
Chapter 676: Hardcore Cub Carrying

A netizen explained, "The British have a knack for gardening. Their zoo's landscaping is not only natural but also layered and beautiful. I spent an entire day there and still didn't see everything."

"Wow, that makes the British girl's compliment even more valuable!"

Fang Ye smiled and nodded, "That's right. The London Zoo is the oldest zoo in the world, a pioneer in the zoo industry.

Their birdhouse mimics a Victorian collector's cabinet, decorated with bird paintings, giving it an artistic feel. There are many aspects we can learn from them."

"Haha, Director, you're too modest."

They arrived at the back of the red panda exhibit.

Hong Dou and Li Zi were now living together again. At the moment, Hong Dou was walking around on the ground, while Li Zi was sunbathing outside.

Seeing Fang Ye enter the back area, Hong Dou immediately ran over, happily standing up and hugging his leg.

Director, you're here to visit me again? Where's my apple?

Hong Tang and Shan Zha, the cubs, had been staying in the nest for a while, slowly developing, and could finally come out to play.

Hong Tang followed closely behind Hong Dou, but still appeared cautious.

Seeing someone enter the back area, Hong Tang was startled.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp~"

It made a sharp bird-like sound, its body trembling as it crouched down, legs going weak, and slowly moved away.

Hong Dou immediately turned around, looking worriedly at her cub, and ran back.


She responded with a sound, as if saying, "Mommy's here, don't be afraid!"

Hong Tang, shivering, crawled to Hong Dou's side, feeling her warm body, and finally seemed a bit more at ease.

He buried his head under Hong Dou.

Fang Ye laughed, "Oh, so timid, are you really that scared of me? Seems like you've inherited Hong Dou's personality! Hong Dou, don't you think?"

When Hong Dou first came to the zoo, she was very timid, always hiding in the dense foliage of the trees or curling up in the stone fortress, hiding completely.

Unfamiliar with the environment, she was once even startled by a rock in the exhibit, raising her paws to scare the rock, which made the visitors laugh.

Fang Ye walked over to Hong Tang, squatted down, and gently petted him.

Hong Tang sensed the familiar and warm scent from Fang Ye and finally relaxed.

Oh, it's the Director, a good two-legged creature! Approved by mom and dad!

He stood up from the ground, looking much less frightened than before.

"Chirp, chirp," he called out a few times.

Netizens, seeing Hong Tang's appearance, smiled, "So fluffy and cute ^o^!"

"Didn't expect the cubs to sound like that, like birds."

"Such a cute little chirper!"

"Sounds so nice, like singing!"

Fang Ye laughed, "Adult red pandas rarely make sounds, only when they're young or in mating season. Their calls sound like high-pitched bird chirps. When they fight, they even make pig-like grunts to intimidate their enemies."

After calming Hong Tang, he looked at the other cub.

Shan Zha was lying on a scale!

He looked at Fang Ye with an unhappy expression, his face serious.

He was relatively braver, somewhat similar to Li Zi's personality.

Maybe he found the scale comfortable and liked staying there.

He started chasing his short, chubby tail, playing in circles.

His tail, initially thick at one end and thin at the other like a fat bamboo shoot, had become round and fluffy like a soft, puffy bread.

Fang Ye said to Hong Dou, "The weather's nice today, let's take the kids out to play!"

In the north, autumn starts in September. Now, nearing October, cold air was moving south, making Linhai cooler, with temperatures dropping a few degrees.

No need to give the animals ice blocks anymore; it was perfect for outdoor activities.

He gestured to Hong Dou, pointing to the door, and then went to the activity area to wait.

Li Zi was lounging on a perch, lazily sunbathing, looking quite content.

Seeing Fang Ye, she blinked and twitched her ears, greeting him.

After a while, Hong Dou came out through the door!

Following her, a small head appeared in the door's shadow, Shan Zha curiously looking outside.

Sunlight fell on his forehead, giving it a pale yellow hue.

The cub's fur had now developed its colors, red where it should be red, and black where it should be black. But in the sunlight, the colors appeared much lighter.

Shan Zha stepped out cautiously, head lowered, looking around carefully.

Hong Tang also poked his head out, squeezing past Shan Zha's butt, took a look, then quickly retracted his head in a panic.

The little ones had never played outside before! They were curious but slightly afraid of the outside world.

Hong Dou had previously not allowed them to play outside, keeping a close watch on them.

But now the cubs had grown, and with the other red pandas moved to the raccoon exhibit, it seemed like the right time to let them out.

Shan Zha breathed in the fresh air, looking at the green grass, momentarily dazed!

Seeing Hong Dou walk past the door, he hurriedly looked up at her, "Chirp, chirp," calling out.

Mommy, mommy!

Hong Dou walked back.

Shan Zha was puzzled, what did mommy mean?

Hong Tang was already heading back, calling out in fear, wanting to return to the familiar back area.

As long as he got back, mommy should appear!

Shan Zha turned around, butt facing outside, looking at Hong Tang in confusion!

He also disappeared into the passage.

"Come on, you two scaredy-cats, get out!"

"Aww, the baby went back in!"

"So cute!"

Hong Dou was pacing outside, trying to get the kids to follow, but they were heading back instead.

Seeing them not coming out, she went back inside.

After a while, she came out carrying Shan Zha.

When tigers carry their cubs, they can lift them into the air.

But red pandas have short legs, so they can only drag their cubs along the ground like a mop.

And since the cub's body is long, it gets stuck between the legs while dragging, making the front legs bend outward to avoid bumping, looking quite clumsy.

Shan Zha, being carried by Hong Dou, tilted his head, looking unhappy.

His little paws waved restlessly, "Chirp, chirp," crying out.

His belly rubbed against the grass as he was dragged to a spacious area, where Hong Dou finally put him down.

Netizens laughed at the amusing scene!

"Hahaha, is she mopping the floor?"

"This way of carrying the cub is so hardcore!"

"Looks so clumsy."

"Reminds me of when my mom dragged me out shopping when I didn't want to leave my bed!"

"Don't forget there's another cub!"

Hong Tang, who had followed out, was peeking from the door, calling out, "Chirp, chirp."

As if saying, "Mommy, aren't you coming to carry me?"

Hong Dou had indeed forgotten!

Licking her paws, she heard the call and remembered, quickly going back to carry Hong Tang.

Hong Tang was very well-behaved, staying still while being carried.