
I hate you Mr handsome

##warning-mature content ## what happens when hate turns to love ? "Mom please, I can't marry him ,besides am too young for that. Help me change Dad 's mind ,am ready for any other punishment except marriage". Hazel cried out. "common quite being such a brat and take responsibility for your actions. You should have thought of that before putting us in this situation."Melissa said. Hazel Marino- is a very beautiful and curvy woman who is seen to be a spoiled brat ,cause her dad Maxwell Marino who is one of the richest men in the country literally spoils her with everything a lady will ever wish for. What happens when the spoiled princess is forced to marry her sworn enemy , Alexander Markwill , who is known to be a very rich and powerful tycoon with a very strong background.

DaoistdceqEg · Ciudad
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18 Chs


Alex couldn't stop thinking about his conversation with Hazel. He was astonished by the turn of events tonight. It left him thinking and wondering how to understand and solve this great puzzle and mystery which is Hazel Marino.

" You won't cease to amaze me miss Marino. Just when I thought to have understood how that cunning mind of yours works, you proved to be a mystery. You are indeed a shrewd lady but you unfortunately met your doom," Alex muttered grinning evilly. He looked nothing like an angel with that evil smirk . Thus giving off a devilish aura.

He never loved to be talked back to. Infact, no one ever did that to him except his Grandfather. His decisions were the law and he made sure it was implemented. But today, Hazel outsmarted him in his game and that didn't please him. He wasn't use to been given orders but she did so .

He reached his estate later than expected due to traffic which just annoyed him more, cause he kept thinking of what happened at the Marinos Manor. He later on rushed to his elevator without glancing at any bodyguard nor maid. Neither did he pay attention to any of their greetings. His workers were so used to his cold demeanor, which wasn't a surprise anymore. He hardly payed attention to them so it's not new.

He then rushed to his grand bathroom after undressing, to have a warm bath. His muscles needed that. Especially after the whole drama of today which left him exhausted. He was dead tired considering his sleepless nights for the past one week. No amount of drug could relieve his condition so he learned to live with it. He always suffered from insomia but he didn't understand why his drugs weren't effective any longer.

He then dried his hair after taking his shower and proceeded to his walk in closet for a set of pyjamas.

After 3 long hours of tossing left and right on his bed without finding sleep, Alex decided to make himself some herbal tea for his brain. Then proceeded on finishing some paper work .

" I might as well finish this project before

3 a.m," He murmured while sipping his tea.

" Gosh I hate this tea but one got to do what he has to do, " He said trying to cheer himself up.

Though he disliked anything concerning herbs, his Grandma made sure to stock his fridge and cupboards with such. She would really get mad if he doesn't do just that little favour for her. Tea was part of what he hated most but had to take it as an everyday routine for good health.

Alice knew that her grandson was a workaholic, which would sometimes forget to take his meals on time. So she had to atleast do that for his health.