
I have fallen for the villian

It's about a cold , aloof guy transmigrating in a world which itself has a little problem. Being transmigrated : It's a joy or a headache?? No connection to this world guy: I am pretty neutral about it... Did you acquired any cheats??? I am myself a cheat! So who is going to be your main lead here?? That I have no idea... ............... TRANSMIGRATION!! A WORLD ACTUALLY A NOVEL!!!! NO IDEA ABOUT THE NOVEL!!!! NO CONNECTION TO THE NOVEL!!! NO CONNECTION TO THE AUTHOR!! THEN WHAT'S THE REASON FOR MY TRANSMIGRATION? ?? NO CONNECTION TO ANY KIND OF REASON! " _"

Thrishalaupadh1 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs


" What do you think about ling xiao?" Eli asked rena while standing at the sides and watching calmly towards ethan's direction.

" I have no idea. But he did helped us." Rena stated calmly

The trio were staring calmly at the events happening in front of them. Currently ethan was also staring at ling xiao. Meanwhile ling xiao was sitting in middle of the huge magic circle. He is waiting for the old guy who is currently finding something. Atlast the old man walked towards ling xiao and asked him to stand straight. After that he made a small circle on ling xiao's forehead with a red liquid.

The old man walked outside the circle and then stated " You little rascals, come and stand at each side of this magic circle. Drop your blood when i said so."

Everyone followed the old man's order. Each of them stood at each pointed part of the magical circle. Then the old man started chanting . Soon a yellow light emerged from the circle and then old man stated "Drop your blood."

.Each of them followed old man's words and dropped their blood on the magic circle. Soon the yellow light turned into bright red. To their amazement ling xiao's feet was not on the ground. He is currently in middle of circle and 5 feet above the ground floating in air. His white hairs started becoming golden from the tip of hairs to the end. His eyes started changing colours from silver to ocean blue. His skin colour became a bit pale but the smooth skin basically had zero change. Soon a little seal of the shape of a small star started forming from the blood of the five. The seal was in form of small earing on his left ear. The earing was bright silver in colour.

Ling xiao was bewildered all this time. It was his first time floating in the air. The red light started disappearing and ling xiao was back on the ground.

Everyone was amazed by the scene in front of them. Bright golden hairs, oceanic blue eyes, a star shaped earing on his left ear, bright red lips , willow shaped eyebrows, a perfect height and body. It was really beautiful.

The old man sopke " I have sealed your appearance. But it wont hold for long. "

Ling xiao nodded.

Ethan's gaze on ling xiao was complicated. Soon their eyes met. Ling xiao smiled at him. Ethan was a littlen taken back by such a breathtaking smile. Soon his lips were also curved upwards.

The group of six went back to the mansion. It was already evening by the time they came back. They had no time left for sightseeing after the successfull transformation experiment.

Currently everyone was sitting on couch. Ethan was deep in his thoughts. Before comming back here the old man said to him " This kid is strange."

Ethan also cant understand that why doesnt a human magic chants transformed ling xiao. He was deep in his thoughts when a loud growl was heard. It was morris.

Morris is a little healthy and looks a bit chubby . He the naive one of this group. Morris's face became bright red and he said " I am hungry."

Rena laughed and said " Come on lets head towards dining room."

As they arrived and took a seat various delicacies were served. Ling xiao who never had such a luxury was a bit taken back. His thoughts went back to the time when he has to be hungry for several days. As he was in his thoughts ethan spoke" Are you alright?"

Ling xiao came back to his present time and nodded then happily started dining. As he was eating he asked " How can you survive on human food?"

Ethan looked at him and replied " Human food make us weak but for surviving everything is fair."

Ling xiao really pitied the vampires of this world. He sighed and concentrated on his food.

Today was really a strange day for him. After having dinner ling xiao went straight for his room. He closed the door and took off his clothes then wore the thin white clothes prepared for him. He was currently wearing a thin white shirt and white pyjamas. Staring at his own reflection he has to admit that he looks breathtaking. After admiring his own beauty, ling xiao went straight for his bed. The bed was super soft plus super warm.

He never imagined that one day he will be sleeping inside such a luxurious european style room. The wind comming inside from the window and the beautiful full moon on the outside was making ling xiao's mood more pleasant.

Soon he heard a clear voice in his ear

System updation complete....

loading novel world s story

loading complete...

As ling xiao heard system's voice he sighed and asked " where were you these days?"

System : Dear host i was in a process of updation.

Ling xiao: Whats the story of the novel?"

System : This novel world is called " The demon thrives the human slaughters."

ling xiao: What a rubbish name!

system : But it is the best novel world with greatest difficulty in remaing alive.

Ling xiao: I needed a peaceful life and thus you fullfilled my wish and threw me to this novel.

system : Its your own fault for not choosing that time.

Ling xiao: Are you a machine or something.

System : wrong!!! You will know soon. Close your eyes and say : i am poop then your body will enter where i am present.

Ling xiao: I am not going to say that shit word okay.

System : Then you can try this one : I am a shameless person who is having paedophillia. See this is the last option. Say it quick.

Ling xiao : i am alright with the first.

system : your wish host.

Ling xiao gritted his teeth then closed his eyes and muttered " i am poop."

His body started disappearing in thin air until no one was their in his room.