

Cynthia did not have time to remember where he had seen him she had to think of how to save her life first.still the driver was driving slow.cynthia looked at behind again and asked the guy who was behind "sir may i drive the car please at Least i can save our asses than your driver,am really sorry for putting you guys in this fucking mess" she said looking very pitiful just like a kitten asking for milk.

The boss just looked at her and told the driver "let her drive"the guy said with no form of emotion in his face.

The driver put off his seat belt and was unlocking the car to get out when Cynthia yelled,"don't get out do you really hate your life that much? See eehe if you don't love your life i love mine so much .the moment you open that door you will be shot dead and i don't want to see your body dead so go to the back seat"

The driver and the guy who was carried was astonished on what they heard.

The driver went back to the back seat and Cynthia told them to fasten their seat belt.she took off immediately,she was driving so fast that the people behind were feeling dizzy.

The more she drove fast the faster the motor bikers drove .she reached a junction and did a u turn without warning and turned around again and continued driving heading forward.she had knocked down two motor bikers who were closer to her .

This made her very happy and she was cheering as she drove .Cynthia's phone started to ring and she picked it up.she did not wait for the caller to say anything before she said,"where are you mother fucker you should be backing me up,"

"Am right behind you protecting you as i should,just wondering why are you running"it was Bruno .Cynthia's private bodyguard."lets show this guys what you are made of" he continued

Cynthia stepped on the brakes and looked behind on the side mirror .she put on a cape and looked behind her to the people inside the car who were now wondering what will happen next.

They have never come across such a crazy woman before.The driver was shaking while Alex was shocked on how Cynthia conducted herself it was like she is born in the military or the mafia family.He was getting more interested in this shocking girl.

Earlier he heard told his assistant to investigate on this girl but they could not find anything.Alex had the best informers and their information was very valid that would be gotten in seconds and thos mysterious girl still they got nothing even her name.

"Here !she took out her card and gave it to Alex "once everything is finished contact me and we can meet and maybe discuss the payments,another thing sell this car as soon as possible they might look for you people and i would not want that ,do you get it?"she continued

She opened the door and walked out as soon as she got out


Cynthia got shot ,before she fell on the ground she checked who shot her and it was BRUNO!

YOU ARE SUCH UN ASSHOLE ! That's what Cynthia said before collapsing on the ground.

She trusted him.

Bruno and the motor bikers turned around and left.They thought she was dead and so the goal was accomplished.

Alex opened his door and picked Cynthia up and got inside the car and took her to the hospital.He then called his assistant."i want the heads of all those men that were on those motor bikes you have 24hrs.

The truth is Bruno tricked Cynthia to get out of the car because the car was bullet proof but he should have checked who is the owner of the car fast before doing such kind of an despicable deed just infront of him.

Alex took Cynthia's phone to know the last person that called .He was sure that the last person that Cynthia spoke to was involved in that shooting.

As they were about to enter the hospital another car came blocked their entrance and men in black came out.There was no time for Alex and his driver to react when they opened the back seat and took cynthia away.

They did put her in their car and left.just as Alex was about to follow the car another car stopped them and a fine man who looked about 40 years old came out.He had an aura of a king and he stepped so elegantly like somebody who is about to conquer the world .

Alex on seeing him he also stepped out of the car.His suit was filled with blood and his face was stiff .

The fine man put his hands in his pocket and removed something,it was a cheque ."Thank you so much for taking care of my daughter but we will take over from here,take this"handling over the cheque to Alex "it might help you to repair your car and your suit,also have this card of mine .we can do business if you don't mind"he gave his business card and left before Alex would answer.