"Don't bother about that, just kill the both of them,"

Chasing after the two[2] cheetah demons, the bear prince demons tried their best to catch up but couldn't.

Watching the cheetah demon at the left slaughtering those in the middle stage of demon prince realm and the one in the right just flanking it without killing their kind, they roared out to their superiors, informing them of the slaughter carried out by the fake demon.

Not bothered about the two[2] rank eight[8] bear prince demons, Shan Buhan's cheetah demon continued slaughtering every rank five[5] and rank six[6] bear prince demon he layed his eyes on.