
Chapter 674: Wedding Ideas!

The proposal wasn't overly flashy, but the wedding should be grand and celebratory!

After the phone call, Fang Ye thought for a while and jotted down many ideas in his notebook, eager to record them.

He could have the animals in the zoo help create an incredibly romantic and unforgettable wedding!

For example, using a phoenix as a lucky wedding symbol, while others might use phoenix-themed jars or bowls, he could have a red-bellied pheasant, the original prototype of the phoenix, perched on his shoulder to greet the bride. It would be vibrant and full of grandeur.

And he could bring Binggao as the white tiger guardian, daring anyone to give him a hard time.

Instead of a luxury car convoy, he could have a parade of alpacas following him, which would attract more attention than luxury cars.

As for the flower girl... why not have an elephant?

Let the elephant spray water towards the guests, ensuring a joyous and lively atmosphere.

And for the master of ceremonies, who needs a human when you can have a "lion MC"? Let a lion officiate the wedding.

Kaka, wearing sunglasses, a tie, and a slicked-back mane, could leap onto the stage, place his paw on a Bible, and roar into the microphone, wishing the newlyweds a lifetime of happiness.

After the lion officiates, a macaw could carry the wedding rings, flying down like a rainbow from the sky, placing the rings in their hands—much cooler than pulling them out of a pocket.

Then, a flock of parrots could perform a "hundred birds paying homage," circling in the sky. They had already practiced this during the last MV shoot.

Maybe even have the parrots sing a wedding song?

On second thought, better not.

It's not about the difficulty; Jin Zhi and the others are quite smart, but parrots have raspy voices. Singing something grand like "The Internationale" would be fine, as the melody doesn't matter much.

But singing a sweet wedding song would be more comical than romantic. Jin Martin might even start DJing if he gets too excited.

Instead, have the gibbons, symbols of fidelity in the animal kingdom, sing a love song to bless the couple.

After brainstorming for a while, he decided not to worry about how to implement these ideas just yet.

Some ideas were indeed a bit outlandish, like bringing a tiger to greet the bride. Binggao was no longer a small cub and would attract a crowd of curious visitors wanting to pet him if seen strolling in the zoo.

Seeing a tiger in front of them would definitely scare people into calling the police.

Some ideas seemed impractical at first but could work upon closer inspection!

For instance, having elephants as flower girls didn't mean they had to come out. They could plan a route from the elephant exhibit, and the elephants could spray water in celebration from the edge of their enclosure.

The lion exhibit would be a great wedding venue!

With the "lion MC" officiating and the towering Pride Rock nearby.

The bride could walk up Pride Rock in her white wedding dress, with parrots flying in from the horizon, and a pride of lions roaring below, their voices echoing far and wide, reminiscent of a Disney animation!

But the downside was that the couple would be too far apart, and family and guests couldn't go inside, only watching from a distance.

Let the lions return to their den, and have the guests enter to watch?

But looking up at Pride Rock from inside seemed even more absurd.

Another beautiful location would be the cherry blossom grove!

It's the zoo's most popular spot for couples, with many having their wedding photos taken there.

When the cherry blossoms bloom in spring, their pink petals create a naturally romantic atmosphere.

Holding the wedding there would surely have a great effect. Plus, the nearby hot spring inn would be convenient for dining and resting.

Another potential venue was the envisioned butterfly house. It's now early September, and by the time the cherry blossoms bloom next spring, it would be about half a year later.

With the system's construction team, the butterfly house would definitely be ready by then. Holding a wedding amidst the fluttering, colorful butterflies would be like a dream.

The zoo had so many beautiful spots, making it hard to choose!

Some wedding plans could be discussed with Lan Li, but Fang Ye wanted to keep some elements as a surprise, like the parrots delivering the rings and performing.


Meanwhile, the gibbons' long-distance communication continued.

Although the network in the mountains was poor, especially with no signal requiring satellite phones, which made the sound distorted, it didn't hinder Qing Tian and her cousin's enthusiastic conversations.

The two gibbons sang love songs to each other, often chatting for half an hour at a time.

Another male gibbon, the single son of Grandpa and Grandma, wasn't as close to the cousin and was elusive, making it difficult for the staff to find him.

Li Xing and his team recorded the cousin's love songs and played them for the male gibbon whenever they found him. Initially startled, he soon became very excited, calling out urgently!

Their courtship was much harder than humans', rarely meeting in their lifetime.

This single male gibbon was much braver than the cousin, who was still in the chatting stage, staying put. He had already started trying to meet in person.

Following the recorded love songs, he ventured forth, even intruding into another gibbon family's territory, only to be driven out.

He got within 2 kilometers of the cousin before being driven back.

The straight-line distance between him and the cousin was about 10-15 kilometers!

Of course, considering the mountainous terrain, the actual distance was even greater.

The male gibbon tried to find another route, but there was none.

Fan Peng and his research team were attempting to tie ropes between the impassable trees, hoping the male gibbon could use the artificial rope bridge to cross. But the gibbon seemed wary of these artificial structures, observing from a distance and refusing to approach.

Without some caution, he would have been killed by poachers long ago.

Something interesting happened during one of Qing Tian and her cousin's calls: a few netizens accidentally entered the voice channel and heard the gibbons singing.

There were progress and setbacks.

A ranger found a dead Skywalker gibbon during a patrol.

It had no external injuries, not a victim of poaching, likely dying from illness.

DNA testing revealed its parents were closely related, possibly even siblings.

Due to long-term habitat fragmentation, they couldn't exchange genes with gibbons from other areas. For the sake of their species' survival, they had no other choice.

This situation wasn't unique but rather common.

The future of the Skywalker gibbons was shrouded in uncertainty, causing great concern.

This strengthened Fan Peng and his team's resolve to bring the male gibbon and the cousin together, no matter the obstacles.