
Looking For A Way To Keep Him Away

In the end, after Ronald searched for a lawyer who would accept their case, the lawyers refused because what Vincent did was to take back his wife and it was not something that violated the law.

Although there were lawyers who said that what Vincent did was wrong, by forcibly kidnapping Odelia and taking her. However, legally it was legal to do so because Odelia was his wife. Even if they could raise the case as a kidnapping and coercion case, Vincent would still win because of his status as Odelia's husband.

"It's better we don't have to deal with him anymore, Sean. It's better that we don't take this to court if Vin is going to win in the end. I know you're angry, and so am I. But if we do it anyway, I'm afraid it will only get bigger and turn back on us," said Odelia.