
I Have An Alien Mining Ship

Zhang Heng got a mining ship from an alien civilization! From then on, the rich minerals buried in the deep sea became his possession! Iron ore, copper ore, coal mine, rare earth ore, etc.! Oil, natural gas, and combustible ice that cannot be mined by human technology at present! Mining, mining, nothing to say! There are rich mineral resources in the waters of the island country? In front of the mining ship, it belongs to Zhang Heng! In addition, a large amount of metals can be processed and refined into rare metals and alloys! … This is a translation of a Chinese novel , don't scold me for any racism or nationalism or ccp brainwashing in the novel , just shut off your brain and ignore all that bullshit, I just translate this shit so more ppl can read and maybe someone gets inspired and writes some better stuff , Original name 都市:海洋采矿舰 Author : Braised Eggplant 03 From faloo

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200 Chs

Chapter 178: The Rigorousness Of Traditional Craftsmen 

Mr. Mo doesn't care about the environment!As he said, craftsmen really don't care about the environment, and their working environment is not much better.For furniture making, the workshop is full of sawdust, so it is impossible for you to keep it clean."Come here, I'll make the arrangements. Any shed that's warm and has a mouth, that's all!"Mo Lao emphasized one more sentence, then ignored Zhang Heng and went back: "Old guys, call, Mr. Zhang thinks highly of us, we can't embarrass our craftsmanship, don't call those who are disdainful and those who are not well-trained, that would be a waste of these good woods.""You all know how this large batch of wood is, to be fair, this is just this time, it will probably be difficult to see it in the future, even if you can see it in the future, at most you can only see one or two, so complete, and so many, this is the only chance.""Make sure to do your best and show your true ability. After this time, I think everyone can smile even if they step into the coffin, because our ancestors or masters are not as heroic as us."Mo Lao even made a joke at the end.Is this a joke?Yes and no!Indeed, there is no shortage of the top ten precious woods, and there are also many that are not in the top ten, but also in the top twenty.The most important thing is that every piece is the best of the best, which shows how precious its value is."Yes, Mr. Mo is right. Is it embarrassing to call those who are not good at learning?""I only call my little apprentice, the eldest apprentice and the second apprentice. There was nothing to say about the past 30 years. Now, they have lost their skills. Calling them here is not to help, but to mess up.""Yes, craftsmen, except for the master level, have not been in contact for a while, and the craftsmanship has been almost forgotten. It is not worth thinking about them to make good things. I will not call those disdainful apprentices."You said nothing and I didn't say anything. It was so lively."By the way, everyone must remember to bring all the tools that you are good at using. Forget about those modern electric tools!"Mr.Mo is not behind the times.He is also keeping up with the trend.Electric saws are very convenient for cutting wood, but it depends on the situation.When encountering rare wood, it is best to use the most traditional tools by hand: "This time, we must be authentic and take the opportunity to show that our old craftsmanship has not been discarded.""Got it, no problem!""I think so too!""Mr. Mo is right. We really can't throw away the old craftsmanship, especially the young people. It's just the right opportunity to give the apprentices and grandchildren a last lesson."For the apprentices, it should be called reviewing the old craftsmanship, and the grandchildren should be taught the last lesson.""Hahaha!"Very lively, it is not difficult to see how much they value and are obsessed with the traditional craftsmanship that they have been dealing with for a lifetime."Next... I'm going to see your villa. After all, you want to make these into furniture!"Mr. Mo returned to Zhang Heng's side again, this time he was much more serious than before: "Furniture is actually part of the house. It must be integrated with the style of the house, echoing each other, and complementing each other to be perfect.""If... your house cannot be integrated with the style of Guqu furniture, then we have two choices. One is to suggest that you tear down the villa and rebuild it in Chinese style."The second is that we will not help you, and we will not build it for you, because no matter how beautiful and perfect we build it, if it is placed in a modern villa, like a European villa, it will not reflect the beauty of our craftsmanship, but will ruin our craftsmanship. "Mr. Mo said solemnly, very decisively, and he didn't want to waste time and effort, and end up with something that looked weird."Mr. Mo... You can rest assured about this. Mr. Zhang's villa is in Chinese style, especially the interior, which is a very pure Chinese style!"The person in charge of the villa construction site had introduced himself earlier.He was also in charge of the construction of the villa.He was the last to say: "Although there is a modern style, it is a fusion of three styles, modern, garden, and Chinese ancient style.The villa... is really beautiful, and the designer's level is absolutely top-notch (abdc). ""We have to see it to know!"Mr. Mo didn't doubt it, but he still insisted on his bottom line and emphasized: "We don't just want to see what's on the design drawing, we also want to see the built part, and the style will be designed and built based on these two items. ""To be honest, if possible, we all want to wait until the villa is fully built and the interior decoration is all done before we build it.That would be the most perfect!"Mr.Mo said this.It is also a suggestion. "Mr.Mo, you can rest assured about this!"After all, Zhang Heng is the owner.At the same time, he is also very concerned about the construction progress of the villa.He knows clearly: "Now the villa has been capped, and the first floor has been fully decorated, and the decoration of the second floor is also more than half done." "You can make furniture for the first and second floors first.The third floor has not been decorated yet.When the design is completed here, it is estimated that it will be almost done.At that time, it will be fine if it needs personality or adjustment.There is no big problem." "I also want to create furniture that integrates with the style of the villa itself, so that it will not only look comfortable, but also be more comfortable to live in." "The reason why I am so anxious is actually another reason, that is, the interior decoration of the villa also requires a lot of wood.My idea is that when building furniture, some scraps and so on should not be wasted.I will make the scraps into the wood used for villa decoration, which is considered to be the best use of them. "Zhang Heng changed his mind after getting this batch of wood, and he also informed China Construction Group early on. The wood used for the original decoration was also good material, but not top-grade. If there is top-grade good material, it is natural to use it."This is very good, very good. No matter how perfect the design and craftsmanship are, it is impossible to leave no scraps at all."Mr.Mo agreed with Zhang Heng's point of view, which also meant that this young man attached great importance to precious wood, which was very much in line with his appetite: "Then let's not delay, go to the villa to take a look immediately, and then when everyone comes, we have to take a closer look again, and then start designing.""Even the scraps have to be used, so when cutting the materials, we should pay more attention, so that... when those scraps are used, its style and so on will also be processed by us manually."You China Construction Group must provide a design drawing, and the size and so on must be accurate, so that the work can be perfect!"Mr. Mo spoke very impolitely, and almost burst out words to force China Construction Group."There is absolutely no problem here!"The head of China Construction Group patted his chest to ensure.What the hell would happen if there was a problem?The design provided by Zhang Heng has detailed specifications for every detail, even a border strip, with the length, width, thickness and height indicated, accurate to the millimeter level. [How could there be a problem?