
I Gave Birth To The Male Lead's Child

Having died in a plane crash, Camille believed she was lucky to have gained a second chance at life when she woke up in a different body. So her surprise was great when she soon realized that the world she was now in seemed awfully familiar to the novel she had read a long time in the past. She could not remember much about it but was absolutely confident of one fact. “The male lead did not have any children!” She growled while looking at the bulging belly that was beginning to get noticeable. The novel she had read was about a cold and stern male lead who did not experience love at first sight but slid down the slope called love in a gradual and well-preserved manner. Even the woman he had eventually fallen in love with was someone comparable to him in all ways. They shared similar traits of being the best and not settling for less which was something that Camille had liked about the novel. However, there wasn’t much to read about two perfect individuals falling in love with each other. Hence she had absentmindedly completed the book before throwing it in the back of her mind, thus forgetting about it until now. But who would have thought that she would end up inside that very novel she had disliked for its characters being too perfect? Not only was she inside that novel but the body she possessed was a nameless passerby who would soon be giving birth to the male lead’s child. Yet Camille was confident that there had been no mention of the male lead having children with anyone throughout the novel! At the same time, the vivid memories of the night the original owner of this body had spent with the male lead were also irrefutable. Therefore, considering all sides of the story, there was only one path she could choose in this situation. “I will stay away from the male lead and let him have his slow-burn romance with the female lead!” She declared what she would do and was determined to see this mission through to the end. However, the man who kept approaching her made it seem that her mission was in jeopardy before it could even begin. __ Camille: I might lose my life if I get too close to the male lead… Male lead: When did I ever say that!? __ This novel has pregnancy, adorable babies, child care, and a whole lot of fluff~

ObsidianOrbs · Ciudad
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35 Chs

Plans Of His Own

'Father?' Christopher sneered when he heard that word.

If he had known who the father of his little sister's child was then he wouldn't be here, sitting like a fool, in the first place.

'I would be smashing his face into a pulp!' He gritted his teeth, visualizing how he would deal with the scumbag who dared to touch his sister.

Camille's pitiful face, as she revealed that the father of her child wasn't even aware of her existence, was sufficient to throw his mind into a frenzy, wanting to punch the vile human who had slept with her without even knowing who she was.

He had always known that his sister was far too mild and even had an issue with her self-esteem.

Though everyone around her loved her immensely, she believed that she did not deserve it and often diminished herself which caused her self-worth to take a hit.

She had been this way throughout her younger years, only staying close to those she knew and never taking the opportunity to go out of her comfort zone as she feared the worst at all times.

Thankfully, when she met her best friends in middle school, she was able to grow out of her shell though it was only a little.

Nevertheless, Christopher was glad she had met Daniella and even that annoying man, David, who both became her best friends whom she could trust and be her true self with.

Even as an adult after she graduated from college and started working, Camille did not have much contact with others excluding the chosen few she preferred.

Therefore, Christopher could not figure out who exactly she had slept with that ended up with her being pregnant right away.

This was what he had been mulling over ever since he had brought her home.

He headed straight to the office upstairs and had been trying to think of a way to get this unidentified man to take responsibility for what he had done.

But to make that happen, he needed to figure out the identity of this mysterious man in the first place.

From what he had heard from Camille, the man she slept with was someone she had admired for a while.

While she had feelings for him, she was satisfied with looking at him from afar and was unwilling to let him know about her heart.

However, when she got the chance to get closer to him, she gathered her courage and this was how she had managed to spend the night with him.

Despite learning that she had gotten pregnant after that night, she chose to keep this a secret not just from that man but from her family as well.

She did not wish to burden him with this news and hence has no plans of letting him know of the night they had shared.

This information which he had received straight from the source was giving the elder brother an insidious headache as his sister was adamant about keeping the child even without the father's involvement.

While Christopher might have agreed to her wishes as he feared that she would end up breaking all familial ties with them if he insisted otherwise, he had plans of his own.

He would not let that man get away with what he had done and make sure that he was taught a good lesson at the same time.

However, he would have to put this plan into action secretively as his sister had already disclosed her stance on this matter.

She refused to give up the name of the man so he could only work in the shadows to figure out his identity without her knowledge.

Whatever he did, he needed to work quickly as his sister was already three months pregnant and soon people would be able to tell once her belly started growing which meant that he had limited time to work in.

While such thoughts were swirling in this young master's head, the door was knocked on and the butler appeared in this office.

The old man's latest question once again reminded him of his duty as an elder brother, causing Christopher's eyes to darken with determination and displeasure.

"You will know soon." He answered without revealing any names as he too had no clue about who the father was.

However, revealing this truth would bring negative connotations about his sister's character, and hence he had steered clear from disclosing the identity of the father.

Butler Quan was smart enough to not pry but as always, another question appeared in his head.

"Shall I inform the Master?" He inquired and caught how the young master had flinched at the very mention of this new person.

The Quan family, to which he belonged, had served the Lin family for the past three generations.

Their family was loyal to the Lins and from each generation, one capable and articulate youngster was chosen to serve the Master of the Lin family wholeheartedly.

His father, when he was still alive, served the previous head of the Lin family, Christopher and Camille's grandfather and to him, this man was his Master.

On the other hand, he, Abel Quan, was the current butler who served the current Head of the family, Walter Lin, and treated him as his Master.

Each Butler served only one master so while he respected and took orders from Young Master Christopher, his allegiance lay somewhere else.

To him, his Master came first and he would obey every command that came from his Master.

Hence his first reaction after learning about the Young Miss's pregnancy was to inform his Master, who along with the Madam wasn't in the country right now.

Though it was late at night here, it would be bright and early in the morning for them.

Therefore, his suggestion to reveal the news of her pregnancy to Walter Lin, her father, was not a bad one.

However, Christopher froze when he heard this and displayed all the tell-tale signs of unwillingness.

This observation made Butler Quan wonder if he had done something wrong but found no reasonable explanation for such a theory.

After all, the parents needed to know what was happening in their child's life and pregnancy was a big news that they deserved to know.

"They will cut short their vacation and return right away if they hear about it." Christopher coughed before disclosing his justification for being against the Butler's suggestion.

The current head of the family, Walter and his wife had gone on a vacation for the first time in many years and the couple had been too excited about it, planning it for many months before their actual trip.

However, if they heard about Camille's unexpected pregnancy, they would rush back home which in turn would ruin their trip.

Though they would not think of it as a wrench in their plans, they would still be unable to thoroughly enjoy the vacation they had planned together.

This was the excuse Christopher had come up with as a means to stop the Butler from informing his father right away.

A light of understanding flashed across the old man's eyes when he gave this matter a little thought.

His Master had recently given up the entire authority of dealing with the company's matters to his son and had decided to go on a long trip around the world with his wife.

This trip was his Master's attempt to spend more time with his wife which he had been unable to do for a long time due to work obligations.

Hence, this trip held special meaning for the old couple who had gone abroad to visit their favorite holiday destinations.

They had been away for the last few months and if everything went fine, this trip would continue for another month and a half.

However, if he informed his Master right away then the trip would come to an end almost instantly.

He had witnessed his Master meticulously putting together the itinerary of this trip so he was aware of just how excited his Master was to spend time with his wife.

Therefore, hearing the Young Master's explanation, hesitation appeared on his face as well.

Christopher, who had been watching him with bated breath, finally let out a sigh of relief upon noticing this subtle change in him.

Though he too was aware of how excited his father was for this trip, he had another reason for delaying this news from reaching them.

"Let them safely return from their vacation before we inform them." He added in a whisper as though he was trying to brainwash the old man whose loyalty surely lay elsewhere.

"Young Master is right." Butler Quan nodded his head in understanding once he realized that this was the right thing to do.

He felt guilty about concealing this information from his Master but steeled his heart when thinking of the reason he was doing so.

He also resolved to take excellent care of the Miss during this time as reparation for keeping his Master in the dark.

"They will be back in no time…" The Young Master continued to whisper coaxing words nonchalantly to the butler who kept nodding while convincing himself that he was doing the right thing.

In the meantime, Christopher clenched his fists as these words also worked in reminding him that his parents would be returning soon.

'I should find that man before they get back…' He gave himself an ultimatum as his safety could not be guaranteed after their return.

Poor Butler Quan is being brainwashed and he's fallen for it...

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