
Chapter 589: The Arrival of the Giraffes

"Ding! The zoo has successfully rescued a critically endangered Indian scops owl and performed a high-difficulty wing replacement surgery, giving it hope of returning to the sky. When hope spreads far and wide, more people will take action, and small hopes will converge into a river, making the world a better place.

Congratulations to the host, you have received a rare animal clue *1!"

[Animal: ???

Location: Yunnan

Protection Time: Ten years (Within the protection period, the animal will not face any life-threatening danger)

Note: Forests are disappearing at a rate of 30 hectares per minute. How fast must I go to catch up with your shadow?

Reward: ???]

Fang Ye was stunned for a moment—new animal clues!

He then carefully checked the details.

The location is in Yunnan, which makes sense. Yunnan's unique geographical conditions make it a biodiversity hotspot, home to many rare wild animals.

This time, the animal clue has the longest protection period—ten years without any issues!

Judging by the note, could it be an animal suffering from forest reduction, losing its habitat, and eventually dying slowly? Could it be the Asian elephant?

What does "catch up with your shadow" mean? Is it an animal with a secretive nature, hard to track in the forest? Could it be the clouded leopard? Those are indeed very rare now!

Fang Ye pondered for a while, scratching his chin, but still couldn't figure out what animal it could be.

He shook his head and decided to let it go.

When the animal clue appears, he will naturally find out. Guessing blindly won't help.


The red-crowned cranes and oriental storks that were introduced to the zoo have now moved to their new homes after quarantine. They will be exhibited in the next couple of days.

Giraffes and hippos have also been contacted and are currently being transported.

Giraffes are incredibly difficult to acquire. Even if available, they are usually young ones, as zoos are reluctant to transfer adult giraffes.

The difficulty in acquiring them is not due to their rarity or popularity among visitors, but because giraffes are too tall!

A newborn giraffe is already about 1.8 to 1.9 meters tall, and an adult can reach 5 to 6 meters.

Highway overpasses have a height limit of 5 meters, which a giraffe exceeds without even being on a vehicle, making it impossible to transport them this way!

Unlike cargo, you can't lay a giraffe down horizontally.

Giraffes are animals that can die from a single fall; if they fall, their heart can't supply blood to their brain, and they die.

While pandas can be transported by plane, giraffes cannot, as the height of airplane cabins is also insufficient.

Therefore, transporting giraffes is a significant challenge.

When Fang Ye learned about this, he was amused and exasperated.

Before the introduction, he never imagined that transportation would be such a hurdle.

So, he had to settle for buying two young giraffes first.

Fang Ye asked around and found out from his friend A-Gua, an elephant keeper, that their zoo had a pair of two-year-old East African giraffe siblings available for transfer.

The brother is named Xiao Shi, and the sister is named Xiao Shiyi!

At two years old, they are already three meters tall. Any older and taller, and transferring them would be impossible.

Although they are young, they are not cheap.

Last year's market price was seven to eight hundred thousand yuan, but this year, with fewer available for transfer, the price has risen to one million yuan.

A-Gua regretted not asking sooner, but Fang Ye didn't mind. A difference of tens of thousands is a minor issue.

The newly opened hot spring inn is incredibly popular, with weekends fully booked. The income for a single day can be in the tens of thousands, making it quite profitable.

Of course, on weekdays, there are fewer guests, so the income isn't as high.

Last year, the zoo's development hadn't reached this point, and green leaf coins were scarce.

However, having only two three-meter-tall giraffes feels a bit awkward, making the viewing platform seem pointless.

The platform was designed for visitors to look at giraffes at eye level, enjoying their big eyes and long eyelashes. Now, they have to look down.

Do they have to wait several years for the giraffes to grow up?

Fang Ye thought that it might actually be possible to buy adult giraffes.

Linhai is close to the sea, so they could be transported by water.

Upon reaching the port, they could rent a helicopter to transport the giraffes in cages, with him accompanying them for comfort. This should work.

So, he has been inquiring if any coastal zoos are willing to sell two giraffes.

Transporting hippos is relatively simpler.


Fang Ye pointed to the book spread on his lap and said seriously, "Lan Li, look at this. Eggplants are heat-tolerant plants and should not be planted prematurely. They like plenty of fertilizer, so make sure to fertilize them regularly. Also, prune and remove dense branches to ensure the fruit gets enough sunlight..."

Fang Ye and Lan Li were sitting on the sofa, studying farming together.

Although Lan Li was looking at the book, her expression was a bit strange.

Her cheeks were as red as cooked crabs. Sometimes she frowned, and other times she looked very comfortable.

Occasionally, she took a soft breath, her body subtly shifting.

She looked at Fang Ye with shy, tender eyes and said in a trembling voice, "Honey~~~"

Fang Ye innocently looked over, "Hmm?"

"Didn't you say we were going to study together? Can you stop moving your hand... How can we study like this?"

"Oh, sorry, sorry, my hand cramped up earlier. But this is also a profound subject."

Fang Ye chuckled, putting the book aside, "No more pretending, I'm coming clean!"

Seeing Fang Ye lean in, Lan Li closed her eyes sweetly but helplessly.

Now that they were deeply involved, their kisses had become much bolder!

No longer just pecks on the cheek or forehead, they now locked lips and battled tongues.

As they kissed, Fang Ye's hands started wandering.

Lan Li, who was leaning on his shoulder, unknowingly ended up sitting on his lap as their kiss deepened.

Her small butt wriggled a bit, trying to find a more comfortable position. Suddenly, she felt something strange and her face turned even redder. She lightly tapped him and whispered in his ear, "Pervert!"

Lately, their home felt like a battlefield. At night, they would launch beachhead assaults, with varying durations depending on the defense. Even during the day, lightning battles could erupt anytime, often involving embarrassing and strange ideas, most of which she firmly rejected.

Fang Ye laughed, "What, don't you like it?"

He enthusiastically said, "How about considering wearing an apron to make a love-filled breakfast someday?"

Lan Li punched him angrily, "Only a dog would like that!"

Fang Ye stroked his chin and thought, "It's not impossible!"

Lan Li picked up the book and started hitting Fang Ye on the head. Fang Ye laughed while protecting his head, "Ouch, my mistake, my mistake!"

Just then, his phone rang.

Fang Ye answered, "Hello? Are the giraffes I bought arriving soon? Ouch~"

He glanced at Lan Li, who "hmphed," stuck out her tongue, and smiled playfully.

"Alright, they'll be here in two hours? Got it!"