
I Fell into the Age of Mysteries

That day, he transmigrated into a body that was not his. That day, he encountered a fog that blocked everything. That day, he arrived in a completely different world from the one he was used to; he now found himself in a world with strange phenomena occurring. Will he be able to achieve something extraordinary? In a world full of dangers and hidden existences, his existence seems to be hidden among any branch of any leafy tree. Still, a strange, gently flowing river seemed to drown his sorrows and give him some visibility in a world full of mysteries.

Junni_MC · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs


What a pain!

How painful!

Shit why does my head hurt so much!

Luke Moran, who moments ago was sound asleep, felt an abnormally throbbing pain in his head as if he was being hit with a stick mercilessly over and over again. No, it was more like a sharp object was in his temples, followed by a twist.

Ouch... In a daze, Luke Moran tried to move, to look up and make some movement; however, he was utterly unable to move some of his limbs, as if he had lost control of his body.

While still in his daze, he struggled to control and introspect his thoughts. No matter how hard he tried, he would lose concentration, and various thoughts would pop into his mind.

Why does my head hurt so much all of a sudden?

Could it be that I've been hit and didn't realize it?

Could it be that I am experiencing something like a cerebral hemorrhage?

The pain flooded him, slowly allowing him to gain strength until, finally, he was able to open his eyes slowly. His vision was blurry and tinged with a little red; all he could see was a floor made of stone slabs covered with a blanket of dust and dry leaves.

With his limited field of vision, he saw some parts, a floor that had given way, forming small holes where moisture had settled, creating pools of stagnant water.

The air was permeated with the strong smell of mold and rotting wood, mingling with the faint aroma of incense.

After briefly looking at his surroundings, the sharp stabbing pain in his head subsided a little, allowing him to gain more strength and more control of his body.

Making a great effort, he raised his head and scanned his surroundings.

Luke Moran glimpsed a crumbling vaulted ceiling, with large holes letting in beams of "crimson light" that illuminated the dust suspended in the air, giving the place an ethereal and enigmatic atmosphere. The wooden beams, some fallen and others about to give way, creaked with every gust of wind.

The wooden benches, lined up in uneven rows, were covered with a thick layer of dust and cobwebs. Some were broken, with splinters and rusty nails sticking out. The stained glass windows were now a mosaic of glass shards. Some still remained in place, but most lay scattered on the floor, reflecting what little light there was in a sad rainbow.

The contrast between the darkness of the night and the crimson glow that filled the space gave a sense of solemnity.

This... Luke's eyes widened like saucers at the unfamiliar sight. However, before he could open them fully, his brain protested with a stabbing pain, which caused him to temporarily lose his strength.

After taking a few deep breaths, the sharp pain in his head subsided again, allowing him to gain strength again.

Luke put his hand to his head and frowned in pain.

Letting out a long sigh, he lowered his palm and felt a strange substance emanating a feverish heat.

He looked at his hand, puzzled, not understanding what was happening.

The initial contact with the strange substance was gentle, but as he felt the thick, slimy texture, panic gripped his mind as it mixed with a slight pain that he could not comprehend. It was a sensation alien to any experience he had gone through before, and his mind struggled to understand what was happening.

Luke's pupils dilated, and as he saw his bloody hand, his mind went into chaos; as he tried to comprehend what was happening, many confused thoughts arose in his mind.

Why is my hand bloody?

Why do I have a head wound?

How am I alive?

Ah, what a fucking headache!

His thoughts were quickly cut off when the stabbing pain returned with much more force. No, it was not as if a sharp object had pierced his head. Rather, it was as if a thousand burning daggers were piercing his head, cutting it into many pieces.

After a few seconds of intense pain and deep breaths, the sharp, stabbing pain in his head gradually subsided.

Luke exhaled at length and, making a titanic effort, got up and walked with feeble steps to the nearest wooden bench.

Sitting on the damp, rotten wooden bench. Closing his eyes and opening them again, Luke began to analyze his current situation.

His gaze swept over the place quickly, and then he fixed his gaze on a massive hole in the ceiling, where he saw a beautiful starry sky and a crimson moon covered by clouds.

This... Luke immediately let out a sigh as many forlorn and confused assumptions arose in his mind.

It's in an unfamiliar place, and the crimson moon that looked different from Earth's moon could only mean one thing!

C-could he have transmigrated? Luke opened his mouth slightly and frowned.

He had read several web novels, reincarnation-themed and more, often fantasizing about scenes like the one he was experiencing now. However, he momentarily found it challenging to accept the situation when he found himself in one.

This is probably what the protagonists felt when they transmigrated.

Within a minute, Luke had already cursed himself as he went through a denial stage.

Besides, if it weren't for the still throbbing headache that made his thoughts tense but clear, he would definitely have suspected he was dreaming.

Calm down, calm down, calm down... After taking a few deep breaths, Luke worked hard to stop panicking.

At that moment, as his mind and body calmed down, memories began to flood him as they slowly appeared in his mind.

Grey Benedetti is a citizen of the Leonesse Kingdom of the Northern Continent, Brumavela County. Coastal city of Opalus. He recently graduated from the Opalus Private School of Historical and Linguistic Studies...

His father was a sailor who died mysteriously by drowning while fishing...

His mother is devoted to the Goddess of Justice and Order. In addition, she became the pillar of the family after the death of her husband and was the one who paid for the private school of Historical and Linguistic Studies of Opal de Grey...

He also has an older brother and a younger sister. They lived together in a three-bedroom apartment...

His family was not wealthy, and their situation could even be described as somewhat precarious. Currently, the family is supported only by the little money generated by his mother and his older brother....

As a history graduate, Gray was fluent in the ancient Sansk language, which is considered the origin of all languages of the northern continent, and the Sumerian language that often appeared in ancient mausoleums and texts about sacrificial rituals and prayers...

This... Luke was momentarily stunned by all the memories that were not his own, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

With that, Luke was no longer in doubt about his current situation; he sighed softly and shook his head with a wry smile. "Really, I've transmigrated..."

Sighing, he crossed his legs and closed his eyes.

After a while, Luke organized his thoughts, stood up, and walked with weak steps to where a piece of glass was on the floor.

In the reflection of the glass, he saw a young man of athletic and charming appearance appear...

It has an approximate height of 1.79 meters and a slim build but with some muscles.

With a chiseled and attractive face. Their eyes are cerulean blue, and his irises look like layers upon layers of undulating cerulean waves stacked one on top of the other...

Hair has a blackness that rivals emptiness, with a small amount of white hairs mixed in...

With a long-sleeved white shirt and black pants...

Is this me in the present? Grey Benedetti?

Luke was momentarily stunned. Since there was insufficient illumination at night, he failed to see something clearly.

Unsure of what he saw, since there was not enough lighting in the place, he looked at his appearance again to see precisely the same thing, but this time he saw something he had not noticed before: his head had a bullet impact in the temple!

"What...?" Luke couldn't curse as he watched in the reflection as the wounds on the body slowly closed unnaturally.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

He felt indescribable fear and horror throughout his entire being as he saw the bullet impact and how they were recovering. Luke recoiled with an expression of pure dread falling on his buttocks, which caused his head to ache again, and he could not control his thoughts, which were random and confused.

Ah, shit, why is my head hurting again?

Why do I have bullet wounds on my head?!

How am I going to be alive if I've been shot in the head!

Why am I in this body that is not mine?

After a while, Luke managed to control his thoughts as he panted heavily, feeling that he could lose his mind at any moment.

Between gasps, he sat down on one of the rotten benches, closed his eyes, and many unknown thoughts ran through his mind.

As the silent crimson moonlight faintly illuminated the interior of the place.