
I got reincarnated to be greater than a god

Zane an average high school boy was killed by his own classmates after confessing his feeling to the school number one beauty, a certain god felt pity on him, and sacrificed one tenth of his power to the goddess of reincarnation and pleaded to her that she should use the sacrificed power to grant the boy any ten wish he wanted as well as a reincarnation and so that was how the goddess of reincarnation listened to her friend and helped Zane. Zane made the most bizarre wish, and with that he could even be stronger than a god.

Zenex6 · Fantasía
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22 Chs

life or death battle

in less than three minutes Zane arrived at the shrine with the elf on his back. "stop right there, this spirit shrine has been misused and because of that it's been sealed off. If you take a single step closer I'll end your life." The guardian of the shrine who was a white phoenix, it was a spirit being.

"Please, I'm here to save someone, it's urgent so please step aside."Zane said. "Your intentions matter not, the rule is absolute, in this world only the strong has the power to bend the rule."The spirit being said. "I see then in that case pardon me."Zane said as he carefully dropped the elf on the floor.

"I challenge you to a battle, if you win me I'll leave but if I win you get out of my way."Zane said as his magic power started to pour out. "A human child intends on fighting me for the sake of an elf, truly interesting but your bound to loose."the phoenix said releasing it's spirit pressure directly on Zane, Zane could withstand the pressure but with that he knew he met someone superior to him.

"come at me when ever you want."The phoenix said as Zane clenched his fist he dashed towards the Phoenix with a punch but he couldn't even get passed the spirit barrier of the Phoenix. "You're strong, but yet still weak, all those who have fought against me had died instantly." The phoenix said as it's eyes flickered causing Zane to bast off colliding with a three.

"it seems for the first time I'll have to go all out."Zane said as he stretched his hand forward, "icicle barrage."Zane said as hundreds of Icycle appeared around the Phoenix Zane clenched his fist as tall the icicles collided with the Phoenix but was still unable to phase it. "if that's all you've got then I'm disappointed." The phoenix said as it darted towards Zane with a ferocious attack.

Zane was able to dodge it by teleporting away, Zane teleported to twelve metres of the ground shooting a mega size boosted fire ball at the Phoenix with an explosive force of 1000 tons of TNT.

Zane didn't stop there as his hand was enveloped his fist.*Fire burst*Zane said landing a punch on the phoenix which exploded causing the Phoenix to fly back.

"I underestimated you."the Phoenix said as it opened his mouth, silver light of energy began to form directly front of it. [Zane you must not let this touch you, if it does it's the end of you.]

"shut up sage, if I dodge the elf's fight behind me, my attacks isn't affecting it, if you think enough you should know the perfect counter attack for this."Zane said with a smile. "this human isn't attacking, he underestimates the power of a spirit being's bomb, in that case I'll give it my all." The Phoenix thought to itself as the energy got several times larger.

"After the shot, it's defence would be totally low, that'll be my chance."Zane thought to himself as he closely observed the blast. The Phoenix released the spirit being's bomb as. it moved towards Zane at high speed. "Does he plan on taking the attack head on, what a fool" the Phoenix said as he watched the bomb advanced toward Zane, just as it was few inches from Zane. "perfect"Zane said with a smile as a blinding light covered him and the phoenix. "switch." Zane said as he an the Phoenix instantly switched position. "Ah I see, beaten by my own power." the Phoenix thought to itself as the bomb collided with it, there was no explosion as the bomb was absorbed by the spirit.

"What?, it nullified that attack."Zane thought to himself.

[Answer>no, that's how a spirit being's bb activate, the energy instantly enters the target exploding within it.] just as the sage finished telling him about it s resonating sound was heated followed by a release of light, The phoenix instantly fell in the floor as it had a pale colour.

"I did it," Zane said. [no it's a phoenix, the reason they're called «The undying» is because, if that was a physical wound, it would heal without any problem, but it was a spirit wound, so it's spirit which is it's main source of life is badly wounded but it still has a last resort. It'll burn it's remaining spirit energy to sustain it's life for a few minutes and with that technique it's twice as strong as it was before]

The phoenix instantly stood up brimming with light. "I underestimated you human, but as I die, you die with me."The phoenix said as it's energy began to explode sky rocketing.

"if that's the case then please, watch me kill you again. *enhance physique x5, full body mana boost hundred percent* Zane said as his magic power and physique went of the charts.

Zane stretched out his hand as a sword appeared on it, it was the sword his father gave him, his father said he didn't know how to use the power of the sword bit it's sharpness far exceed that he's ever seen.

*appraisal*Zane said teleportation backward putting distance between them. [spirit divinity affinity sword, (Tarawinzala):a weapon forged by the gods from thethe blood of the greatest spirit and the life source of the first angel, it is sharp enough to tear through dimension or even space and time.{ Ability: spirit lingering, soul cutter, super Sonic vibrating edge, anti spirit energy and <life extinction>≈locked}]

Zane placed as much mana as he could, putting all his energy into one strike. [soul cutter skill activated, soul lingering skill activated] Zane and the Phoenix dashed passed each other, with a flashing light the phoenix dematerialized turning into fragments of its energy which then entered Zane's blade.

"I did it" Zane said falling to his kneels

Happy new year guys‡**⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾

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