
I got Reincarnated, but My Wife is Now My Mother!

A man wakes up in another world as Lord Asa Sung Martindale, the successor to House Martindale. On the day of an attack by bandits, he awakenings not only his past life with his wife who is now his Mother. He awakenings a hidden power that threatens the entire Kingdom.

Bellstory101 · Fantasía
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12 Chs

I Got Reincarnated, But My Wife Is Now My Mother! - Chapter Eleven

Eleven Inns of us searching a whole day and exploring to find nothing. The Royal Army has recruited or constipated all mercenaries and adventurers in the city. All this bolstering of the army is pointing to war. 'The question is with who?' The last Inn was a major bust and the last respectable Inn in the city. That left the less desirable inns. Elene looks at my unease. Neither of us wanted to spend any time inside this establishment. It was our best shot at this point. 

"Anything even hints at being off, and we're out of here," I whispered.

"Right, Milord," Elene whispered.

"Let's not use Milord inside," I countered.

I led the way inside the Inn and tavern. A bunch of unsavory types hovered around the tavern. None of them look like the sociable types. We took a seat at the bar. The bartender seems busy with a patron. A barmaid greets us in his stead. She was one of only two, with the other doubling as a cook. The two girls were around my sister's age or mine. 

"What can I get for you?" the barmaid asked. "My sis over there can make anything you want," she added.

She and her sister were strikingly gorgeous to be working in a rundown tavern like this. 

"I would like a stew, please," Elene asked.

She seems to be enchanted by the barmaids. 

"Yes, young lady, one stew coming up!" The barmaid said. "Gwenn, an order of one stew! And for this young master?" she asked.

"One stew coming right up, Leia!" Gwenn said.

"I'll have the same," I replied. 

"You hear that sis? We got two stews!" Leia said.

Leia and Gwenn are identical twins. Leia fashions her chocolate brunette hair into a high ponytail, and Gwenn fashions her chocolate brunette hair into a top bun. They had oval faces with bright green eyes. The twin's genes bless them with high-angled cheekbones, petite button noses, and puffy lips. Their genes bless them even further with ample breasts. The modest bar dress they wore served to hide their very peachy bottoms. I enjoy their undeniable beauty as I observe them while they work. Although they were barefoot, I suspect they couldn't afford footwear. Leia sat on two stews in front of Elene and me. The steamy bow is full of meat and vegetables—a pleasant aroma emitted from the stew. I tasted a spoonful, and the sensation of pure, delicious delight filled my mouth. 

"So, how do you like it? My sister Gwenn is a master cook. We get all our vegetables and meat from deep in the forest," Leia explained.

'Her sister has the same name as my younger sister Willetta Gwenn Martindale.'

"It's very delicious, if I may say!" I replied. "You say you found all the ingredients deep in the forest?" I asked.

"Yes, my Leia and I go hunting every morning and forge for food. We're the only thing that keeps this place going. But, of course, the delicious ingredients are deep in the forest. So sometimes we have to hike a great distance all the way to the Gold Mountain Range," Gwenn revealed.

"So you've been through the forest, excellent hunters and exceptional cooks?" Elene questioned.

"Oh, well, if you put it that way, Leia said.

"You wouldn't mind taking a party through the forest, would you?" I asked. "I can pay," I said.

"Um, you really want to pay us to take you through the forest?" Leia questioned.

"Why not take the river or the main path?" Gwenn asked.

"We need a cook as well," Elene blurted. 

"It's probably better if we didn't take those routes. I can pay for you for your troubles," I explained.

"Yes, Milord can even hire you permanently if you want," Elene whispered.

"Milord??" the two barmaids whispered.

"It's complicated, but we are looking for a guide. Having skilled hunters and cooks would also be beneficial," I said.

"Um, how much pay are we talking about?" Gwenn said.

Elene had piqued their interest with the slip of Milord. The two young ladies were very focused on me now. Being in the service of the Lord is the preferred work. It's a guaranteed income. My memories of my father finding loyal and valuable servants flow into my mind. These two were perfect for what we needed.

"I can start with two gold crowns a piece," I stated.

Two gold crowns equaled one hundred thousand copper crowns, enough to set them for years. They could even purchase a tavern and Inn of their own. More than one, probably.

"You can't be serious, right?"Gwenn whispered.

I take four gold crowns from my pouch. Their eyes light up. There were at least one hundred gold crowns in my pouch. I never traveled with any less. According to Lord Alfred, buying off many thieves, bandits, or raiders with crowns was possible. Crowns have the ability to influence individuals from assassins to mercenaries to thugs to criminals, including even guards. The catch is to know who will be loyal. These girls were looking for security more than crowns. 

"We'll take you, but you better not try to do something weird or sell us to slave traders," Leia whispered.

"Milord wouldn't do that. I promise he's a fair and just Lord," Elene assured.

"Well, I don't know about all that, but I have no intention to harm or deceive you. But, on the other hand, I won't say it will be safe around me either," I admitted.

"If all you need is a guide, hunters, and cooks, then we'll do it. We can take care of ourselves in a bind," Gwenn said.

"That's great! Then we can leave when you are ready. Two of my friends are buying supplies. You'll need horses, so let's stop by a stable to get you two geared up. I think we all may need to gear up," I said. "By the way. Give this to the bartender. For losing the two of you. He doesn't look like much, but he's been caring for you two, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Leia questioned.

"Milord has a very precise intuition," Elene revealed.

"And Elene, here is the brains of our party," I countered.

Gwenn took the crowns to the bartender. He gave me one look and smiled as he hugged her. I could tell he was wishing them the best. I recommend returning her once everything is safe again. With our next task in front of us, we left.


I spot Nella and Lady Sophitia around the corner. Two horses pull a cart with an abundance of supplies. Two more pull a wagon. Elene almost skips off to see her older sister. I motion for the two barmaids to go ahead. My sister casually walks to my side. She'd noticed the same thing I did. It is evident that they had several shady individuals following them. Or, more to the point, Sophitia was being followed. I don't think her stalkers knew Nella was with her, although she did notice herself. So does Elene the moment she makes eye contact with her sister. Their bond is strong enough to convey the danger. They quickly turn off a different street. Sophitia nods to me, and we turn down the opposite street. I keep a close eye on our pursuits. The hood figures follow only us. 

"Those must be Royal Assassins or mercenaries. I spotted them after we left the market," Sophitia whispered as we turned down another street. 

"I counted five of them, but there may be more," I whispered.

"We'll lose them at the river docks," she stated.

The docks were close to where we were now. The Castle was east of our location. The others should have no problems getting back now. We can't take them. Not head anyway. I barely fought off the soldier's back during that ambush. Ahead, I spot another group. 'Crap, they're boxing us in!' We have to act quickly, or they'll corner us. I hastily pull Sophitia down a tight alley. I spring with her in town down the alley. We exit onto another street, and I take the following passage. The echoes of their loud footsteps drown out everything else. 'We need to break their line of sight long enough to lose them!' Then, I spotted a canal leading from the river. An access point under the sewage system is open. I point to it, and we hop over the railing and dash inside. Heavy footsteps continue onwards above us. They didn't spot us. 

"We got to go before they double back and find us," I whispered.

"You want to go in there?" Sophitia snapped.

"We don't have a choice," I countered.

Sophitia gave me the 'Oh No' face and followed me in. I use a broken stick and a piece of my cloak to make a torch. The tunnel is long and dark. 

"We just need to stay underground for a while. Then, the next exit, we'll take out," I whispered.

We both trek ahead, trying not to fall into the water in the canal. I can still hear footsteps above. It sounds like they have more help now. They could be behind us by now, but I don't hear anything behind us. Sophitia clings to my back. Memories of us as kids flood my mind. She was claustrophobic and afraid of the dark. When we were little, she clung to my past self this way. Only this time, I could feel her busty bosom. Her scent radiated to my nose, and it was sweet and cinnamon smelly. I try to keep myself together.

After all, Sophitia was the spitting image of a young Abigail. We'd married right out of high school and dated since junior high. It was hard seeing her as my sister with these past life memories. However, my past self was fond of his sisters. It was the one thing that kept him honest for a long time. Still, I knew my past self's reputation. It was terrible, awful. Outside of the Martindale Estate, I had few friends. None, to be exact. The stigma of not having magic in a family full of mages and warriors was heavy. Not being able to wield a sword just added to that stigma. No wonder my past self became lazy and complacent. Sophitia and my siblings were the few outsides of my parents that had faith in me. 

After a while, the sound of heavy footsteps above calms down to regular everyday traffic. We'd been down here for some time. An exit was coming ahead—another entry point from one of the canals. I peek out, and the coast looks clear. We both make our way onto the streets. A merchant cart selling cloaks and other clothing happens to be near. I motion for Sophitia to wait while I purchase some clothes and cloaks. The transaction is quick, and I return to my sister with the clothes. It is getting dark now, but the city guard is out in force, led by those hooded assailants. They had to be working with the Royal Army. Sophitia points out a rundown alley. We'd be staying in the stable behind an inn tonight. I quickly catch the stableman and offer him a few copper crowns to stay there tonight. The lighting was just dark enough that he couldn't see my face. With shelter secured, my sister and I found a lovely corner of the barn with an overview. Enough to give us a warning of approaching danger.

With our new clothes, I gave my sister her set and turned around. I can hear her undressing and look back to see her melons hanging freely. Her milky white breasts were stunning. On top of that, her rump was very peachy and round. I could almost see her cherry. When we were younger, before she left for the academy, she would always undress in front of me. I watch out of the corner of my eyes as she changes into a light blue gown with a black corset. We weren't used to wearing these garments, but they helped us blend in. Although I must admit, there weren't any undergarments available, so she was stuck wearing hers from her academy uniform.

On the other hand, my appearance resembles that of an adventurer since I wear brown leather pants and a blue shirt with a black leather jacket. We both have long black leather boots. Sophitia packs our clothes neatly into a burlap back. We settled into a comfortable spot. It wasn't much, but better than being out in the streets. We could return to the Castle in the morning once things have calmed down. 

"Do you think we'll see Father again?" Sophitia whispered.

"Yes, and when we do, we'll take back our house," I said.

"How could something like this happen?" My sister whispered.

I thought about what she said. Duke Issac has been a constant opponent to House Martindale. If it weren't for the three other branches of our family, he would have already tried something. Our mother's family is the main House of the Golden Peninsula. Over the past eleven generations, the King entrusted her family only with the care of this region. House Von Fannybonne is known for rearing the Kingdom's most elegant and beautiful woman. My great aunt is the wife of King Galen. It gave our mother's family tremendous power. Duke Issac Villanueva is married to two of my mother's distant cousins. Another branch family is the Von Beaulibonne. 

"Duke Isaac has been out to get our father, Count Asa, ever since our mother married him instead," I said.

"Doesn't that mean he's going against grandmother, the Duchess?" Lady Sophitia questioned. 

She leans against my arm, like when we were kids. I felt the softness of her breasts up against my arm. They were softer now that the high-quality clothing of her academy uniform was gone. Sophitia has a point. Our grandmother is the Duchess of the Golden Peninsula. Duchess Sophitia Novella Von Fannybonne. Both my sister and mother received her namesake. This conflict couldn't have happened without her knowledge. Duke Issac is literally invading her domain. He must have done something to her. The Duchess only left the peninsula if summoned by the King, which is rare. They were close friends as well. Our grandmother trained the King in his youth. King Galen would never allow another Duke to attack another, let alone invade Duchess Sophitia's lands.

"The truth is we don't know what is happening. Something isn't right in the Capital. The only way to find out is to go there. But I can't do that until our mother, Lady Aiko, is safe. That includes you, too," I whispered.

"No, Asa! I'm going with you. I can't let you go alone," Sophitia snapped.

"I might be the head of House Martindale, but you and Mother are both heirs to House Von Fannybonne. So if anything happens to you and Mother, our whole dynasty will fall," I explained.

"I'm coming with you regardless. That's final!" Lady Sophitia scolded.