
Missed show

❤️I finally met you ❤️

🎻 Episode 1🎻

Subtitle ( missed show)

James p. o. v

Wow it really time for the show , I woke up saying those words out loud . I have to wake Justin up before it gets too late, he is having a show in Chicago tonight by 8pm and this is almost 7pm. I walked downstairs straight to Justin's dance room , I got to his suddenly something struck my mind . Guess I didn't introduce myself . Yeah am a rich rude nigga , Justin only brother am fifteen but have got all what any lady really ever what . Is it car? Or money ? Or mansions? . I have everything . All girls dance to my tone . Am just a replica of James . And if you wanna know how I look search goggle .

Hey bro , I said walking into his room but holy shit he won't just open his eyes . I need to get a lady tonight and I will really spoil her legs badly 😉.cause am crazily horny .

Oh I guess we drank too much that what make us sleep that much . I tapped him gently making him fully awake .

Justin p. o. v😍

I was dreaming about my damsel which I met two years ago when James tapped me making me fully awake .

Oh jeez , I didn't introduce myself pardon my manners . Am proud to tell you who I am. Am Justin Manda American richest idol not only rich but also handsome. Sapphire blue eyes, sunbleached hair and soft pink lips. I love music and that why I made it my career .

Hey dude , what's up for now I asked trying to sleep back .

You don't mean it James said checking my closets .

Mean what I asked

Have you forgotten you have a show tonight ? He asked with a smirk .

Oh that cool , I will try to prepare now I said .

Don't try he said

Huh ? I asked

Don't try to prepare , do it right away ..

Okay I replied


Oh jeez don't start drooling over me cause am wearing a black sweat pant, black jacket and a white tux with a white sneakers and a golden necklace with my diamond earring on my left ear .. and a white cap cause with Justin written on it and a face mask

Written by Tee lizzy