
i got you till Whenever

"Why do I feel you're hiding something from me?" "Believe me baby I'm not" "Well you've been acting strange these past few weeks. I feel like we're drifting apart" "No matter what happens I'll always love you and I'll do all I can to fight for us". "And what if you don't?" "Then I believe you will". Ashley and Jeffrey shared a sweet relationship,one believed to be made in heaven but what happens when secrets he's always tried to hide causes them to drift away? Betrayal from trusted ones doesn't make the issue any better does it? Will they come back to each other or will they continue drifting away and this time for good. IG: Honcho_Lizzy❤️

LiZZY · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

He nodded and sat down.

After that class I had 2 more classes before lunch so I saw it as the best time to confront Kylie.

Since when did she or her minions start attending maths class, of course she was there to only make sure their plans worked.

What if the girl who approached me this morning for help was also a part of their plan

"Ohhhhh! I groaned, I'm so killing her for this"

I saw her sitting farther from my table with her friends and I walked over.

"Hey Ash! Where are you going? Our table's here" Josephine said trying to get a hold of my hand but I ignored her and walked ahead.

Kylie's POV

"Psssssst! Kylie! She's coming towards us". Julia informed

"Oh let her come,the poor girl must be so embarrassed". I said scornfully and we all laughed.

"Oh! Hey best friend!" I said in a distasteful manner to Ashley.

"Save it Kylie! You really are still an wicked and detestable person huh?! Did you think I wouldn't find out you were behind that?" I said angrily.

"Oh c'mon Ash, even if you found out you were still going to do  nothing about it!"

I slapped Kylie across her face and said in a very serious tone

"You better be wary around me Kylie, I'm always ready to get at back at you whenever you try any stupid thing around me or try to get to me with your stupid pranks. Y'all sitting here chatting and laughing with her one day you'll be in my position and she'll do worse to you. Y'all are nothing but minions to her and she doesn't view you any higher! Ingrates!"

" The guts!" Kylie yelled at me touching her cheek.

Natalie, Jowie and Scott came over to that side to try to calm me down but before then Kylie dragged my hair and started saying all sorts of bad things about my family including the fact my father was dead and my mum is working her ass out to take care of me, she doesn't have the money to take care of herself and will die sooner or later anyways.

I didn't know when a tear fell from my eye but as soon I realized it I wiped it away.

Natalie Said to her,"You ungrateful bitch!!! Simply because your parents are wealthy doesn't mean you'll have everything in your favour! I mean just look at yourself you're all pretty and have nice cloths but you're dumb as hell that you have to sleep with teachers or bribe them to pass! You're already a failure!"

Jowie said lots of horrible things to her too to get back at her.

Julia raised her hands to slap Natalie but Scott intervened and held her hand pushing her away.

Kylie dragged me away by my hair and tried to slap me but a hand stopped her and pushed her off me.

"You know for a wealthy lady you act like a lowlife. I think you should really stop worrying about your face and face your education. Who knows?! Maybe you can't even count the money you spend on a piece of clothing" the voice said tauntingly.

"How on Earth will she be able to count it when she's never been in math class!" I said in support.

I looked back at the owner of the voice and it was my Danny!

Uhh, *clears throat*

It was Daniel.

The principal walked into the cafeteria and said

"Does someone mind explaining what happened here?!"

"Y'all standing here detention after school!"

"No ma'am! Please hear me out. This was strictly between me and Kylie nobody else was part of this"

"Fine then, Ashley and Kylie detention after school understood?!*

"Yes ma" we both replied in unison.

Daniel just smiled at me and walked away even before I could thank him.

My friends came to me to ask what had happened.

"Hey Ash are you alright?"

Jowie asked and pulled me in for a hug.

I explained to them what Kylie did and how Danny gave me his jacket and the rest, they were witnesses to.

Scott came and sat beside me

"I'm glad you're okay Ash, Kylie really is horrible now and I don't think there's a going back to her evil attitude. But it's fine, you still got us,all of us" he said giving me a soothing smile.

"OMG!! I have a lot to catch up on I think we should have a sleepover tomorrow, what do you think?* Jowie asked excitedly.

"Yeah sure, sounds great" Scott replied

"A girl's night sleepover Scott!" Natalie said rolling her eyes

"Fine" Scott said sighing

"Maybe we can hang out at some place altogether before we can go over to Uhmm? Whose house is the sleepover?" I asked

"I think it should be jowie's since she suggested it" Nata said

We all agreed.

"Thanks a lot guys but I really need to head to detention now byeee and don't worry I'll find my way home aight?" I hugged them and made my way to detention room.

The teacher was awake the whole time and watched us so there was no room for shouting or cussing at each other so we just kept ourselves busy till the fixed  time was up.

It was already 5pm and another bus arrives by 6. I was already so hungry.

Kylie rolled her eyes and brushed past me, she got into her car And drove off.

See what I told y'all? Rich!

"Need a ride?" I looked behind and saw Daniel

"Danny!" I said and smiled

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Your friends aren't here so who's gonna drive you home? Besides another bus arrives by 6pm, are you willing to wait?" He asked

"Just stop with the petty talk and tell me you cared enough to wait behind in order to drive me home,Thank you" I said smiling to him

He smiled back and asked me to get into the car.

"You hungry?" He asked

"No I'm good" I answered almost immediately.

"You had a fight at lunchtime so how did you manage to squeeze out time to eat?" He asked parking his car in front of a Fastfood and smiled.

We got down and walked in.

We ordered for our meals and ate, once we were done he paid the bills and drove me back home.

"Thanks a lot for today Danny" I said giving him a hug.

At first he didn't hug back but later he did and rubbed my back saying,"you're welcome Ash".

Ashley's POV

I was clearly overwhelmed with happiness over Daniel's gesture of love to me. Sorry,kindness.

Let's not get cocky.

I opened to the door to my house and found mum sitting on the couch staring patiently at the door and smiling like she was expecting me orrrrr...did she see me and Daniel?

Oh God!

"Hey mum" I said going over to give her a hug.

"How was your day honey?" She asked still smiling

"It wasn't bad" I replied casually

She looked and me making sure I saw her and then she smiled again!

I'm so sure she saw something now.

"Is it just me or does this house smell of weirdness?" I asked making my way to my room.

"C'mon Ashley,you don't really have anything to share with me?" She asked completely ignoring my question.

"Fineeee! His name is Daniel and he's a really nice guy and he's helped me a lot really. I'm beginning to wonder if we've known ourselves before now because things with him seem so cool" I said smiling sheepishly.

"Is lending his jacket to you one of the good things he's done?" Mom asked pointing at the jacket around my waist.

That was when I remembered I still had his jacket on. He dropped me home and didn't even ask for it when he knew I could have just given it to him and it wasn't like it skipped his mind because we had few conversations where his jacket was a part of.

"Yeah, had a little cloth problem and he offered his jacket". I said plainly.

"Well that was nice of him, maybe sometime you can invite him over for lunch or dinner, as it suits in his schedule" she said smiling casually.

I knew from her facial expression she wasn't trying to tease me or anything so I agreed and made my way to my room.

I took a warm refreshing bath and put something comfy. I was about going down to help mum make dinner when my phone rang.


Yeah, it was Scott and I saved his name with those emojis because that was how he really was and made me feel. He was cool and loving and me smile, even though I had no brother he filled the gap perfectly.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Hi Ash, how are you?"

"I'm good, just got home some minutes ago though"

"Minutes ago? Detention ended earlier than that so why did you get home late, did you have to walk home? Were you injured? Did Kylie pull any stunts?" He asked worriedly.

"Calm down Scott, I'm still in one piece my dearest sir" I said laughing

"Oh! That's a relief,I thought something serious happened. So how did you get home?"

To be honest I didn't really want to go into details right then because Scott wasn't always pleased with Daniel's presence in our lives but I just had to anyways.

"Danny gave me a ride home and offered to take me for lunch, he really was a life savior.At some point I forgot I had nothing during lunch and then I had to stay extra hours on empty stomach,I was famished" I said happily.

Scott didn't respond immediately

"I remember asking  if you needed me to wait behind for you but you turned me down. If you had already planned to have a ride with me you should have told me instead"

"C'mon Scott, I'll always choose a ride with you over him but the thing here is that I didn't even ask him to wait behind and he did. I'm sorry if you feel bad"

"It's fine, the most important thing is you're home and safe and your stomach is filled with food" he said chuckling.

"Yeah,like that's the most important thing here" I said laughing

"To you it is" he retorted

We spoke about a rendezvous but we agreed on letting the others come up with something.

I texted Natalie and Jowie asking for their opinion of the nicest place we should meet and they said the same place so I guess that's sorted.

I reported back to Scott.

"Alright, 1pm it is then. Bye Ash"

"Bye Scott".

I was so lost in the fun and conversations I was having with my best buddies that I lost track of time.

I was about checking my time when mum called me down for dinner.

I was shocked but not really surprised,well you understand what I mean lol.

"Coming mum!" I shouted

I put on my slip-ons and made my way to the dining table.

It was pasta and Crispy chicken and my favorite home made pineapple juice.

Mum made all these without me,I shouldn't be shocked because she was a chef anyways.

I told her about our hangout later and sleepover at Jowie's.

She'd known them since forever so it wasn't difficult convincing her.

We had dinner peacefully and talked about random things.

I did the dishes after and went back to my room for a beauty sleep.