
I got a farmland in apocalyptic

I got a farmland in apocalyptic world

deepak_Joshi · Fantasía
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41 Chs

Rainbow Diamond Sword

After hearing the system's origin, "deepjoshi" and the farmland system (mona) became more friendly, and now it's time to get some


"Deepjoshi, though, that before he goes to the dungeon.

He has to go to the hunter association for re-examination of his hunter license for more privilege.".

It's now time to acquire some equipment as "deepjoshi" and the farmland system (mona) grew closer after gaining knowledge about the system's origins.

Deepjoshi believes he must visit the Hunter Association before entering the dungeon.

For additional privileges, he must reexamine his hunting license at the hunter association."

"In front of the hunter association, "Deepjoshi showed his hunter license to the association guards," and the guards let him in., He went straight to see Mira, the receptionist, who had given him the "hunter license" earlier.

"Deepjoshi," asked Mira, the receptionist: "Hello, madam, I would like to reevaluate my hunter license

The acceptance Mira expressed shock! and uttered, "What? She "smiled at him bitterly," adding, "You're that student, to which I gave the license three days ago, right, and you know right, for the re-examination candidates have to awaken there."

Deepjoshi: "I know, ma'am, and I have already awakened my superpower," he said, his face a little agitated.

Mira: "I was just kidding with you, but I know you've already awakened your superpower." Subsequently, she placed a tiny printer-style device on the table, attached with a circular crystal ball, and instructed him to apply a drop of blood onto it.

When "Deepjoshi" dropped a drop of blood onto the crystal ball, it began to respond.

After a minute, the crystal ball turned black and gray. A little while later, an ID card bearing details about his status and capabilities emerged from the machine.

Hunter license


card number: hu2957


Level: 2 (f-class)

Name: Deepjoshi

potential class: S+(...)


Hunter type: space (offense)


abilities: teleportation, portal

"Deepjoshi" received a lot of questions after the hunter license was examined again., such as what could happen if he gained experience points and triggered his new ability.,"Then he has to go to the hunter association every time for a hunter license?

and he asked about his queries with Mira out of curiosity.

Deejoshi was informed by Mira that "he doesn't have to come every time for hunter license reexamination" because the license's level and ability numbers would change Automatically., His hunting license has a small crystal on the top right side that appears when he places a drop of blood on the back of it.

When "deepjoshi" "flipped" his license later, he discovered a "small crystal" in the upper right corner.

Deepjoshi then asked Mira another question about how he could find a dungeon without searching the city.

Mira informed him that he only needed to register for the "rain" application on his phone using his hunting license number., and it would locate him a suitable dungeon close to his location.

"He thanked Mira and went to a nearby dungeon, which was located in a small open area and was an F-class white dungeon.".

"There is less information about this dungeon because it was an uncleared dungeon.".

"He wants to go into the dungeon, but he is aware that if he goes in "unprepared," he will undoubtedly perish there.

Thus, he decided to start looking for better gear.

He discovered a blacksmith shop close by, in a sense, and went inside. When it comes to some equipment, the store owner is sitting at the table watching a movie while there isn't a single customer in sight.

He said, "Sir, I want to buy some equipment for the dungeon raid." to the store owner

The store owner said, "Go look at the left corner; if you find anything there, come at me," without turning to face him., The price can be discussed.

Deepjoshi then set out to find the sword and armor that fit him the best. He looked around and discovered a chest plate, high-quality leather, an iron chain pant, and leather gloves in the corner.

But He did not discover a sword that fit him.

Just as he was about to walk away, a voice he was aware of suddenly appeared in his head.


Host, the best weapon for you is a rainbow diamond sword. Rainbow diamonds are the sharpest and hardest material on the planet, and once I apply my unbreakable ability to them, they will become the world's most invincible sword.

"Deepjoshi"—what is that? If you remained silent, I would have almost forgotten about you. It seems like I've already forgotten about you.

If this sword is so great, how come no one knows about it "Are you kidding me?"

System (mona): Rainbow diamond swords are difficult to find and only appear in dungeons. They resemble iron swords with blue paint applied to the blade, and because of their well-made handle with a nice grip and intricate design, people mistakenly believe that the sword was forged by a local blacksmith. and get confused.

"Deepjoshi": Whatever, I need a sword in any case. and because System suggested it, and in my opinion, the sword looks better at least."

When he had taken "equipment" and "sword," he proceeded to the store to ask about the cost of "equipment" and "sword."

"Deepjoshi": How much is the sword and this equipment worth, shopkeeper?

Shopkeeper: The equipment costs 100 points, or $10,000, but the sword costs 50 points, or $5,000. The total cost comes to 15000 dollars, or 150 hpoints."

Although Deepjoshi believes the equipment is expensive, he acknowledges that the sword is well-made and composed of rare materials.

boss: How about it? I'll give you an 80-point.

blacksmith: I'm not going to offer any discounts. Please don't disturb me if you don't want to buy; if you do, you must pay.

Deepjoshi simply left the shop after hearing those arrogant words, but the blacksmith followed him and said,

Blacksmith: Little one, where are you going? I was joking around. That depressing movie ending flustered me, which is why I said what I said. I apologize, young one. Would you like to purchase that sword and the associated items for 50 hpoints and 5,000 dollars?

Deepjoshi: All I have with me are H points, not dollars."

The blacksmith said, "Aha!" "You can pay 45 points and I'll give you $500."

Deepjoshi: Present me with the QR code, and I'll give you 45 H points.

He paid him 45hpoint after scanning the QR code, and the shopkeeper gave him $500 by the agreement.

After the transaction, the store owner remarked, "Hum, what a fool." That stylish sword I discovered in the F-class rat dungeon is for display only, not actual use, hehe.