

*Just an mtl translation of a dude that faked it till he made it* _____________________________________ Sypnosis The worst criminal in history: the fraudster Power: Turn false into true (no superior) When Lu Ming, who was sealed in the endless hell and had the unnatural ability that as long as enough people believed, falsehoods could become reality, a chat group appeared in front of him and interesting things began to happen~ Quantum Immortality Infinite Chaos Sutra Omniscient Authority · Beginning One thought of the vast verse ……… As long as I fool enough chat group members, I can control everything and be omniscient and omnipotent!

Slothful_Cliche · Cómic
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94 Chs

It's Better to Destroy this Boring World

Lu Ming tilted his head and looked at the entire group of jars, not just the top crystal king jar, but the entire store function, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Can a simple task, which is not that troublesome and difficult, really bring so much gain to the chat group?"

The changes to the group store this time were indeed a bit too big. The task was not difficult. They just saved a world and killed a few so-called reincarnations. The strongest ones were put back by Lu Ming, and there were only a few level-six's at most. Harvesting around level 1 requires energy conservation. A few level 6 harvests are really enough for this chat group to derive level 9 items?

He had obviously looked like that before, but there was something wrong no matter how he looked at it.

"Two possibilities. The first one is that on the basis of group tasks, the chat group may have a deeper contest with the Reincarnation Palace, and win a big victory and gain huge gains? Or another possibility, lose money and make a profit?"

No matter which possibility it is, Lu Ming is now very interested in the items in the Crystal King Jar. If he has an idea, he will know if he tries it.

There are a total of twelve items. Lu Ming spent 12 million points. Can the chat group still give it to him?

"I remember that I seemed to have been awarded a management privilege before..."

That thing was of no use to Lu Ming, so he just glanced at it and threw it into the corner. Now he found it, just because Lu Ming remembered that the authority seemed to be used to recruit people~~

In this chat group, the only way to get a lot of points is through tasks, and tasks are completely random. The more group members there are, the greater the possibility of triggering.

Sure enough, when the administrator's authority was found, "Zero Seven" did have the authority to invite group members, and there were quotas every month.

"Three quotas are enough~"

Lu Ming did not hesitate and directly chose to use the three invitation quotas in the chat group.

In an urban world, at night, in a dark corner, Ming Yanwei, who has been deliberately dressed to look more curvy and hot, is now filled with fear and despair.

She originally planned to have a wonderful night with her boyfriend, but as a result, with the appearance of several gangsters, her boyfriend made a desperate choice, gave up saving her, and chose to run away alone.

At that moment, the whole world fell into darkness!

Ming Yanwei curled up as hard as she could. It wasn't too cold tomorrow, but what she felt was a biting coldness. This coldness even surpassed the few people next to her who spoke dirty words and were ready to use their hands and feet at any time.

Now there is only one thought left in her mind, why did he run away? Why? Why??

Doesn't he know what the consequences will be if he runs away now?

Puzzled, confused, full of why, and then, these countless whys all turned into resentment, deep resentment.

"I will never forgive him. I will never forgive him in this life!!"

The restless gangsters who had been attracted by Yanwei's hot body had their eyes glowing, and they couldn't help but move towards her. Feeling that the light was gradually being blocked, Ming Yanwei's body became increasingly cold. At this moment, there was only one thought left in her mind.

Gods and Buddhas in the sky, demons in hell, help me, help me!

Even if it costs my soul, please help me!

Perhaps the harsh demands in her heart had an effect. A stream of light cut through the void and suddenly landed in front of Ming Yanwei. At the same time, a mechanized voice rang in her ears.

[Congratulations on being invited to the Dimensional Chat Group. Do you agree to the invitation?]

A light seemed to suddenly burn in the dark and dead heart. Without any hesitation, Yanwei roared with the greatest strength in her life: "Agree, I agree!"

Although she doesn't know what this is, it doesn't matter. As long as it can save her, she won't refuse even the power of the devil!

This thing that suddenly appeared and obviously had otherworldly power was her only chance, the only one! There was no reason to give up no matter what!


The world of Xianxia, ​​the demon world.

The demon world in the world of Xianxia are basically places of chaos and violence. There are countless battles and riots all day long. Chaos, fighting, blood, violence, and destruction... These are the main themes of the demon world!

There will never be a master in the demon world. Even if the master of the demon world appears once, it cannot conquer the entire demon world. There are countless people who disobey discipline. The creatures in the demon world seem to be unruly!

The previous lords of the demon world were basically in the same situation, but until a special lord of the demon world was born, the entire demon world was completely unified. No monster dared to resist, and no monster would be dissatisfied. There is only one reason: this lord of the demon world is really ...too strong!

This Lord of the Demon Realm is far more powerful than the previous Lords of the Demon Realm. There will never be two masters of the Demon Realm in the future. There is only one way to become the new Lord of the Demon Realm, and that is to kill the previous Lord of the Demon Realm!

And this lord of the demon world only used three moves to kill the previous lord of the demon world. He is the strongest demon lord in history, Mo Zun luo!

An invincible demon who travels across the three realms, seeking only one defeat!

In the demon world, continuous visions cause the world to change color from time to time.

At this time, two people were fighting. One of them was a huge bull demon. Among the three realms, the bull demon used his strength to show off his power. He was the most powerful among the hundreds of tribes in the three realms.

The bull demon in front of him was superior to ordinary bull demons in terms of physique and demonic aura. Above his head were mighty horns, demonstrating his identity.

The Bull Demon King, one of the most powerful demon kings in the demon world, is said to cause disaster whenever he appears!

At this time, the bull demon king was looking majestic. It was a huge bull demon body with a height of one hundred feet. It could break the earth with just one move of its hooves, and it could destroy a thousand-foot-tall building with just one hit. When a mountain collapses, if you use your own magical power of the Bull Demon, every move you make can cause changes in the sky. The power is extremely terrifying, and it can be called the most extreme existence.

Opposite him was a tall man with a solemn and majestic face, a pair of diagonal corners on his head that seemed to rise into the sky, and his whole body was filled with an unspeakable domineering and majestic power. This was Mo Zunluo!

At this time, Zunluo remained silent, holding one hand behind his back and fighting the opponent with the other hand.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

It was just a head-on collision between a pair of fleshy palms and the King of Bull Demons, who is said to be the most powerful.

However, the pair of fleshy palms were not damaged at all. Not only that, but every time he waved his palms, after the fierce collision, the result was the Bull Demon King being repulsed time and time again, often causing the earth to sink deeply and smashing mountains into dust.

At this time, the top demon king, in front of the demon Zunluo who was just hiding one hand on his back, didn't even have the power to parry, and was just being played with like a doll.

How sad.

In the empty land, all that comes to mind is the painful cry of the Bull Demon King's back pain, and the sound of the earth's mountains and rivers being continuously cracked.

Finally, this weird battle stopped, not because the winner was decided, but because they were no longer in the mood to continue the fight.

Demon Zunluo, who was carrying one hand on his back, looked bored: "The power of the bull demon is nothing more than that, boring~"

Boring, really boring, even if he puts a hand on his back, even if he suppresses 99% of his own strength, he still pushes everything!

Being invincible for too long brought him only loneliness and boredom!

He is really lonely now!

Opposite him, the poor Bull Demon King manifested a humanoid body, raised his face that was already bruised and swollen, and said with a dry breath: "The Demon Lord is so powerful that no little demon can resist it."

"The little devil knows that he is no match for Lord Demon. Fighting against him is really an insult to him. I can only hope that you will soon meet an opponent who can fight with all your strength."

The hidden meaning in the words is, boss, please, can you find someone else to trample you?

It is said in the Three Realms that the Bull Demons have simple minds and well-developed limbs. Now it seems to be complete nonsense. The Bull Demons are not stupid at all but they've never needed a reason to use their brains extensively. You are not strong enough to make them give up their fists and use their brains instead.

And the person in front of me is definitely a person who can make him use his brain willingly. If not, the result will probably be his brain being knocked out!

Hearing this, the Demon Lord looked down at the building with a leer, and immediately sent the Bull Demon King flying away.

Then, Mo Zunluo lowered his head and looked at his slender and powerful hands, but his eyes showed endless loneliness and maddening boredom.

"It's been three thousand years, Fei Peng, it's been three thousand years. Without you, I feel really lonely. Where are you~~"

The next moment, a rage born from being tormented by loneliness suddenly rose in his heart, and the Demon Lord suddenly raised its head to the sky and let out an angry roar!

Behind him, a terrifying beast suddenly appeared, with wings on its back and two horns on its head, and then it let out a terrifying roar...

"I need an opponent, an opponent who can make me fight with all my strength!"

"After all, who else can fight me, who else can fight me!!!!"

The angry roar, carrying the irrepressible and almost rioting demonic power in the body, triggered a great change in the entire demon world. The entire demon world trembled violently, and the void in the demon world

Under this angry roar, it twisted and collapsed, and the entire demon world was about to collapse!

In the angry roar of Demon King, the top demon king in the demon world, the Bull Demon King, was directly destroyed by the wave of destruction generated by this angry roar, and could not even stop him!

Boring, boring, the stronger he gets, the lonelier and more painful he becomes. Now, the entire demon world is almost unable to bear his power. With this power, who can fight him?

The more he think about it, the more violent Mo zunlou becomes!

It's better to destroy such a boring world!

And at the moment when the invincible Demon Lord had dangerous thoughts because he was too lonely, suddenly, a stream of light fell from the sky, carrying some kind of special power.

Feeling the sudden appearance of something in the sky, Mo Zunlou suddenly raised his head, his lonely eyes full of interest.

"This kind of power is interesting, strange, and I have never seen it before."

"Well done, well done!!"

The next moment, this invincible Demon Lord did something that no other member of the group had ever done before. He raised his hand and struck out with one move!

In an instant, the bloody light blade soared into the sky, shattering the void, carrying a power that nearly tore the sky apart, and fought towards the stream of light.

However, the next moment, all the blood-colored light blades disappeared the moment they touched the stream of light. They disappeared strangely, leaving no trace left.

Seeing this scene, Mo Zunlou not only did not get angry, but became a little excited, and even the demonic power in his body began to become more active.

"Good, very good!"

"Come on, fight me! Fight with all your strength!"

"Let me see how far you can go!"

This Demon Lord, who is clearly on top, doesn't care what the stream of light is at this time, be it a weapon or a living being. As long as he can fight with him, even if it is just a ray of light, so what?

The fighting spirit began to surge, and the terrifying magic power that far exceeded that of the previous masters of the demon world began to surge and surge.

However, the next moment, the entire stream of light disappeared directly from the sight of the Demon King.

Mo Zunlou's figure froze, his demonic power and fighting spirit were raised, but his opponent suddenly disappeared. At this moment, Mo Zunlou almost went berserk, and his lonely eyes glowed red.

This is a sign that Demon Zunlou is about to go berserk!

However, the next moment, a sound of ice-cooling machinery sounded in Mo Zunlou's ears, but he, who was about to go berserk, was once again stagnant.

[Congratulations on being invited to the Dimensional Chat Group. Do you agree to the invitation? Yes? No?]

If he had no interest in this inexplicable thing one moment, then at the next moment, Mo Zunlou's lonely eyes shined with unprecedented brightness.

[The members of the group come from all across dimensions. There is a secret overlord, a world that has taken human form, they are immortal demigods, heroes from ancient myths, and even God who controls the power of the sky. Do you agree to join?]

The previous sentence was just an invitation to ordinary group members, and Mo Zunlou had no interest in it, but this explanation was obviously deliberately added to him, and it directly touched Mo Zunlou's heart.

Have fun!

People from all over the world, top figures in all worlds!

These are all...opponents!!!!

Perhaps, we can find an opponent who can really make him fight with all his strength?

Just when he thought of this thought, Mo Zunlou's whole body trembled slightly, "That's a sign of extreme excitement!"

"Agree, agree, agree!"

No matter he is an immortal god or the strongest in the world, as long as he fights with him, as long as he can have a happy battle, it doesn't matter what he does!