
A friend?

Geli's Pov

"Hi, Geli!"

"Good morning, beautiful"

What good is good in the morning if they you recognize right away?

"I just hope to be like you ~"

"Geli, I'm a big fan of yours!"

That's what I always meet in the hallway when I enter the classroom. They are like that every day, I do not know but aren't they getting tired?

Yes, I am famous. Not only here at school but also outside and if it is forbidden to lie as well as in other countries.

I'm not as lively as the others, but I'm also not the kind of 'fan ignorer', sometimes I just get annoyed. I have a lot of suitors, in the classroom or here across the campus, unlike others, I am not the type who almost died from chills because many suitors, instead, I hate them.

"My princess!"

And here is one of my suitors. Ungortunately, he is my classmate. Terrence ...

I didn't turn around just to see him or say 'good morning'.

"Let's walk into the room together."

I immediately put on my earphones before he reached for me and walked with me.

I just ignored what he said.


"Class, please continue with your report!"

Our teacher said while teaching on the black board.

And there they are. That's also one of the things I don't like, they always cover their faces just so they can't be called.

"Ms.Chaluer, I volunteer!"

I raise my hand.

"Ok, go on, Ms.Kendride"

That's my last name.


"One cheese burger and one ice tea, please"

I sat on the side of the canteen next to the window and door and put on my earphones.

I almost finish but then suddenly one of my suitors came. He was the only one who really had the courage to always come to me so I got used to it.

"My princess, let's go together—"

"I'm done!" I said

"Oh, ok, order more If you want. my treat" He said while smiling at me.

"No, thanks" I said before I stood up and walked away.

"My princess!" I heard him shout.



The bell rang, at last. Home time — oh no, I mean. it's milktea time!

"See you tomorrow, class" Ms. Chaluer said formally.

At once everyone stood up, of course, with me.

"Good bye, Ms.Chaluer"

I was able to put my belongings in my bag immediately before Ms. Chaluer even said goodbye earlier so I went straight out to them. I don't want anyone to catch up with me.


I was walking out suddenly ...

"Hey, Geli!"

And there she was.

I stopped when they blocked my way, my great stepsister and her two other minions. I hate her. I'm older than her so I'm the only one who is superficial even though sometimes she is really very annoying.

"Aren't you coming home to us yet?" She said gently.

"No. Now if you'll excuse me. I have to go "I answered calmly.

I was about to leave when Stephanie – a.k.a my Stepsister blocked my way for the second time.

"I said I need to go"

"I will take you home, sister. I have to do that even if I don't want to ~ " She said while rolling her eyes.

"And why?" I asked.

"Eh!! Because, I want to impress Dad to me" She answered with a wave from behind.

Later, two men came from the wall behind Stephanie.

"You know? If you want to impress Dad, you just have to beat me in grades, change my position to be top 1, since we're classmates "

She seemed even more upset by what I said. I hurried run off the campus before those two men caught me.

"Get her !!!" I even heard Stephanie shout.


I finally escaped them, they can't catch me.

I will go straight to my favorite place. It only opens every night so I always come here as early as I could. I have always been here since I discovered it. First of all, not noisy because there are no such as many people and the best, the view here is relaxing.


I'm here. To the highest floor, 8th floor. And since it's the 8th floor, and it's open at night, it's even better to have a sight seeing on the balcony and the stars are really obvious.

"Good evening, Ms.Geli" The cashier greeted me. She saw in my name in my I.D.

I just smiled at her.

"Here's your moon milktea!"

I no longer had to say my order because she had memorized my order. I was only here for 4 days then she memorized it right away.

"Thank you" I smiled on her.

I was sitting on the balcony. As usual, there are only three people here, the two seem to be dating, while the other is alone and busy typing on his laptop.

"Hay ... Forgetting everything"

I just leaned over while drinking milktea. I also look at the stars in the sky.

This is so relaxing .....



Earlier, the alarm clock sounded ...


What's going on? The alarm clock is annoying.

What time is it?!

"Wait ... Whaaaaatttt? !!!"

What the? !!! Its 07:49 already!!! Why am I look very tired?!


"Taxi !!!"

Fortunately, a taxi stopped immediately so I got on board right away.

"F.G.U. and please I'm in a hurry. I will double the payment" I said

"Oh alright, lady"

"Ok, thank you, sir"

My very unlucky day has come ... The gate was about to close, it was good to know that I immediately told the guard when I got off the taxi, and as expected, the bold guard scolded me but I didn't have time so I just gave my I.D. and I ran.

The guard was still trying to get me back but I was already far away.

As I was running down the hallway I passed a man, I think I'm not the only one whose late in class, but he seems calm.

Never mind!

I even accelerated my run when suddenly ...


Yes, I stumbled ...

I stumbled!

It was good to know that I saw the man that I passed earlier. Maybe he will help me, no one dare to snob me, yet— wait, what? !!

He just shot a glance at me? Then that's it ?! Hey !! He is very ungentleman!



"Class, were gonna have a—"

"Ms.Chaluer!" I shouted

Everyone fell silent while staring at me.

"Ms. Kendride, what time is our class?" Ms.Chaluer asked as she crossed her arms.

"Uhhmm ... I'm so sorry, please, Ms.Chaluer?" I begged

"Hhmm ... Ok. Next time don't be late again, ok? Take a seat" She put her arms down as she said.

"Of course, Ms. Thank you "

Hayy !!! Thank God, it's over.

"As I was saying, class. We will have a prom because that is what you millennials are talking about here on campus "

All my classmates shouted. Tsk! What's good about that?

"We have already talk to the principal and also the campus officers, of course." Ms.Chaluer added.

"Ms.Chaluer!" A woman from behind raised her hand.

"Yes, Ms.Amore?"

"I just wanted to know when the ball will take place?" She said and she look to her seatmate.

"Hhhmmm ... Yes, I'm going there. Uhhmm ... It will be held on the 16th of March. "

"Oh ... Yesss !!!!"

They almost jumped for fun, seriously. There seems to be no tomorrow for them.

"Ok, Ok, that's enough, class. It will held anyway, next year" Our teacher's rebuke.

At last, my classmates finally calmed down.

"Ok, let's get started—"


The class was about to start when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Good morning, Ms.Chaluer!" Greetings from another teacher from outside and it looks like she is with a student.

"Good morning too, Ms. Torre! What can I do for you? " Ms. Chaluer immediately approached the teacher outside.

I just immediately removed my gaze from them. Well, I'm just waiting for Ms. Chaluer's discussion.

But even so, I can still hear them.

"Ah ... This is Red Fansori. He's a new student, and this is the section that went to him. " I heard the teacher say from the outside.

"Oh, alright. Th-Thats a good news ... Ah .. come in ... Mr." Ms.Chaluer escorts the new student inside the classroom.

"Thank you" Said the new student.

"Thank you, Ms. Torre, I can handle him now" I think Ms. Chaluer even shook hands with the teacher outside.

"Ok, good bye"



I just roll my eyes.

"Class, this is .. ah what's your name again, please?" I heard Ms.Chaluer say.

"May I introduce myself, Ms?" I heard the new student say.

"Ok. You may"

"Thank you, Ms."

Even before the transferee spoke, the women shouted immediately. Tsk! It looks like they have a new madness again.

"Good morning, I'm Red Fansori, your new classmate. I wish we could get along well with each other as classmates, thank you "

My classmates applauded immediately.

"Ok, Mr. Fansori, please take a seat."

"Ahh ... Red, you can sit here. Nori will move. " The woman next to me is still teaching.

"There you go, Mr. Fansori"

"Ok, thank you"

The transferee sat down next to me, while the two women moved on.

Well, since the transferee is next to me, maybe it's better if I look at him.

I turned to the transferee but instead of 'whatever' was in my brain, it was replaced by a big 'WHAT?'

My eyes widened ...

He just looked at me, and just like before, he was really very ungentleman. After all, he was new so he didn't know me yet.


"Ah ... Ms.Chaluer" I approached her desk.


"Can I ask for a favor?"

"What is it, dear?"


"Haaayyy ... Very busy today"

I am in my favorite place again. Doing nothing, just chilling, relaxing, and enjoying the beautiful view here in Lightpassed Milktea Shop, good thing really that it is at the very top of this building. I got the I.D. back to me thanks to Ms.Chaluer.

I took out my phone to start blogging.


"Good evening to those who are watching me tonight and to the viewers after this live blog of mine. I just want to share my experience in this shop, it only opens every night and it is on top of a building so the view here is really worth it. "

I even showed every side of the shop on my blog. I just wanted to help the owner of this shop as well as that cashier. I always speak English when I blog, because even in other countries many people watch my blogs.

"I do not know but I always feel relieved every time I come here. And their milktea here is also delicious, very fresh. I hope many more people come here so that you can also feel the loss of your problems, it feels so good. "

Next I show the view of the city from here above. Its really nice to watch. So this is my favorite place, I wonder if other people can also have a favorite place?

"Well, that's it for tonight, sorry if my blog is too short. I just really want to share my experience here. Thank you and Good night, Good bye now! "


I finished my blog and drank milktea. I hope those who watched my blog love milktea.

Weekend is tomorrow. I wonder where can I go for a walk?


I immediately looked at the notification on my Instagram, any new friend suggestions?

And he or maybe she ... is the — cashier ?!

It's the cashier of this shop, I turned to her.

Well, she looks like a friend to me. Ok, I accept!




I've decided to go to the mall, it took me a long time to get to the mall.

"Let's go to the mall"

"Ok, ma'am"

Many people ask me why I always take a taxi even though I am rich. Well, I have my own car but I do not know how to drive. Dad didn't teach me anymore because he was busy with women and that was also the reason why Mom died.


I went straight to the arcade when I got out of the taxi. Of course, I played my favorite arcade machine. Crane machine. And I have really wanted to get ice bear for a long time but how many times have I tried, I still can't get it.

I bought tokens again to try again but when I came back, someone else was playing there. And he seems to be targeting my ice bear as well.

Looks like he can get that.

"NOOOOO !!!!"

I was surprised by my reaction, the people's attention was focused on me and that man also seemed to look at me. Wait, I wonder if I know him, he seems familiar.