
I Got Caught Lying To A Domineering CEO

After running away from home, Guan Ju accidentally picked up a drunk domineering CEO on the streets. She needed a place to stay for the night while he needed to vent his frustrations. It was a night of passion and they were unusually compatible, so they decided to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and got married. After their marriage, Guan Ju was considerate, sensible, and flirty. She never asked the domineering CEO about his work, and just stayed at home and be his decoration. The domineering CEO surprisingly doted on her, showering her with expensive gifts every day. But Luo Han always liked to pretend to be miserable in front of his wife. “I’m just a worker who helps his boss manage the company.” One day, Guan Ju was flipping through the financial news when she saw the domineering CEO’s photo. Luo Han returned home to a dark Guan Ju with the interview article placed beside her. “Care to explain?” Luo Han felt guilty. “He might be my twin brother who was cast out on the streets.” Then, Luo Han was schemed by bad guys, and his wife came to his rescue, displaying maximum combat ability. She could even remove bombs with her bare hands! Everyone was wailing, but Luo Han hugged his wife and explained on her behalf, “My wife is weak, so none of you can bully her!” Back at home, the domineering CEO pressed his wife down onto the bed and asked in a low voice, “How should I hold you accountable for lying to me?”

Cold Charm · Integral
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

My Illegitimate Child

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

I have my marriage certificate!

The woman was in a daze as she clenched her teeth tightly.

Her name was Bai Wen, and she was the eldest daughter of the Bai family. She had been obsessed with Luo Han for a long time, but he had always been cold to her.

When she heard that Luo Han had a woman in his private villa, she immediately asked her subordinates to find a child and pretended to be mother and son, trying to scare the woman away. However, after going through all that trouble, she had not expected the other party to have already gotten a marriage certificate with Luo Han.

A legal couple!

Bai Wen did not say anything further, but Guan Ju was also sizing her and the little boy up.

There was something wrong with these two people.

They did not seem like mother and son.

Every time the boy cried, he would look at Bai Wen timidly. His clothes did not match hers at all, and they seemed to be of completely different social statuses.

Guan Ju's gaze turned cold. "Tell me, who exactly are you?"

Bai Wen suddenly came back to her senses. Her voice became sharper and more ear-piercing.

"I'm Ah Han's woman. This is his son!"

"Aren't you going to tell me the truth?"

Guan Ju cracked her knuckles and walked toward the woman coldly.

The screams of a woman who was being beaten could be heard from the entrance of the villa.

Not long after, Bai Wen lay on the ground covered in wounds. She could not move at all.

"With that level of IQ, you're still trying to extort people?" She was not even interested in exposing her lies.

Guan Ju spat at her in disdain and looked at the boy beside her.

"You, come with me."

Guan Ju brought the child into the house and slammed the door shut.

The boy followed her into the living room. His body trembled again and he swallowed his saliva nervously.

This woman was too scary. With just a few blows, she had beaten Bai Wen into a pulp. Her body was covered in wounds and she was completely unable to resist.

Seeing her look at him, the boy raised his hands in fear. "Don't hit me."

"That depends on whether you tell me the truth or not." Guan Ju raised her hand, and her words carried a strong sense of threat.

"I'll tell, I'll tell."

The boy quickly nodded and explained that he had been found by someone and tasked with acting as her child.

"She is Bai Wen."

Guan Ju rubbed her chin, and her eyes revealed a thoughtful look.

The eldest daughter of the Bai family was quite famous, and she had heard a few things about her over the past two years. However, she did not expect her to have been so stupid as to drag a young actor to her doorstep.

Simply ridiculous.

Perhaps Bai Wen felt that a fight between women would involve nothing more than jealousy. She would use some petty tricks to force the other party to leave in sorrow.

However, she did not know that such tricks were completely useless in front of her.

Thinking of this, Guan Ju pointed her finger at the little boy. "Do you know what you did wrong?"

"I know."

The little boy lowered his head and clenched his fists pitifully. "I shouldn't have cooperated with her to lie."

"You're still quite sensible."

Guan Ju clapped her hands in satisfaction and made him stand by the wall. "Stand up straight and don't move for half an hour."

The boy did not dare to resist and obediently did as he was told. Guan Ju got up and went over to tidy up the kitchen.

How this matter would be handled still depended on the other party.

Not long after, Luo Han rushed back. As soon as he entered the doorway, he saw a small figure standing by the wall.

Was this... standing punishment?

He frowned and looked around. He found Guan Ju, who was busy in the kitchen, and quickly stepped forward to grab her by the wrist.

"Whose child is that?"

"Mine," Guan Ju casually replied. Luo Han's body suddenly stiffened.

"How could it be yours?"

He had looked up her details and history. Where did this child suddenly come from?

Guan Ju smiled and pushed his hand away. She tilted her head and looked at him with a grin.

"I'm not lying. That's my child. It's my illegitimate child."

Illegitimate child!

These two words thundered in Luo Han's mind.

He suddenly pushed her against the wall.

The distance between the two of them suddenly narrowed. His breath swept across her face, scorching and seductive.

"Say it again."

Luo Han's low and magnetic voice pulled at her heartstrings.

"Who exactly is that child?"

A dangerous light flickered in his eyes.

Guan Ju rolled her eyes and nodded carefully. "It's an illegitimate child."