
Chapter 647: Gibbons Connecting via Live Call

To connect the gibbons from both sides, a lot of preparation was needed.

Gaoligong Mountain in Yunnan is deep inland, while Linhai is by the sea, a distance of 3,000 kilometers.

Initially, they thought the delay would be significant, but the zoo had a 5G network, making signal transmission much faster.

However, most places in the mountains had no signal!

Sometimes, they had to climb to higher peaks or stay close to villages to get a signal.

And that was assuming they weren't using an iPhone.

Li Xing and Fang Ye joked that iPhones were the most despised by the research staff and locals. While Android phones could still connect to the internet and browse TikTok on mountain tops, iPhones had no signal at all and were as useful as bricks.

Li Xing used an iPhone and didn't know this at first, so while resting in the mountains, he could only take photos and videos to pass the time.

When there was no network, they had to use satellite phones, which had low bandwidth and didn't work as well.

Which method they used to call wasn't up to them; it depended on luck.

After adjusting various equipment and testing the call quality, they were ready after two days and began connecting the two gibbons.

In Gaoligong Mountain!

The female cousin was sitting motionless on a tree trunk, hugging her knees as usual.

The researchers often saw her and were already familiar with her. They didn't disturb her, keeping a distance. Knowing there was no threat, she didn't avoid them even when she noticed them.

Fan Peng and the other researchers looked up at the lonely female cousin in the tall tree canopy nearby and spoke into the satellite phone, "Hello, can you hear me? The female cousin is right next to us!"

At Linhai Zoo, in the gibbon's back area.

Qing Tian was holding onto a rope, swinging back and forth out of boredom, occasionally letting out loud calls of "Oh~ oh~."

Staying in the back area was really boring!

Qing Tian didn't know why it was called over today, with various equipment being adjusted that it didn't understand.

Fang Ye was also helping with the adjustments. Although the keepers could handle it, he was curious about what it would be like for the two gibbons to connect via live call, so he came to help personally. Lan Li was also standing by, joining in the fun.

Li Xing held the satellite phone, "Yes, I can hear you!"

Fan Peng said, "I can hear Qing Tian's calls from your side!"

The melodious and high-pitched gibbon calls, transmitted through the satellite phone, sounded distorted, like a broadcast from an old radio, with a sharper tone, almost like bird calls, and a bit scratchy.

Fang Ye asked, "How is it? Clear?"

Fan Peng and the researchers exchanged glances, shaking their heads and frowning, "It sounds a bit strange!"

"Yes, the distortion is too severe."

Fang Ye said, "There's no other way; you don't have a signal there. Let's give it a try first!"


"Awoo~ awoo awoo~"

A researcher then turned on the speaker, and the distorted gibbon calls were amplified and transmitted to the female cousin.

Fan Peng raised his binoculars to observe the female cousin in the tree, who remained motionless.

He spoke into the satellite phone, "Oh no, there's no reaction at all!"

Everyone sighed inwardly!

Was their idea of connecting via live call a bit too wishful?

At that moment, Fan Peng suddenly widened his eyes, "Wait, there's a reaction!"

The female cousin sat up from the tree trunk!

She stretched her long arms and climbed higher into the canopy, her white figure swinging from branch to branch, causing the nearby leaves to shake.

Then she swung towards them!

Several researchers showed expressions of surprise, some pursed their lips nervously, and some stared at the approaching gibbon without blinking, their mouths agape, seemingly forgetting to breathe.

Fang Ye heard them say there was a reaction, but then they fell silent. He didn't know what was happening and didn't dare to speak, feeling anxious!

The female cousin nimbly climbed and jumped between the tall trees, quickly reaching the branch above Fan Peng and the others!

Normally, she wouldn't get this close.

She crouched down, looking at them with a puzzled expression!

But she continued to listen carefully to the sounds from the speaker.

When Qing Tian's calls stopped, she opened her mouth, "Oooh~ oooh~," singing beautifully and rhythmically.

It seemed she was asking, "Who are you? Where are you?"

Crossing 3,000 kilometers, the female cousin's calls reached the zoo's back area.

Hearing the calls, Qing Tian, who had been bored, immediately jumped onto the perch!

Isn't this the girl who sang love songs with me last time!?

Her voice rose significantly, almost like shouting, calling out rapidly and excitedly.

Even without understanding the meaning of the gibbon songs, one could feel Qing Tian's excitement and joy!

The female cousin was also happy, singing softly.

For a moment, Lan Li covered her mouth in surprise!

Fang Ye listened to the gibbons singing love songs back and forth, feeling a tightness in his chest and a pang of emotion in his eyes.

He turned his head, sniffed lightly, and wiped a tear from the corner of his eye with his finger.

As an endangered species, life was truly difficult.

The female cousin had been single for twenty years, equivalent to a human being 60 years old, practically an old lady, facing a lifetime of loneliness.

Today was probably the first time in her life she had talked to a male gibbon outside her family.

Even if they couldn't meet and were only chatting through a phone, it must have made her very happy.

Lan Li took a tissue from her pocket and gently wiped Fang Ye's eyes!

She reached out and interlocked her fingers with Fang Ye's hand.

The gibbons' love songs were the best explanation of love.

Qing Tian and the female cousin's duet lasted for 22 minutes.

Suddenly, as if by agreement, they both stopped and fell silent.

Li Xing asked, "Hello? Do you have a signal there?"

Fan Peng replied, "Yes, we have a signal! They stopped singing, so the duet must be over."

Fang Ye said, "It's amazing that even with such distorted sound, they could recognize each other as the same species."

Li Xing laughed heartily, "Haha, it's like us humans talking on the phone. Even if the sound is a bit fuzzy, we can still recognize each other."

Fan Peng sighed with relief, "It's not easy! Not easy at all!"

The sigh was for both himself and the female cousin.

These researchers had put in a lot of effort to help the gibbons connect, trying various methods, tracking gibbons in the mountains from dawn till dusk every day, and finally made some progress.

And the female cousin, single for so many years, finally saw a glimmer of hope for companionship.

"Shall we end the call?"


After hanging up the satellite phone, Lan Li raised her fair arm and said to Fang Ye, "Hearing them sing love songs just now gave me goosebumps!"

Fang Ye, now emotionally recovered, laughed, "That's nothing. Didn't you see me crying?"