
I got Reincarnated as a WHAT?!

In the every expanding multiverse there sits a colossal planet that orbits a binary white dwarf, this planet is called Tartarus. I know what you might be thinking and yes, it is hell. Although not in the traditional meaning of hell, it is a planet inhabited by thousands of different monster races and their many sub species. Due to its position in the solar system half the planet is forever covered in night while the other is forever in the light. Just like in myth and legend the night side of the planet referred to as, the Shadow lands, is home to all the races that thrive in the dark while the light side, Solaris, is home to humans, elves and many other light seeking races. Due to their natural instincts and the unique system given to the inhabitants of Solaris, the inhabitants of the Shadow lands and Solaris have been in constant conflict since the dawn of intelligent life on Tartarus. The inhabitants of Solaris make expeditions into the shadow lands in order to become stronger and achieve fame and fortune. While the inhabitants of the the Shadow lands are in a constant struggle to survive and kill the invaders from Solaris. This story takes us to the Shadow lands where a world changing event takes place that will forever change Tartarus and the lives of every soul within in.

Brandon_Randolph · Acción
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36 Chs

Chapter 9 Marbelium


Race - Goblin

Title - Nephelium's Successor

Soul Rank - Mortal (progressive)

E Rank

Strength - 80 (20)

Intelligence - 150

Stamina - 80 (25)

Dexterity - 80 (15)

Vitality - 80 (20)

Agility - 80 (25)

Magic - Infinite

Luck - Blessing of Fortuna

Available Attribute Points - 28


Awareness Rank F

Slash Rank F

Appraisal Rank F

Sneak Rank F

Craftsman Rank F

Aegis Rank E

Hallowed Ground Rank E

Magic Bullet Rank E

Innate Skill

Creation (Active) Divine Rank

Blessing of Fortuna (Passive) Divine Rank

Genesis (Active) Divine Rank


After walking through two different corridors several hundred feet long I finally reach the end and comes out only to be at a loss for words. Before me is a magnificent stone city that has been carved right out of the inside of the mountain. It's by far one of the most beautiful and amazing cities I have ever seen in my lives.

Having finally made it through that long corridor, damn that took a while, stepping out of the corridor I can't believe my eyes, there is a massive city before me that is carved right out of the center of the mountain. Stretching out before me is a massive bridge leading from this corridor to the main gate of the city, along the sides of the bridge are countless statues adorning the bridge, in between the statues are stone lamp posts holding sculpted fire crystals that have actually been carved into the shape of flames.

Along the floor of the bridge are countless patterns and designs covering the walking surface, every single one is unique never repeating the same pattern and each one is solid black trimmed with gold.

Now this is a bridge, this is the most meticulously crafted and magnificent bridge I have ever seen in my lives, it looks to be roughly a mile long, its going take a little while to walk across, well the sooner I start walking the sooner I'll be across.

After about a half an hour I makes it to the main gate of the city, now the question is how will I gain access to the city. I look around when I hear someone shout " Halt, state your purpose"!

Startled I look around and see a person coming out of a guard shack built into the wall next to the gate.

Race - Dwarf

E Rank

- Dwarves are a race of monsters that are famed for their love and genius in crafting. Out of all the intelligent races that practice the art of craftsmanship none can rival the dwarves. Although dwarves are known for their craftsmanship, they're also known for their love to drink and their short tempers. Never insult a dwarf's craftsmanship unless you're looking for a fight.

A Dwarf! I can't believe I've found a city of dwarves, no one has seen a dwarf in at least 500 years. They were thought to have been wiped out in the holy war 500 years ago when humanity made the biggest monster killing expedition in the history of Tartarus.

"I am but a humble adventurer master dwarf, I have stumbled upon your magnificent city unexpectedly", I reply to the gate guard.

"A humble adventurer you say, I've never heard of a goblin adventurer or of one that has enough intelligence to form a coherent sentence," the guard states.

"I am not your typical goblin, I am on a quest to conquer this crypt, on my way through this floor I stumbled upon the entrance to the mountain your great city resides in," I inform the guard.

"Hmmm, I can clearly see that you're an abnormality, I'll have to ask my captain about this, please stay there until I come back," the guard instructed me.

"Of course," I reply.

Several minutes later the guard returns, "I have spoken with my Captain, and we will allow you entrance into our city as long as you don't cause a disturbances," the guard says.

"I greatly appreciate being allowed into your great city," I say bowing my head to the guard.

The main gate opens slowly, dust falls from the tops of the doors showing that they have not been opened for many many years.

I wonder when the last time they opened this gate, if they haven't been seen in centuries, it's amazing that the door opens so smoothly even though it's been shut for so long. That just goes to show the amazing level of craftsmanship that sent into the construction of this city, even the exterior mountain door opened without a single issue.

Once the doors have opened, I make my way into the city, seeing the Main Street laid out before me, there are shops lining both sides of the streets with many dwarves walking around going about their daily lives. As I enter through the gate everyone immediately noticed and all the dwarves freeze and stare in shock, it seems that they haven't seen anyone come through the main gate before, let alone a goblin.

I begin to walk down the street looking at the different shops trying not to pay too much attention to all the stares and the murmuring going on around him. There are every type of shop you could think of, flower shops, shops selling food, shops selling alcohol, weapon shops, armor shops and the list goes on. Continuing his walk, I look for a general item store where I can sell some of the useless loot so that I can get some local currency.

After walking past dozens of shops I see a sign above a shop that reads, "Zanders Goods and Services", walking into it there are several counters with various items for sale. So I walk up to the main counter where a friendly looking dwarf greets him.

"Good day to you dear customer, welcome to me shop, how may I be of service to ye"? Zander asks me cheerfully.

"Good day sir, I'm looking to sell some of my loot in order to acquire some of the currency used in this great city, I've newly arrived and unfortunately I have no money and I'm unfamiliar with how your city's economy works." I reply to Zander in a humble manner.

"Ah I see, well I'll be happy to be the first to help out a visitor of our great city. Our city's economy runs off of coins known as "dwarblooms" there are silver and gold dwarblooms. Normal everyday items can be purchased with silver while more luxurious or exquisite items can be purchased with gold. One thousand silver is equal to one gold, so that way you won't have to walk around with thousands and thousands of coins on you in case someone tries to rob you due to having a giant purse," Zander informs James with a knowing look upon his face.

"I see, that is very beneficial ha-ha, I was worried I'd have to carry countless coins on me at all times, I'm glad that isn't the case. I don't have a lot of items on me due to my lack of storage space but what I do have I'd like to sell to you if that's ok," I explain humbly.

"Of course, of course, I'll gladly purchase the items you'd like to sell," Zander replies.

After showing Zander all the items, he offers me five gold and five hundred silver for all the loot that I have on me.

I gladly take what he offers as it will clear out my backpack, after giving him all my items and grabbing all the coins I ask him if he knows where I can rent a room in a local inn so I can keep exploring the city.

"Sure thing, if you exit the shop and go right and continue heading up the Main Street, you'll come to the main square you can't miss it due to the giant fountain in the center. In the main square you'll find one of the best inn's in the area and the best part is they aren't overly expensive, and they have great service," Zander says cheerfully.

"Thank you so much for all your help and for educating me about your city, I'll make sure that once I have more items to sell, I'll come back and sell them to you," I tell Zander before leaving his shop waving goodbye.

Following the directions, I was given, ten minutes later I come across the main square Zander described. The fountain in the center is in fact hard to miss, I mean how can you miss a twenty feet tall statue in the center of a fountain.

Looking around the square, at all the different buildings, I finally find the inn that Zander referred me too.

A modest two-story building with an elegant front door surrounded by many different flowers that look like they're from the endless field by the teleportation circle. Above the front door hangs a beautifully crafted wooden sign with metal lettering, "Anita's Casita."

I enter the inn and immediately feels the most comfortable atmosphere, it feels like coming home after a long journey, the rich aroma of food being prepared fills the room. In the center of the lobby there is an exquisite round fireplace warming the room, around the fire there are several tables for patrons to sit and enjoy a nice meal. Towards the back there is a spiral staircase leading up to the second floor where all the rooms are. Next to the staircase sits a long counter, sitting behind the counter sits an elderly dark skinned female dwarf that radiates kindness and love.

I walk across the lobby area and approach the counter that she is sitting behind and greets her with a smile.

"Good day miss, I'd like to rent a room please," I request politely.

"Hello dearie, my name is Annie, welcome to my inn, we just so happen to have one room available. We charge ten silver a night, which also pays for breakfast and dinner, how many nights would you like to stay dear"? Asks Annie in a kind and gentle tone.

"Can I rent the room for a month or is that to long"? I ask uncertainly.

"Oh no no, you can rent it for as long as you have the silver to pay for it", Annie replies with a warm smile on her face.

"That's great, I'd like to rent a room for one month then please", I say with a smile.

"That will be three hundred silver for a one month stay," Annie informs me with a warm smile on her face.

"Here you go, I count out three hundred silver from the five hundred I got from selling my items," I hand over the silver and Annie hands me a medieval looking bronze key that goes to the room I just rented.

"This key will allow you to lock the room for your security, not that we have any problems like that here, but it never pays to be safe," Annie says with a smile that seems to brighten up the room.