
I hate you Mr handsome

##warning-mature content ## what happens when hate turns to love ? "Mom please, I can't marry him ,besides am too young for that. Help me change Dad 's mind ,am ready for any other punishment except marriage". Hazel cried out. "common quite being such a brat and take responsibility for your actions. You should have thought of that before putting us in this situation."Melissa said. Hazel Marino- is a very beautiful and curvy woman who is seen to be a spoiled brat ,cause her dad Maxwell Marino who is one of the richest men in the country literally spoils her with everything a lady will ever wish for. What happens when the spoiled princess is forced to marry her sworn enemy , Alexander Markwill , who is known to be a very rich and powerful tycoon with a very strong background.

DaoistdceqEg · Ciudad
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18 Chs


"Welcome to my humble home Mr and Mrs Markwill ",Maxwell said hugging his guests. Maxwell then later presented his children and wife properly to the Markwills and they did same with them.

"We are honored to have you people in our humble home. Please make yourselves comfortable here ", Melissa said leading them to the dining room.The table was filled with variety of delicious dishes to savor and enjoy accompanied with good expensive wine from various wine producing countries .

"Hmm the meal is delicious Aunt , am so impressed with your Chefs culinary skills",Anastacia commented. She was not a foodie but knew how to appreciate and enjoy good food.

This made Melissa to feel elated. She previously felt nervous but Ana's remark lightened up her mood. She immediately loved Ana from her way of cheering someone and good behavior.

"Thanks dear, you can come around when you are free to enjoy more of the delicious dishes here. Our Chefs are really good with Italian dishes, Chinese,Japanese and more ", Melissa said smiling at Anastacia.

" Our Chefs are very skilled and are exceptional with their dishes so no need to feel flattered. We do eat from the best not just any chef", Jiesebel said smirking. " The meal was edible so no need feeling too flattered on something ordinary and basic ", She added which earned her stares from both sides. Hazel felt her blood boiling ,but had to restrain herself from pulling Jiesebel's hair and crawling her face with her sharp nails. The bitch was beginning to get on her nerves. She had to sing her Mantras in her head inorder to calm down and think straight .

Gema felt as to puke at the sight of Jiesebel's disgusting personality but tried refraining herself as her cousin. The woman was really shameless and so mannerless she thought.

"Huhh .." Albert cleared his throat trying to ease the tension. Jiesebel was really going overboard now and he won't hesitate to teach her a lesson later. The bitch couldn't control that mouth of hers which was good at spouting nonsense.

He then changed the topic to Alex and Hazel , and suggested they tried to know themselves better so as to get acquainted with themselves and see if they possessed some few things in common. The idea seemed stupid and absurd to both Alex and Hazel but they had no choice than to go ahead with the flow.

After the dinner , the parents and children went to the grand living room so as to get acquainted with themselves better while Alex and his fiancé were given some privacy .

"Will you just play dumb tonight or you will talk ?Cause I can perfectly play that game too , but would it profit us? No , so better get your shit together and be a man", Hazel said provocatively. If she couldn't have her revenge on his stupid aunt ,why not him? Moreover, he looks like a mommy's boy with that pretty face of his .

" The fact that I didn't acknowledge your stupidity infront of the rest doesn't mean you would take advantage of my leniency . Just so you know am not that mercyful. Let it sink in that blocked brain of yours", Alex said looking dead serious. He was fed up with her spoilt attitude yet her body tempted his soul . That was a fact he was yet to admit. He was lusting after her body but hated her personality. It made him feel sick just thinking of their wedding. She is such a spoiled brat he whispered to himself.