

*Just an mtl translation of a dude that faked it till he made it* _____________________________________ Sypnosis The worst criminal in history: the fraudster Power: Turn false into true (no superior) When Lu Ming, who was sealed in the endless hell and had the unnatural ability that as long as enough people believed, falsehoods could become reality, a chat group appeared in front of him and interesting things began to happen~ Quantum Immortality Infinite Chaos Sutra Omniscient Authority · Beginning One thought of the vast verse ……… As long as I fool enough chat group members, I can control everything and be omniscient and omnipotent!

Slothful_Cliche · Cómic
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94 Chs

Battle Throughout The Hellscape: A Hundred Fold Increase

Under the horrified gaze of the Ghost-faced Demon, a pure white hand, completely wrapped in light, suddenly reached out, held the Demon's head and pressed down hard!


Centered on the spot where the Ghost Faced Demon's head hit the ground, the entire ground was divided into two parts, forming a bottomless crack!

The next moment, the hand holding the Ghost Faced Devil's head was pulled back, and the Ghost Faced Devil instantly came to Lu Ming, raised his foot, and kicked him suddenly.

On the ground, a shadow began to slide on the ground with terrifying force, crashing into countless mountains one after another, and finally disappeared completely - at the end of the horizon.

All the actions were completed in a series, from start to finish in less than one second!

After doing this, Lu Ming stood there, clenched his fists, and showed satisfaction on his face.

To be honest, he has always been too strong!

Whether it is the Final Titan incarnation or the Sky Incarnation, once the combat power is fully activated, it will destroy everything at every turn, and the shape is even more excessive, especially the Sky Incarnation, and other galaxy levels, which only means that its own power is enough to shake a galaxy and his body is really comparable to a galaxy!

How can such a big body fight happily? Direct collision with the body is enough to solve all the battles at or below the same level!

However, that feeling is not pleasant. It is very simple. Is it better to hit people with your fists or to use yourself as a weapon to hit people? The answer is obvious.

Not only that, even if the body of the incarnation of Heaven is not revealed, even if it is only loaded with the power of the incarnation of Heaven, it can easily crush the planet like a glass ball. Under that kind of extreme destructive power, Lu Ming cannot enjoy even a trace of fighting!

But it's different now. Under the strong oppression of this special world, he can fully display all his power. While fighting happily, he can also have a thorough understanding of the world.

How strong am I?

Saitama cannot understand how strong he is because he has no opponent to fight with. Everyone is killed instantly. But Lu Ming not only has opponents, but also has a venue where he can fight with all his strength!

Lu Ming's whole body is blooming with pure white light, like a ray of light. This is the most extreme state of the human form incarnated by the sky, which can completely reveal all its power.

Standing in the void, looking at a direction: "*sigh* how long do you need to hide?"

"That blow is not enough to kill a real galaxy class!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure appeared on the edge of the sky. The next moment, their body suddenly turned into a stream of light and appeared in front of Lu Ming. Then... He punched down. Lu Ming did not dodge, clenched his fist and also punched welcoming him.


Between the sky and the earth, a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose up, and a deep pit with no edges visible appeared on the earth. Everything in it seemed to be completely swallowed by darkness, leaving not even a trace of anything behind!

In mid-air, two streams of light are galloping and colliding at extremely fast speeds. Every collision can cause violent roars and a terrifying force spread!

The clouds in the sky continued to be torn apart, and mountains were destroyed in the aftermath of the battle. The entire 45th floor of Final Hell seemed to be baptized by two terrifying beasts, and large areas continued to collapse.

Belonging to the periphery of the area controlled by the Ghost Faced Demon Lord, countless monsters are running away as fast as crazy!

It's so scary, it's so scary!

Every moment, large areas will collapse!

The terrifying aftermath, even if a star-level statue accidentally touches it, will be instantly destroyed by the killing wave and turned into ashes.

More than one star class has been completely annihilated into nothingness because they did not escape fast enough!

At this moment, no matter whether they are the superior star-level ones or the weakest native lemures, they are all as pitiful as ants under the feet of elephants fighting. Under the destructive power that seems like a natural disaster, the only difference is that one runs faster and the other dies for being slow.


There was another collision in the void, and while the aftermath annihilated a large area, the battle temporarily stopped.

The Ghost-Faced Demon Lord walked out of the mountain that was smashed through by his body, and opposite him was Lu Ming, who didn't seem to be injured at all.

Lu Ming was not injured at all, but the Ghost Face Demon Lord, had an obvious crack, and the verdict was made!

The Ghost-faced Demon Lord did not continue to attack for the time being, but stretched out a hand and slowly stroked the cracks on the ghost's face, as if he was meditating and lamenting.

Lu Ming didn't bother with sneak attacks or anything like that, but he also didn't take action again, just quietly watching the ghost-faced demon who was in a daze.

After a while, the Ghost Faced Demon Lord spoke, his voice still majestic.

"You are very strong. You are not far from the median galaxy level. You are the strongest opponent we have faced in thirty million years!"

"You're not bad either~~" Lu Ming was telling the truth. Since he escaped from the Infernal Prison, this was the first time he had been fighting so happily. The most important thing was that the other party endured the beating!

"It's very enjoyable to fight with you. This enjoyable battle has revived my fighting spirit that was almost wiped out by the erosion of the will of the abyss."

"Your fist is very heavy, and it is that heavy and strong fist that reminds me of my true identity!"

"Oh~ true identity?"

"Well, the real identity!"

"I am a member of the Ghost-faced Clan, the King of Mad Warriors who emerged once in a thousand years. I was corroded in the duel with the Abyss and turned into the Ghost-Faced Demon King I am now!"

"But just now, the blood of mad war in my body is resurrecting and boiling!"

"The combination of the blood of the Mad Fighting Emperor and the power of the abyss..."

"Next, you will see my power that transcends the limits of race!"

While muttering to himself, the Ghost Faced Demon Lord's hand holding down his ghost face began to exert slight force.

Click! Click! Click⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

The sound of breaking continued to sound, and the next moment, the entire ghost face shattered, and a violent, unparalleled, ferocious, and heaven-shaking crazy fighting spirit filled the entire world.

Boom! B-Boom! B-Boom...

The crazy beating sound of the heart resounded throughout the world. Along with the astonishing beating sound of the heart, blood-red magic lines surged all over their body. In just a few breaths, the entire body of the Ghost Faced Demon Lord was completely dyed red.

The high-raised head lowered, and at this moment, the entire face of the Ghost-Faced Demon Lord disappeared without a trace, replaced by a pair of blood-red eyes, wild, violent and "almost without any sense!"

"This is...the power of the Mad Fighting Demon!!!!"

With a roar, the land collapsed, and the Ghost-Faced Demon Lord rushed in front of Lu Ming at nearly ten times the previous speed.


Even Lu Ming, who had been prepared for a long time, was still knocked away without any surprise at this moment!

Next, it's a barrage of fists that followed, raining down on Lu Minh

Continuous and endless, it enveloped Lu Ming's entire body like a violent storm!!!!

There is not even a shred of defense, only an all-out attack!

Every punch, every move, the power is far greater than before!

Moreover, with the endless combos, the power of the Ghost Faced Demon Lord is constantly increasing, doubling the power almost like Derieri's Combo Star!

Twice... Five times! Ten times!!!

Until the last punch, the power was superimposed to...a hundred times!!!!

Lu Ming's entire body penetrated directly through the earth and sank deeply into it.

One breath, two breaths, third breath!

Pure white light lit up from the depths of the earth. There was no earth-shattering explosion, as if even the sound had been annihilated at this moment.

As the dazzling and beautiful white light dispersed, after all the visions dissipated, everything disappeared.

The land on the 45th floor of Final Hell, starting from the position where Lu Ming was, has all disappeared.

That last punch blew up half of the 45th floor of Final Hell!

"It's over~~"

The Ghost Face Demon Lord murmured, and covered his face with one hand again. The Ghost Face previously destroyed began to slowly revive, and at the same time, the strength of the Mad War Demon Lord also began to fade away little by little.

The Ghost Faced Demon Lord did not go down to look for Lu Ming, and there was no need to look for him at all. In the past, before he fell, turning on the power of the Mad War Emperor was enough to fight across levels. Now, the Blood of the Mad War Emperor has been upgraded to a stronger Mad Warrior. With the blood of demons, his power increase is even more exaggerated.

Under that punch, it was impossible to survive at the median galaxy level!

Everything is over~~

The Ghost Faced Demon Lord turned around and was about to leave.

However, he had just taken a few steps when suddenly, a voice sounded behind him.

"Just left like that?"

The ghost-faced devil's steps suddenly stagnated, and then he suddenly turned around. The eyes on his ghost face showed only shock.

"How is it possible, how is it possible that you are not dead yet!!"

Lu Ming moved his body: "I have to say, your blow was really strong and it really killed me.

The next moment, Lu Ming smiled and said: "But did you really think killing me will be enough to make me die?"

The Ghost Faced Demon fell into silence for a long time, and then he spoke: "Do you have the power of resurrection?"

"No, that's not right. There is no positive resurrection power in the Final Hell. Even if there are some special resurrection methods, it will need to bypass the strong supression of the abyss."

"I have never felt any powerful fluctuations in the power of the abyss. It is a talent, a talent that is uniquely yours!" The Ghost Faced Demon Lord said in a very affirmative tone.

The next moment, the palm of his hand was pressed on his ghost face again.

"Even if it is really a resurrection talent, it can only be used once in a short period of time!"

"If I can't kill you once, then I will kill you twice, three times, or even ten times!!"

With the shattering of the ghost face, the ferocious, cruel, and war-like aura reappeared!

With only half of the land left, mountains collapsed again, and the Ghost-faced Demon once again launched an unmatched offensive against Lu Ming with no less power than before!

One time, two times... ten times... and finally, until a hundred times the power is superimposed!!

Lu Ming was blown up again without any surprise. This time, the Ghost Faced Devil did not drive Lu Ming underground. On one hand, there was not much ground left on the 45th floor of Final Hell. On the other hand, he also took a closer look. Can the other party continue to be resurrected?

One second, two seconds... Gradually, half a quarter of an hour passed. Lu Ming's completely beaten body showed no sign of resurrection.

The ghost-faced devil was relieved, and he gathered his ghost face again and sealed his power.

Although the power of the Mad War Demon is powerful, the damage to itself is also quite terrifying. If it had not been transformed and blessed by the power of the abyss, he would not be able to use it a second time in a short period of time!

And even with the assistance of the power of the abyss, using the power of the Mad War Demon twice in a row, the ghost-faced demon's body has already suffered serious backlash!

According to the estimation of the Ghost Faced Demon, he can use the power of the Mad Fighting Demon at most three times in a short period of time without losing his original strength!

If used again after three times, it will cause almost irreparable damage to the origin. If used more than ten times, his body may collapse directly!

If it exceeds twenty times...his soul will be completely shattered into dregs, even if he has the protection of the abyss

There may not be a chance of resurrection anymore.

Fortunately, this difficult duel is over.

Turning around again and preparing to leave.

"You're just leaving like that? Have you beaten me enough?"

The previous situation reappeared. The Ghost Faced Demon was silent for a while, turned around again, and stared at Lu Ming with his eyes: "Impossible, I am absolutely sure that you had no life force at all."

"What a sign of resurrection ability do you have!!"

"Resurrection?" Lu Ming spread out his hands: "I never said this was a resurrection ability~~"

As soon as he finished speaking, he cut off his own arm with a strike of his hand knife. Then, under the ghost-faced devil's eyes, the chopped off arm reappeared at an extremely fast speed.

A Lu Ming was formed.

Two Lu Mings, one on the left and one on the right stand next to each other!

The Ghost-Faced Demon Lord glanced once, twice, three times...

In the end, his eyes were sore from looking at it, and he didn't notice any difference between the two people opposite him!

The most important thing is that not only are the two people exactly the same, but the power within their bodies is also exactly the same!

This is so f**king outrageous!

Ghost Faced Demon Lord can be sure that this is not an illusion, let alone a power like a clone, but a more terrifying, even weird power!

The broken body can be split into complete individuals at any time, and the power in the body has not weakened at all, it is exactly the same, what the hell is this!

The Ghost Faced Demon doesn't want to fight, he wants to leave. In front of such a monster, what's the use of killing the opponent multiple times? One of the opponent's arms can split and grow into a new individual at any time.

Only by hiding some of his body parts can Abyss know how many times it can be resurrected. His explosion cannot withstand this kind of torment.

However, the Ghost Faced Devil wanted to leave, but Lu Ming was not ready to let him go.

With a flash of body, two individuals, one in front and one behind, blocked the Ghost Faced Demon.

The Ghost Faced Demon Lord's face turned completely gloomy: "What do you want?! I can't kill you, but you can't kill me either!"

"There is no point in continuing to waste time!"

"Meaning? What do you need that kind of thing for? Now, I just want to beat you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the two Lu Mings jumped him at the same time.

Before Lu Ming's power is activated, Ghost Faced Demon will be invincible to one Lu Ming, let alone two!

With no choice but to do so, the Ghost Faced Demon had no choice but to activate the power of the Mad War Demon again!

The skin turned deep red again, and the Ghost Faced Demon Lord exploded with momentum. With one against two, with the blessing of the power of the Mad War Demon, he just blew up the two Lu Mings!

However, not long after, Lu Ming's figure appeared again and rushed towards the Ghost Faced Demon without saying a word.

Under Lu Ming's coercion, the Ghost Faced Demon had no choice but to continuously stimulate the power of the Mad War Demon again and again!

Finally, on the seventh time, after killing Lu Ming, the Ghost-Faced Demon Lord spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and his aura was rapidly declining!

The eighth time, after killing Lu Ming, one of Ghost Faced Devil's arms exploded!

The ninth time, even with a hundred times the power, it took the Ghost Faced Demon Lord several minutes to kill Lu Ming!

His body was too weak at this time, his origin was severely damaged, his body was in tatters, and his aura had faintly fallen to the galaxy level!

As expected, Lu Ming's figure quickly reappeared.

But this time, unexpectedly, Lu Ming did not continue to attack the Demon Lord, but stood quietly on the spot.

The Ghost Faced Demon Lord took a mouthful of blood and said coldly: "Why don't you continue to take action?"

"My body has reached its limit. If you attack me again, you will definitely drag me to death."

However, Lu Ming shook his head: "No, it's not necessary. I have already got what I want."

The Ghost Faced Demon Lord's eyes narrowed: "Thing? What thing?"

"You want to see it? Won't you regret it?"

What is regret? He, the majestic Ghost-faced Demon, has never regretted it even if his body has been damaged like this, let alone looking at the other person's body inexplicably.

"No regrets!"

This time Lu Ming didn't speak, he just looked at the Ghost Faced Demon and smiled slightly, which was a little weird.

The next moment, Lu Ming put a hand on his face. This familiar action suddenly made the Ghost Faced Devil's eyes suddenly shrink.

An illusory ghost face suddenly appeared on Lu Ming's face. Then, Lu Ming pinched it hard and the ghost face shattered!

The next moment, the power that the Ghost Faced Demon Lord was so familiar with began to rise from Lu Ming. A violent, unparalleled, ferocious, and crazy fighting spirit like fighting against the heaven and the earth began to rise from Lu Ming.

In just an instant, golden lines gushed out from every part of his body. A moment later, Lu Ming completely transformed into a golden man!

Seeing this scene, the Ghost Faced Demon Lord completely changed his expression!

How could he be unfamiliar with this look? This was clearly the purest state of activation of the Mad Fighting King's power!

Although it is not as powerful as the Mad War Demon, it can be superimposed to the extreme and can explode with twenty times the power. It is the most powerful foundation of the Ghost Face Clan and the strongest genius of the Ghost Face Clan.


"How is that possible? You are obviously not from the Ghost Face Clan!"

"No, that's not right..." At the critical moment, the Ghost-Faced Demon Lord suddenly came to his senses and his eyes widened.

"You, you have been pestering me not to fight, but to copy the talent of my Ghost Face Clan!!!!"

"Correct answer, but unfortunately there is no reward~"

Lu Ming is indeed copying the power of the Demonic Demon, but the process is not as simple as the Demonic Demon imagined.

Lu Ming continued to use various methods to inject his own immortal cells into Ghost Face's body through the process of resurrection again and again.

Normal injection of immortal cells can directly resurrect the host body, but the Ghost Faced Devil is too powerful, and the ability of the immortal cells is greatly suppressed.

Even so, the process continued time and time again, allowing the immortal cells to lodge in the Demon Lord, absorbing his power, and then escaping. The little things added up to the big ones, and finally the accumulated power was complete.

After accumulating enough power belonging to the Ghost Faced Demon Lord, and with the help of the Omniscient Eye, Lu Ming obtained a counterfeit version of the power of the Mad War King.

That's right, even in the end, this kind of power was only a bit imaginary. Although the Ghost Faced Clan didn't know what kind of race they were, just looking at the Ghost Faced Demon in front of him

You know that within a race, individuals can reach the galaxy level. In this case, the talent's ability can also exert a huge effect, proving that the level of this talent is definitely not below the galaxy level, maybe even beyond the galaxy level!

How could such a level of innate ability be obtained so easily?

However, the Ghost Faced Demon Lord's 'smart' guess just now, had completed the last part of the falsehood!

Now, Lu Ming has finally obtained this powerful natural ability that can increase combat power twenty times!