
I Have A Devouring System

Traveling through the world of aura recovery, accidentally activates the devouring system. Ding Dong-the host swallows the mysterious ice snake and obtains the supernatural power talent Frozen Sky Eye. Ding Dong-the host swallows the blazing tiger and gains the supernatural power talent, sacred flame burning the sky. Ding Dong-the host swallows…

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13 Chs

Chapter 8

By the end of the day, his favor with Wang Min and the three has dropped to zero.

It's a life-and-death patrol, and these people are regarded as outings.

Do you really know how to write dead words?

"What is your attitude? I just complained, why are you so fierce?"

Wang Min glanced at Qiu Lingfeng, and his tone became weaker.

In the class, Qiu Lingfeng's strength is only below a few Martial Artists.

"That's, Qiu Lingfeng, why do you have such a small belly? What do you care about with Xiaomin? Can't we complain about the unpalatable meat after we come out?"

Zhou Wen opened the mouth and said.

"Forget it, Ling Feng, don't worry about Xiaomin."

Zhang Yue whispered beside Qiu Lingfeng.

"Let's do it."

Zhang Yue said, Qiu Lingfeng did not continue to care about it.

But he still feels uncomfortable.

He and Ye Cheng worked so hard to eat, thinking about improving the food, but they were even rejected.

After dinner, I began to assign vigil tasks.

Wang Lu and Ye Cheng each watched for two hours, and Qiu Lingfeng students each watched for one hour.

The vigil mission is very easy.

Just be aware of whether there is a wild beast or devil beast approaching nearby, and ensure that the bonfire will not go out.

Didn't expect Wang Min to be unhappy, holding Zhang Yue's hand and letting the latter guard her for the hour.

Zhang Yue didn't know how to refuse, nodded agreed.

"This woman."

Qiu Lingfeng looked at Wang Min.

Anyone can tell that Wang Min doesn't really like Zhang Yue.

If Zhang Yue hadn't awakened to become a Martial Artist, she would be able to ensure her safety to a certain extent during patrol missions.

I'm afraid Wang Min will not talk to Zhang Yue.

It's a pity that Zhang Yue himself didn't realize this, and is still cherishing this hard-won relationship.

After that, everyone began to rest.

Because the journey tomorrow will be more rugged, it will be more physically demanding.

As the moon gradually sinks, the temperature drops a little bit, and the cold is hitting the entire dark forest.

The huge dark forest, only a little warmth by the campfire.

Sa Sa...

The wind picked up the leaves and made a sound of salsa.

Ye Cheng sits by the bonfire, cutting a short stick with a dagger to pass the time.

[email protected]...

A sound of [email protected] sounded.

Ye Cheng's gaze condensed, and he froze on that side.

The dark clouds blocked the moonlight, making it difficult to see the scene.

Ye Cheng glanced at the people who were still resting, and moved towards that place.

However, within two steps, he noticed a deadly chill.

"Not good! There is a devil beast!"

Ye Cheng yelled hurriedly.

Suddenly, everyone was awakened.

Wang Lu responded quickly and took up his weapon.


next moment, in the bushes not far in front of Ye Cheng, a large snake with a thickness of half a foot rushed out and moved towards Ye Cheng with one bite.