
I got summoned to another world as the apostle of god

kenji, a psychology student, never believed in existence of god. For him, Gods were merely ideas created by high society in past to keep commoners under their thumb. On one fateful day, his entire class was summoned to kingdom of Grumania. It was a kingdom corrupted by wrongful teachings by upper class about the Gods, something he hated. But during the summoning, he got held back by the real Gods who want him to correct the wrongs of this new fantasy world and gave him unimaginable power to do so.

Ibhaniseyo · Fantasía
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44 Chs

The other side

I woke up to a letter from Kenji stating he would be leaving for training and would not be back for a while. At first I couldn't understand why he wouldn't want us to be part of his training considering we passed level 20 cap together and he promised that we'd level up and train together. It did hurt a bit but then the cherry on top was the notification that NIGHTFALL was disbanded by the leader.

"WHAT!?" I slammed my hands onto the table looking at the notification in utter disbelief. I quickly ran over to rooms of other teammates to wake them up and ask them if they knew what had happened.

"He may know things we don't. I was cautious of that maid he had and seems like he left with her. He might've been manipulated or something." Barbara suggested but Kristine disagreed.

"I doubt someone like him can be manipulated. We were psychology students in college. Our lives revolved around such topics and someone like him has vast knowledge on such topics like gaslighting, verbal abuse and such. I refuse to believe he could've been manipulated. I think he did this for some other reason."

"But we three were his girlfriends and teammates. To leave like this... the utter disregard for his team! This disrespectful behavior can't be excused whatsoever!" Leisha scowled.

"I understand you are feeling all sorts of things but there must be things we don't know. He went up and beyond for me. He believed in me when no one did including my sibling. To hate him without evidence just doesn't sit right with me. I think we should continue on our journey and keep levelling up and recreate NIGHTFALL with me as the leader." Kristine suggested.

"I guess you're right. But still I'm SO mad. Tch." Leisha sighed.

Sunri was reading through the letter while everything was going on.

"So, it states he met with the regulators... or to be specific, the ascendants who are the top members. Ace is said to be so strong that he felt like he was too far below the ascendants and that he has spent quite a bit of time with this Ace guy. Do you think he agrees with the regulators and their philosophy?"

"That could be possible but regulators are a nasty bunch involved in all sorts of crimes. I wonder why he would associate himself with that group... But even then we have to let my classmates know." Kristine took the letter from Sunri and left the place.

"Do you trust Kenji?" Sunri's question caught us all off-guard.

"What do you mean? Of course! He is the apostle after-all and not only that, we did meet the four gods ourselves!" I couldn't possibly think Kenji is a liar.

"I would've thought the same too but association with the regulators changes everything... especially my opinion of him. He was influenced by this Ace to look for power in other side. A desolate land with monsters and remnants of those sinners.

I drew my sword out and pointed it towards Sunri.

"If your explanation makes sense to me... only then you'd make it out alive."

"On surface, regulators seems like an organized criminal group but in reality they want to overthrow the natural order and rule the world for themselves. The ascendants are... something. If I'm right then Kenji would be declared 'a threat to humanity.' We have to be cautious."

"YOU!" I was about to stab him but Kristine returned and asked us to come with her and meet with the king.


We were in the throne room with all the important figures. They must've used teleportation magic to get here... Is it that important?

"It has come to our attention that one of the summoned one has gone to the other side and has associated himself with the criminal organization named 'The regulators'. So in accordance to the royal decree, the individual named Kenji is declared wanted by the palace. Currently, we will refrain from labelling him as a traitor." A royal guard announced.

"I do believe he rejected the gods and divinity. He was weak and magicless. He may be feeling inferior since he was the weakest amongst us." Liam snickered.

"There was always something off about him anyways. Even in our own world he tried to come off as nice to everyone. He may be one of those selfish bastards who'd do anything for power... Betraying humanity for strength is disgusting." Kyle said.

"Weren't you his friend?" I asked.

"Who said that? He was just good with studying and allowed me to copy his stuff. I never liked him." He chuckled.

"Didn't he ignore a maid who was being harassed too?" Jennie said which made the whispers even louder.

"Its always people like him who turn out to be disgusting."


A few days had passed since Kenji's disappearance and people had been searching for him day in and day out but to no avail. He was in the other side and there were no known ways of getting there.

But rumors had been circulating that Kenji had instead of siding with the regulators, sided with the other side itself and non-humans which gave the palace enough reason to declare him as the traitor of humanity and a 'kill at sight' order was issued.


"See, blondie? Unlike you, I get things done." Ace smirked at the woman sitting at the chair marked 'Number 4'.

"Spreading rumors and manipulating him is not that big of a deal. And my name is Lizette... not blondie. You're number 13, so, better know your place."

"Hey, now... Even I know this isn't the place to fight. In his majesty's presence even..." A man spoke. He was somewhat lean but a bit taller than Ace. He corrected his tie and smiled softly.

"Lower numbers really need to keep their mouth shu-"

"Silence." His majesty spoke.

The room went silent instantly all paying attention to the king.

"Ace has accomplished the mission given to him and went up and beyond and brought us some crucial information about the origin. It saddens me to find out that the seven sovereign dragons were killed. Their deaths would not be in vain. Ace, what are the current location of Kenji?"

"He is missing. Last he was seen in the center of dead zone and informants have stated that he had a fight with the king of the dead zone."

"Wasn't Sapphire in the dead zone too?" Verga asked.

"She is on a mission so we can't confirm much information but he had defeated the king but lost to sapphire. That's where the informants state he fought another monster on the same level as the king but this time he was alone. Due to the severity of the situation, they left before confirming who won the fight. Ace has not emerged on the other side despite his last location being near the gate. It's safe to assume that he died against this spider." Ace said.

"Assume? No, I need confirmed facts. It could be that he defeated that monster and decided to stay in the other side for a bit longer." The king said in a slightly annoyed tone. "You're still young. The youngest in this room in fact. I would allow you to make mistakes but this is a bit too... moronic. I would expect better from you in the future."

"Yes!" Ace bowed his head slightly.

"Bringing down the prestige of the ascendants single-handedly... aren't we?" A male voice spoke from the dark. A figure walked towards the candle lit table and took a seat at number 3.

"And where were you?" The king asked.

"A slight delay in travel, that's all. Unforeseen circumstances. But the contract was signed but those Hughward aristocrats were sure pain to deal with. Such corrupt beings but for the greater good, I had to deal with them. We are granted the permission to set up camps in the nation and investigate as we desire."

"So, it was you, Ezekiel? Been a while since the assassination happened. How is Apus?" Ace asked.

"She is given to the professor." He responded.

"WHAT!?" Ace quickly stood up. "Wasn't it decided that she would live with my family?"

"Well... I don't care. Ask his majesty." He shrugged.

His majesty sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Professor... where is Apus?" His majesty asked.

"She is in the lab." The man who was sitting in number 8 seat spoke.

"Send her off to Ace's home. It was decided after-all and Ezekiel and professor... don't defy my orders." His majesty raised his hand and sent the professor and Ezekiel flying into a wall. He moved his hands upward and the two flew in the same direction before his majesty slammed them down in the floor before allowing them to move again.

"We apologize... bu-" The doctor received a death stare from his majesty and stopped talking and took the seat alongside Ezekiel.

"Our goal is to create a world where everyone is treated with dignity. I hope you thirteen don't start getting your own ideas and ruining our goals." His majesty said and all thirteen agreed.

"What is the next goal?" Verga asked.

"Once Sapphire is done with her dealings, we will start preparing for war."

And with this, we have reached end of Vol.1.

Ibhaniseyocreators' thoughts