
i have nothing to lose

Kaia, who can never find love in her whole life. Her boyfriend cheats on her. Her crush fools her. Her best friend stops talking to her. After all these things an old enemy becomes her soulmate. But she is being followed by a man and she is unaware about it. let's enjoy Kaia's journey of life. sometimes laugh with her and sometimes cry with her. And let's see if she finds her love. book cover isn't mine.

logoo · Adolescente
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30 Chs

It is strange

Kaia reached her home and she called Ali on her way to inform her that she went home and will be staying at home for that night.

Ali replied "OKAY"

Kaia entered her house and she saw her dad and his wife, sitting at the main hall and talking with each other with big smile on their face. They saw her and their smile faded. Her dad was surprised and suddenly became angry and made a cold face

and said "you can't even do a single work properly, right?"

" you didn't come to help me." he said.

"Dad you weren't there," Kaia replied without any fear.

Her stepmom added to support her dad, "How many times have you decided to disappoint your dad?"

Kaia didn't even bother to reply her then her dad stepped forward and suddenly slapped her. That slap was sudden and so hard that although she was strong girl her head started to spin and her heart became so suffocating. That feeling was like she was surrounded only by strangers.

her eyes could not hold the collected tears and it felled down. She ran towards her room but what she saw made her more upset. Her bedroom was owned by her so called "younger brother".

She immediately ran out of the house and thought of returning to her dormitory but remembered that the room's key is with Ali and she already told Ali that she is staying at her home. So, she decided to walk around and cool down her anger and return back home.

While walking she remembered about the incident that happened with her and realized that there was literally no one with whom she could talk about it. That crazy psychopath A-vi have really lost his mind she thought. She was in such a deep thought thinking about the ways to handle A-vi's case.

Then suddenly she realized that she came really far from her home so she turned to return back but a car with high speed was coming towards her although she was walking on the footpath. The light from that car was bright that she could not see anything. She fell down on the ground and she was shocked. That car stopped and everybody walking on the road gathered and Kaia was still on the ground. The owner of the car came out and asked her if she was fine.

Kaia couldn't understand why she reacted in that way. That car didn't even hit her. But she felt like 'Deja vu'. Felt like she have already experienced that when she was a child. That feeling made her very uncomfortable. She was still sitting on the ground.

The owner of the car asked her to go hospital. She denied and sat on the ground as her vision wasn't clear. But something pinched her behind her shoulder. She suddenly felt very weak and dizziness made her faint. She can hear people talking but cannot respond or open her eyes.

She can feel that someone was taking her somewhere but couldn't figure out who was that person. She was a kind of paralyzed.

.......AFTER 4 HOURS.......

Kaia woke up after 4 hours. She heard someone talking. One man and another was female voice. They were talking about someone. 'could it be me' Kaia thought. She remembered that she was taken to the hospital because she fainted on the street.

The man said," I don't know why is she still unconscious. I am sure that the drug works only for one hour."

( Actually Kaia slept for other three hours on her own :)

Then that women voice said," Doesn't matter even if she die."

That sentence scared Kaia. She looked around and she realized that this place doesn't look like hospital. Those voice slowly faded, seems like they just visited Kaia and went out.

The most stupid thing that people do in this situation is try to escape without knowing the place properly and Kaia did the same thing. She thought of escaping as no one was inside the room. She hurriedly jumped out of the bed and her head landed on the ground (meaning: she fell down). Her leg was tied with a chain. She ended up alerting everyone.

Kaia said herself ' you stupid girl, can't feel that big fat chain on your feet? If I return home alive then first of all I will go to hospital to check if my brain is abnormal. How can one be so stupid?'

Around ten people entered the room. All were shocked to see her laying on the ground. A man with fine body came near her and picked her up.

This whole time Kaia was shocked, surprised, was in pain but wasn't scared, may be because she knew that even though she was kidnapped no body is going to search for her. Actually no one was there who would risk their life to save her. Those hopes people have on there dear one's has already faded away from Kaia. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine people who will be worried about her. Her imagination was blank. That made her very sad.

She looked around and those giant people were staring at her. Then finally a women entered the room. That women had very intimidating aura that made the room very cold. Almost every one in the room were wearing black suit along with that lady.

" Do you think you can escape from me" That women said.
