
I Have A Devouring System

Traveling through the world of aura recovery, accidentally activates the devouring system. Ding Dong-the host swallows the mysterious ice snake and obtains the supernatural power talent Frozen Sky Eye. Ding Dong-the host swallows the blazing tiger and gains the supernatural power talent, sacred flame burning the sky. Ding Dong-the host swallows…

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13 Chs

Chapter 6

"Shut up and keep going!"

Wang Lu did not agree.

Their task is to patrol to check if there are new devil beasts near Xingshou Village.

Rather than going on a scenic tour, how can you stop and rest?

"Xiao Min, if you are tired, let me carry you on my back."

Zhang Yue ran over and said.

"But search Brother Yue, you still have to carry the supplies, why not let Awen and Xiaofan take turns carrying me."

Wang Min shook the head, it seems to be Zhang Yue consider.

The two in her mouth are the other two boys in the team, whose real names are Zhou Wen and Zhou Xiaofan.

"This...well, as long as you don't get tired, Min."

Zhang Yue is a bit tangled, but he can't bear Wang Min's suffering, nodded and said.

After getting Zhang Yue's permission, Wang Min consciously climbed onto Zhou Wen's back and threw Zhou Wen's supplies to Zhang Yue by the way.

"search Brother Yue, Awen, he wants to carry me on his back and can't make any move, so you can bring his supplies by the way?"

Wang Min acted like a baby in a babbling tone road.


Zhang Yue didn't even think about being nodded.

Qiu Lingfeng watched this scene and didn't say much.

This Wang Min is mostly just using Zhang Yue, and doesn't like him at all.

If Zhang Yue hadn't become a Martial Artist, I'm afraid Wang Min will not talk to Zhang Yue.

As for Zhang Yue, looking at his infatuation, I guess he can't persuade him no matter what.

I just hope he can see through Wang Min next.

At this time, everyone has entered the boundary of the dark forest. Normally, some villagers will come here to venture out and gather medicine.

So, the patrol team must ensure that this place is safe enough.

The dark forest is connected to a mountain range, so the devil beasts in the dark forest basically come from that mountain range.

The strength is mostly between the three fourth rank servants, which is very dangerous.

The devil beast is equivalent to Opening Meridian Realm Martial Artist.

Like the Opening Meridian Realm Martial Artist, there is a total of eighth rank.

"Be careful when you enter the dark forest, this is the most dangerous place to patrol!"

Wang Lu warned.

On the periphery of the Dark Forest, even he needs to be treated with care, not to mention the five students Qiu Lingfeng.

Time came unconsciously at noon, and after finding a good resting place, Wang Lu signaled everyone to rest.

Zhang Yue put the three people's supplies on the ground, and sat on the ground tired of gasping for breath.

Qiu Lingfeng sat next to Zhang Yue, picked up the kettle and drank water.

Wang Min and the three are still going on a scenic tour, obviously because Wang Lu, the opening Meridian Realm 5th expert, has relaxed his vigilance.

"Zhang Yue, don't you think that Wang Min and Zhou Wen are too close?"

Qiu Lingfeng looked at Zhang Yue with an honest face, and finally forbeared him Don't keep opening the mouth and said.

"Xiao Min explained that she and Zhou Wen and Zhou Xiaofan have had a very good relationship since childhood, and she really likes me, otherwise she would be impossible to agree to me."

Zhang Yue looked at Wang Min and said.

"From childhood to childhood?"

Qiu Lingfeng glanced at the three Wang Min.

I just don't know how to play this from childhood to adulthood!

I don't know how Zhang Yue likes Wang Min.

Qiu Lingfeng didn't feel the charm of Wang Min anyway.

In his opinion, even if Zhang Ya is disfigured, it is more fragrant than Wang Min.

After simply eating some dry food and replenishing water, everyone began to patrol again.