
I Have Evolution Points [Hiatus]

Bite, mirrors the evolution of your point +1, evolved into the mirror; bite, +1 point your quill evolution, evolutionary fate of the pen; bite, +1 point your watch evolution, evolution is a bell of the time ...... all God is revived, and the kingdom of God is reappearing. Anton, who has come to the world of guns and steel, has embarked on an extraordinary road relying on his infinite evolutionary ability!

SHALLOWS · Fantasía
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34 Chs

Chapter 30 Medusa's Gaze

Anton expression was stern The use of the two extraordinary items just spent a lot of mental energy but fortunately he could still bear it.

But in the battle Elden free and easy manner made him feel uncomfortable.

"Priest Elden I don't want to fight with you and you don't want to force me." Anton said there was an extra stone ball in his hand.

Eye of Medusa

"His priest with your eyesight you should be able to see what this is I tell you this is the Eye of Medusa,m as long as I urge it you will definitely not be able to resist it." Anton held the stone ball in his hand solemnly The matter road.

"But if you urge this Eye of Medusa I will also be hurt so I advise the priest let's make a difference no one is embarrassed hello me hello everyone!"

Eldenn looked at the Eye of Medusa in Anton hand chuckled and exaggerated: "Use it Eye of Medusa, a level five combat item I'm so scared!"

"Anton do you think you can hide from the sky with your little trick Heyare you too naive Would you like me to remind you I also attended the gathering of the House of Diviners."

While talking Elden stepped forward and smiled triumphantly.

"You... don't come over if you come over I will really urge Medusa's Eye!" Elden took a step back, looking terrified.

"Push up use your skills to your heart's content,m let me see how you can move the scrapped items again so that I can have a long experience!"

"Wait a minute I will urge Thunder to let you, the poor ghost who can't tolerate the scorching sun forever..."

As soon as the word forever spoke a pale light shone from Medusa's eyes and in an instant Elden was enveloped in light.

Under the light Elden was motionless and his body quickly turned into stone.

Elden body there were beams of thunder light but these lights were too weak to break the stone sealed on him.

At the moment when Medusa's eyes were activated Anton felt as if his head had exploded. The severe pain made him almost fainted to the ground.

Although the Eye of Medusa is not in a perfect state there is still a lot of energy needed to stimulate it. But at this moment Anton didn't dare to neglect the slightest no matter how uncomfortable he was.

He swiped his finger towards the void and a two-handed epee fell into his hand.

This two-handed epee was used by Anton to practice martial arts. At this moment he desperately swung his two-handed sword and slashed down towards Elden body.

Elden was taken aback. He couldn't believe what was happening before him. Unfortunately at this moment he couldn't move at all.

The heavy sword slashed on Elden petrified body. With the sound of the collision of gold and stones and a burst of sparks Elden body was cut into two parts by a sword.

At the moment when his body was split into two halves the petrified state on Elden body disappeared without a trace.

His eyes were wide open and he didn't believe that he would die so easily. Unfortunately he really died!

Anton took a long breath and a strong sense of thirst filled his heart. He felt that at this time if he didn't add some water he would die of thirst.

The sequelae of using the Eye of Medusa thirst!

Anton who was already prepared waved toward his dimensional space and a full liter of water bottle appeared in his hand.

After pouring a bottle of water into his throat Anton felt that he had come back from the dead. He looked at Elden lying on the ground and staring at him suddenly laughed and said, "Elden get up I think you can get up."

"Hahaha stand up quickly!"

After talking twice or three times and covering Elden open eyes with a piece of cloth Anton stopped the movement that was not under his control.

Prank this is a prank using a quill pen.

Looking at Elden corpse's, Anton took a breath. He deduced it many times at this moment and now it finally came true.

After seeing Elden at the Thunder Temple in Quikeluodun the magic mirror reminded Anton that Elden had attended the gathering at the House of Diviners.

Originally this was just a piece of information that Anton ignored but after deducing several times how to escape from Elden Anton found that his odds of winning were extremely small and suddenly thought of this.

So he decided to use this to see if he could kill Elden.

Stored in a notebook in Anton Dimensional Space there was a line of words flashing with a faint light at this time.

When Anton took out the Eye of Medusa the priest of Elden recognized that the Eye of Medusa was a defective product sold by the House of Diviners.

Being intimidated by such a defective product made his heart full of joy. He didn't mind giving this mortal little lord some time. He wanted to use his own power to break the little lord's dream.

He was stared at by Medusa's Eye his body turned into stone and he was beheaded by Anton with an epee.

A little bit of purple light began to converge from Elden body. These purple light which is instant gathered in front of Elden into a small purple stone.

Looking at the purple stone Anton grabbed it without hesitation. As the purple stone turned into energy and fell into his hand, a line appeared in Anton heart: "You have a third-class evolution point, please Choose evolution items."

Anton didn't use the evolution point immediately but searched in Elden pocket. Just been teased by Elden for a long time now that Table turns around you have to get something from him right?

Book of Practice what is this?

In the leather pocket he carried with Elden Anton found a notebook with the symbol of thunder and lightning. In this notebook the words "Book of Practice" were written.

After flipping through the book of practice Anton found that there were a lot of things densely written in the book, and he couldn't finish it for a while so he threw the book of practice directly into his dimensional space.

A blood-red stone a banknote of more than two hundred gold nars, and a walking stick with the aura of the storm implied. These were all the things Anton found from Elden.

Among these items what Anton valued the most was the staff that contained the breath of the storm. This was an item auctioned by the House of Fortunetellers the staff of the storm which could spur tornadoes.

If Elden used this walking stick directly Anton felt that he would never be able to survive.

It is a pity that Elden was too careless he felt that Anton was not worthy of his use of the Storm Scepter!

After carefully placing the Storm Scepter and other items in his dimensional space Anton finally completed his follow-up work. Anton who clapped his hands and stood up was stunned at this moment because he didn't remember why he ran out of the city.

What am I here for?

The sequelae of using the seal book is finally exposed